Prayers of gratitude and intercession

  • Theme:

    Following Jesus together across barriers

    Why this theme was chosen:

    This is the theme chosen for the Indonesia 2021 Assembly. As a global Anabaptist faith community our priorities are summarized in these words.

    Biblical texts:

    Old Testament: Isaiah 55:1-6
    Psalm: 27
    Gospel: John 4:1-42
    New Testament: Philippians 2:1-11

    Relationship between the theme and the biblical texts:

    We read about people crossing barriers to follow God’s commands.

    • The prophet Isaiah writes that we are a witness to all nations when we reflect the glory of God.
    • The Psalmist writes our courage comes from God even when we are afraid.
    • In the Gospel of John, Jesus reaches across religious, racial/ethnic, and gender boundaries to connect with the Samaritan woman, who then witnesses to her community that Jesus is the Messiah.
    • In Philippians, Paul tells us how to follow Jesus in obedience, with concern for other people’s needs and interests more than our own.

    We too are all called to follow Jesus together by crossing barriers.

    In this package

    Suggested liturgies for gathering and for benediction


    Where are Mennonites in the world?

    • See our global membership here


    Download introduction (2 pages)

    Download entire worship package (20 pages)

  • In Indonesia, the congregation that worships in the Holy Stadium in Semarang (Jemaat Kristen Indonesia — JKI) includes dancers during the worship through music. This introduces creative, expressive art and provides another ‘language’ to worship the Lord. An expression of the heart, movements symbolize honour, adoration, joy and thanksgiving. Dance can include tambourine, ribbons, banners and other objects. Movements are usually structured with specific meanings; the patterns are familiar across churches. The dance team follows the lead of the worship leader and music director, united in one heart to glorify God and to usher the congregants into God’s presence.

    Holy Stadium, Semarang, 28 June 2020 (Minute 11:14) The first service since the pandemic.
    JKI Kingdom Gospel (Minute 9:31, 33:39)
    JKI Kingdom Gospel (Minute 5:12)
    JKI Maranatha Praise and Worship
  • Each year, Anabaptist-related churches around the world celebrate Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday. This provides an opportunity to remember our common roots, celebrate our worldwide Anabaptist movement of faith, and to pray for each other. Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday is usually held on a Sunday close to January 21.Each year, Anabaptist-related churches around the world are encouraged to worship around a common theme on a Sunday close to 21 January, usually the fourth Sunday in January. 

    Find all materials from previous years’ celebrations here: Publications & Resources Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday
  • Gathered and scattered. Mennonite World Conference creates space for the global Anabaptist family to worship together, together in body in one location, and together in spirit in many locations.

    One way is through publishing worship resources. Each year, MWC partners with church leaders from around the world to compile a resource packages to help congregations worship together on one theme for two special events. Both packages recommend a Sunday when many congregations around the world will celebrate, but local churches are encouraged to select the date that best fits their worship calendar.

    The newly re-christened Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday is suggested for January, on the Sunday closest to January 21. (On this date in 1525, the first baptism took place in Zurich, Switzerland.)

    This year, the word “Anabaptist” was added to the title to help explain who we are calling to fellowship together.

    The theme for AWFS 2020 is “Jesus Christ: Our Hope”, prepared out of the experience of our churches in Canada and the USA. The prayers and sermon notes explore texts from Lamentations 3:21–26, Psalm 62, Mark 2:1–12, and Ephesians 1:15–19. Even in the midst of deep troubles, Anabaptist Christians come together from around the world to follow Jesus, who gives us hope.

    For Peace Sunday, the MWC Peace Commission presents suggestions for Scripture readings, prayers concerns, reflections from our global communion and activities to help churches observe this day. The Sunday nearest to 21 September (the International Day of Peace) is suggested as a Peace Sunday to be observed in our churches around the world.

    This year’s Peace Sunday resources focus on those times when the peace of Christ surpasses what we may perceive as impossible – in short, a peace that surpasses all understanding.

    Additionally, the YABs Committee (Young AnaBaptists) creates a worship resource package for youth groups to fellowship and study a common theme over a week in June.

    Click here to download the Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday worship resource.

    Click here to download Peace Sunday resource.

    Click here to learn more about YABs Fellowship Week.

    —Mennonite World Conference release