
Amnesty for Sangmin Lee

It was Tuesday, 31 December, the last day of the year 2019, when Sangmin Lee called me with excitement to report news of his amnesty. Early in 2014, Lee was sentenced to 18 months in prison for refusing, on the basis of his faith, to complete his... 閱讀全文

GAPN creates space for relationship

Coffee breaks at the triennial Mennonite World Conference (MWC) General Council, Commissions and networks meetings in Kenya April 2018, allowed Colombia peacebuilder and human rights lawyer Ricardo Esquivia to share with an old friend his desire for... 閱讀全文


更新2027是一個為期10年,紀念重洗派500週年的活動。這系列活動將幫助我們聚焦在從古至今各領袖的行為見證。 內莉是辛巴威基督弟兄會(以下稱BICC)當中,克服許多困難而達到多項成就的第一位女士。尤其在大型聚會當中,她已成為用生命帶下影響力的重要講員。 丈夫彼德摩洛舒瓦牧師在結婚25年後過世,留下5個仍在就學需要照顧的孩子。 然而這不擊垮他,反而使她更投身加入教會的事工。 1969年起她初次在依庫費黎尼聖經學院教書,之後成為BICC第一個辛巴威本國籍的聖經學校女講師,前後總共有22年之久。... 閱讀全文