
“Deliver us from evil”

Prayer on the occasion of the 1st anniversary of the Russian government's war of aggression against the people of Ukraine. 24 February 2023 War causes endless suffering. Locally, where people experience gun violence, rape, death and displacement;... 閱讀全文

Call to Worship Responsive Litany

Leader: Our salvation and honour come from God alone. He is our refuge, and a Rock of safety. People: We wait quietly before God, for our hope is in him, our Rock and our Salvation. Leader: O my people, trust him at all times. Pour out your heart to... 閱讀全文

Lessons from the crossfire: Remaining faithful to God’s peace

Colombia is in the early stages of a peace process signed in late 2016 between the largest guerilla group and the national government. Even though many of us had high hopes that the peace agreements would bring a turnaround in the country’s history... 閱讀全文

Responsive Prayer

Text: Luke 4:18-21 (NRSV) Leader: The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; All: Forgive us, Lord, for the times our actions have not been consistent with the message of Good News to the most... 閱讀全文

“We have learned…”

The problems in Venezuela affect the economy, relationships, health services, crime, insecurity, public services, corruption, politics, malnutrition and inflation. We decided to come to Colombia to improve the living conditions of our families, look... 閱讀全文

The song remains: Hope in Honduran gang territory

For more than 20 years, gangs clashed in Chamelecón neighbourhood in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. The main street served as an invisible border, marking off the territory of the two dominant gangs. Even for people who weren’t in gangs, it was dangerous... 閱讀全文


歡慶德國基督徒合一禱告週 我擔任瑞根森堡(Regensburg)的福音自由門諾會牧師已逾十年,亦參加布外庭(Burgweinting)地區的眾教會在基督徒合一禱告週期間舉辦聯合敬拜,參與的教會包括羅馬天主教、福音路德會,以及門諾會。 我們今年將聚會型式改成研經,在唱詩禱告之後,我們三位牧師邀請會眾分開,討論不同的經文。之所以如此行,是因我們想到,應讓出更大空間讓聖經對我們說話、展現它的啟發之力,這是很重要的。 這場聚會有一種特殊的氛圍。我個人經驗到一同參與而有的喜樂,內心充滿期待,... 閱讀全文

Community draws together in Enkenbach-Alsenborn – Germany

Robert Beutler knows all too well what it means to be persistent. After hearing of a Syrian refugee family’s arrival in his hometown of Enkenbach-Alsenborn, he made a point of contacting the family to welcome them. It was only after the third... 閱讀全文