Prayers of gratitude and intercession

  • Assembly activities

    Connecting with people is at the heart of MWC Assemblies. Participating in local tourism and serving with local ministries provided another chance to connect.

    “I get a lot of value and joy out of helping people,” says Daniel Beachy, who signed up for a service activity. “It was a lot of fun planting trees knowing that they will grow to feed future people that attend the seminary”

    Others went to an orphanage where “Singing together with actions helped to bridge the language barrier,” says Gerald Neufeld. Participant Hakjoon Ko (“Joe Ko”) taught a Korean song with actions that urged children and volunteers to learn something new.

    “I learned from young volunteers that whatever work is done, it has to be done happily. All of them were always smiling and discharging their responsibilities,” says Ranjana Nath.

    Some tours encountered barriers in seeing the sites, but “We met new people from US and Canada and had a great feast together, sharing our views and culture,” says Arpan Nath of India.

    Sharing Indonesian food in a little café with mothers and their children from India was “the best part of the trip” says Carla Rupp from the USA who was also attending with her son.

    Felo Gracia from DR Congo crossed cultural barriers on the tours. “I was the only black person in the two trips, but I felt that I was among family,” he says.

    “The tour helped me in bonding with new people,” says Subhashini Biswas. “It was really heart warming to feel the same devotion and blessings and love we have for each other even though we all belong to different culture and country. I was able to see the deep connection that people have with the Almighty even when the world in general is undergoing the hardships of war, pandemics and political turbulence.”

    “The tastes of durian and selabi were totally new for me”, says Didier Bellefleur from France. “The tours helped me to better discover the culture, history and countryside of Indonesia.

    “I take away a more observant and open mind to evaluate things, both in my national church and my local congregation,” says Clemens Rahn of Paraguay.

    This article first appeared in Courier/Correo/Courrier October 2022.
  • MWC [Assembly] was a really wonderful experience. It showed me the face of the global Mennonite church,” says Peter Buller, a student at Bethel College and a member of Buhler Mennonite Church, Kansas, USA. “Thanks to the great International Ensemble that brought different languages and cultures to life.” 

    That global face is visible online through MWC’s website and social media. Assembly sessions can be relived through videos and the October issue of Courier

    Peter Buller participated in the global Assembly as a Global Youth Summit attendee and also as a member of the !Explore program at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary. 

    He presented video clips as he spoke from his experience to his church after returning home. “The sermon that is still in my mind from the general Assembly is Jeremiah Choi’s sermon on his ministry and calling to the people of Hong Kong. As an aspiring, pastor I was inspired and called further into that calling by his words.” 

    Plenary videos are being published on the website including songs from the international ensemble, and dozens of recorded workshops are online for learning by yourself or with a church group.  

    Click here to view videos from Assembly



  • Tú eres todopoderoso
    Juan Salinas, Juan Salinas, arr. Greg Scheer 2019
    © 1999, trans. and arr. 2019 Canzion (admin. CanZion Editora). Copyright holder Martha Eliana Ortiz
    Reprinted / Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-740570

  • Assembly 17 – Indonesia 2022 – Songs

    Tu estas aqui / My God is here
    Spanish: Michael Rodr’guez (Commonwealth of Puerto Rico) and Jesœs Adri‡n Romero (Mexico), 2004; trans. Mennonite Worship and Song Committee, 2019
    © 1999, trans. and arr. 2019 Canzion (admin. CanZion Editora). Copyright holder Martha Eliana Ortiz
    Reprinted / Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-740570

  • Assembly 17 – Indonesia 2022 – Songs

    Way Maker / Milagroso / Kau Jalan
    Osinachi Kalu Okoro Egbu, Spanish Priscilla Bueno
    © 2016 Integrity Music Europe
    Reprinted / Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-740570


  • Assembly 17 – Indonesia 2022 – Songs

    We, your people, sing your praises / Bon berger, ton peuple t’adore / Kami Umat-mu Memuji,
    Josephine Munyell & Rebecca Mosley, Indonesian Debra Prabu & Daisy Sutjipto/Salvatore Ferretti as sung in east africa
    © 2013 Rebecca Mosley and Josephine Munyeli,
    Reprinted / Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-740570

  • Spirit filled Christian leadership is not conflict free. Paul’s five-fold ministry gifts in Ephesians 4:1-16, provide a framework for unity and diversity in leadership, and teaches us how to work well together for the fullness and maturity of the Body of Christ.

    Presenter: Jessica Schrock Ringenberg is former pastor in Mennonite Church USA, current business owner and Director of the Center for Anabaptist Leadership and Learning (CALL) at Hesston College (USA). She currently lives in Kansas City, Missouri area where she would like to plant a church.

    Links shared:


  • Assembly 17 – Indonesia 2022 – Songs

    Hear what the spirit is saying to the churches / Sun Aatma kya kahta hai sab Mandliyon se
    Shant Kunjam, Shant Kunjam
    © MWC
    Reprinted / Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-740570

  • Indonesia 2022: Workshop

    Presentation of the work of the MWC Corona Task Force in 2020. What did we do? What were results? What did we learn?

    Presenter: Henk Stenvers (Decons Commission Secretary), is a Dutch Mennonite, from 2002 until his retirement in 2020 he was general secretary of the Dutch Mennonite Conference (Algemene Doopsgezinde Soci‘teit). From 2012 until this Assembly he is Deacons Commission secretary. 

    Deacons Commission

    MWC responds to COVID-19

    The Coronavirus task force
  • Indonesia 2022: Workshop

    Our worldview as leaders is being changed from managing organizations into leading transformation and reconciliation in a changing world. Called to follow Jesus and His word, loving people, using right principles and motivations, understanding giftings and culture, we obey Holy Spirit’s daily guidance, leading and preparing passionate people for action.

    Presenter: Paul Gerhard DŸck; Chair of COBIM – Mennonite Brethren Conference in Brazil, Pastor in the 1st MB Church in Curitiba-Brazil, Member of the Board of the Mennonite School and Fidelis Faculty in Curitiba. Cooperation in ICOMB projects.

  • The Ludwigshafen Friedenshaus (Peace House) in Germany offers a model for congregational engagement with migrants. Offering language classes, sewing evenings, tutoring, and potlucks, the Friedenshaus people together. Four volunteers or long-term service workers with the Friedenshaus will share stories and also reflections on how other congregations might develop similar initiatives.

    Presenter: David Lapp-Jost, of the Heidelberg-Bammental Mennonite Church (U.S. background) has volunteered at the Friedenshaus since early 2020, and has followed it since 2018.

    Indonesia 2022: workshop

  • Assembly 17 – Indonesia 2022 – Songs

    Total Praise Richard Smallwood, Richard Smallwood; arr. Stphen Key
    © 1996 Bridge Building Music (BMI)/T. Autumn Music (BMI) (admin. Capitol CMG Publishing)
    Reprinted / Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-740570