
MWC Global Church Sharing Fund responds to pandemic needs

Instead of being a great leveler, the COVID-19 pandemic is exposing pre-existing systemic inequalities that benefit some and disadvantage others. How can the Anabaptist family respond? Mennonite World Conference has invited Anabaptist mission and... 閱讀全文

Two letters renounce violence

“Renounce violence and love our enemies.” This is part of being a peacemaker in Mennonite World Conference’s Shared Convictions. Living out that conviction, 13 September 2019, 13 Anabaptist churches in the USA signed a letter to the National... 閱讀全文

Young people key to resilient church

A greeting from the Vietnam Mennonite Church to the world. Throughout its history, the people of the Vietnam Mennonite Church (VMC) have never failed to demonstrate their resilience and their commitment to live out the peaceful way of Christ. First... 閱讀全文


來自祕魯水患地區的教會領袖說:主的工作是一項重大責任,也要謹慎地處理隨之而來的祝福。 祕魯門諾弟兄會與受到嚴重水患災區的11間教會,與幾個合作單位:Mennonite Central Committee, MB Mission, Mennonite World Conference (MWC) and International Community of Mennonite Brethren (ICOMB)做出了回應。 世界大會區域代表帕波羅史都齊(Pablo Stucky)說:「... 閱讀全文


世界大會總幹事西薩說:「我的願望是在會議進行時,全然在聖靈裡遇見神、與他的子民團契,以及在全球教會裏的多元價值觀、神學觀及文化背景中達到合一。」每三年一次、由會員教會的代表出席的會員代表大會於2018年4月23-26日在肯亞奈洛比舉行。會議前,世界大會所屬各委員會與網絡先行開會。除此之外,與會代表與當地門諾會在4月21日於Kisumu慶祝「更新2027」—聖靈轉化我們。 世界大會執行委員會、區域代表、各附屬委員會、重洗派青年會、全球重洗派服務網絡、全球宣教團契等單位,... 閱讀全文

Nepal church celebrates growth

In 2000, the Brethren in Christ (BIC) church board of Nepal sent Bhagan Chaunde to Surunga, Jhapa, Nepal, to plant churches. The passionate evangelist shared the gospel and planted a church. Starting with one new believer, Surunga Church has grown... 閱讀全文