Featured Stories

Fuel for God’s minibus

“What is that in your hand?” God asked Moses in Exodus 4:2. Moses was not sure that what he had was big enough that the Lord could use it. Similarly, we often make excuses when it comes serving God by giving. When we give, we confer something to... Weiterlesen

United by grace for 40 years

“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness.” Psalm 115:1 Église Évangélique Mennonite du Burkina Faso (evangelical Mennonite church of Burkina Faso) In the spirit of this... Weiterlesen

Foreigners on a pilgrimage

Mass migration is a concern for many countries today: it is part of both the history and the present of Anabaptist-Mennonites. We have been both those who are migrating and those who are welcoming neighbours to a new home. At Justice on the Journey... Weiterlesen

Our God is a restorer

Mass migration is a concern for many countries today: it is part of both the history and the present of Anabaptist-Mennonites. We have been both those who are migrating and those who are welcoming neighbours to a new home. At Justice on the Journey... Weiterlesen

Grey does not have to stay grey

Mass migration is a concern for many countries today: it is part of both the history and the present of Anabaptist-Mennonites. We have been both those who are migrating and those who are welcoming neighbours to a new home. At Justice on the Journey... Weiterlesen

Responding to displaced people

Mass migration is a concern for many countries today: it is part of both the history and the present of Anabaptist-Mennonites. We have been both those who are migrating and those who are welcoming neighbours to a new home. At Justice on the Journey... Weiterlesen

Opening our arms and hearts to migrants

Mass migration is a concern for many countries today: it is part of both the history and the present of Anabaptist-Mennonites. We have been both those who are migrating and those who are welcoming neighbours to a new home. At Justice on the Journey... Weiterlesen

Aufruf zum Gebet – Wechselndes Bittgebet

Leiter: Auf Gott ruhen unser Heil und unsere Herrlichkeit. Er ist unsere Zuflucht und unser starker Fels. Gemeinde: Bei Gott kann unsere Seele Ruhe finden, von ihm kommt unsere Hoffnung. Er ist unser Fels und unsere Rettung. Leiter: Ihr Menschen,... Weiterlesen

A requirement to love and be obedient

Those of us who have seen migration up close know that is an issue that concerns the people of God. Those who migrate – leaving their security and comfort behind – expose themselves to adversity and an uncertain future. Some who migrate do so... Weiterlesen

“One another’s keepers”

“ Isisu somhambi asinganani, singangophondo lwempunzi. Literally: the stomach of a traveller is as tiny as the horn of a buck.” Volunteer MWC Regional Representative for Southern Africa Barbara Nkala learned generosity from childhood. Her mother “... Weiterlesen

Children dream in peace

Since beginning in Europe, the Anabaptist movement has had a migrant identity. The theological foundations that gave it life intersect with today’s migrant reality, presenting challenges for the missional, pastoral and social justice work of our... Weiterlesen

Will we take up the call?

As a Canadian, I’m generally pleased to identify with my country. I’m also aware that my family lines moved to this country from Ukraine 100–150 years ago. However, they weren’t Ukrainian – they moved from Prussia, and before that from the... Weiterlesen

Sharing what we need, not what we deserve

“They deserve their suffering”, a person said about migrants arriving in the country during a local church meeting in Colombia. The person continued: “These people bring it upon themselves, fleeing from the policies of their government that they... Weiterlesen

“A peace that passes all understanding”

Sermon notes for Peace Sunday Background to the Letter The Writer This is a profound letter written by Paul. Rarely do we take the time to think about the conditions under which this letter was written in Philippi, but it is important to analyze the... Weiterlesen

Giving is contagious

From my platform seat at Mopulu Mennonite Church in Ngaba, Democratic Republic of Congo, I can see everyone in the congregation during worship. Children near the front are captivated as a series of choirs come forward to praise God: women’s choir,... Weiterlesen

Teaching children

In this issue, we have examples of how members of the Anabaptist Mennonite family are making a place for children in their local churches around the world. “Impress them upon your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk... Weiterlesen

Little guests

As I was getting ready to move to another country, I found this letter that my youngest daughter wrote to me when she was seven years old . N ow , she is 23. W hat wonderful memories of her childhood ! This letter brought back other memorable... Weiterlesen

Prophetic voices at MWC Assemblies

“Never has the world needed our message more.... Now is the time to risk everything for our belief that Jesus is the way to peace;... now is the time to live what we have spoken.” Ron Sider’s words to the Mennonite World Conference Assembly 11... Weiterlesen

MWC books: a global conversation

“Although each congregation has its own history and social and cultural background, it is common to experience the same sorts of conflicts, troubles, and situations,” says Ellul Yongha Bae, a Mennonite church leader and publisher in South Korea. “... Weiterlesen

A gentle peace witness: The Mennonite church in the Philippines

Since 2016, the Philippines has been led by a president who is controversial for his anti-drug campaign. There has been an increase in extra-judicial killings where policemen are said to execute drug pushers and anyone who fights back. There is a... Weiterlesen