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What does peace need to thrive?
Posted: 六月 13, 2024 | 分類: Testimonies
A YAMENer’s reflection from Colombia Peace doesn’t look the same in every context. That’s a lesson that Hector “Ramon” Calix Dueñas says he’s learning during his YAMEN (Young Anabaptist Mennonite Exchange Network) year in Colombia. “Ramon” Calix... 閱讀全文
Meeting Jesus in another culture
Posted: 十月 26, 2023 | 分類: Testimonies
Before Esther Aguilar began her Bolivian adventure, she asked God for one thing: to teach her in a deeper sense the commandment where Jesus says, “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. (…) A second is... 閱讀全文
Graphic design and cooking pave the way to emotional resiliency
Posted: 四月 13, 2023 | 分類: Testimonies
What do cooking and graphic design have in common? For Adi Nugroho, it’s never been about mastering either of these skills. Technical skills are simply the backdrop for developing emotional tools and creating a space for connection, even across... 閱讀全文
Unexpected placement equips for future service
Posted: 十一月 16, 2022 | 分類: Testimonies
Stephanie Setiawan from Sidoarjo, Indonesia, had no plan to go to Latin America. She applied for Mennonite Central Committee’s International Volunteer Exchange Program in 2013/2014, but the slot for her synod was already taken. The coordinators... 閱讀全文
Praising God together across barriers
Posted: 四月 14, 2022 | 分類: News
“I can see one family with a lot of members, worshipping the same Father,” says Natacha Kyendrebeogo from Burkina Faso. She is one of four young people serving through YAMEN on the Mennonite World Conference (MWC) Assembly team in Indonesia. YAMEN (... 閱讀全文
“God’s time was perfect”
Posted: 十一月 12, 2021 | 分類: Testimonies
“When I first signed up for the program, I never thought a pandemic would happen,” says Elda Antonio Garcia, a YAMENer from Mexico. “Now that I am living in the midst of it, instead of seeing it as a challenge, I see it as a blessing…. It is... 閱讀全文
Called to care, equipped to serve
Posted: 五月 4, 2021 | 分類: News
How YAMEN put this doctor on the path she’d always hoped for Dr. Ela Castro always knew she wanted to spend her life serving those in need. By all outward appearances, this is what she was doing. She’d studied for years to earn her medical degree... 閱讀全文
Locked down but uplifted
Posted: 十一月 10, 2020 | 分類: News
“The love from Indonesia”: for YAMENers Enosh Rupamajhi, Jeu Song and Olicky Muchindu, the warmth of relationship – from their hosts and each other – is a hallmark of their year. YAMEN offers young adults from around the world an opportunity to... 閱讀全文
Spaghetti and chopsticks: Mutual transformation in YAMEN
Posted: 四月 21, 2020 | 分類: News
This story was written in February 2020, before the COVID-19 pandemic became a worldwide threat. As of April 2020, Minear Mak is still serving in her YAMEN assignment, remaining in close contact with MCC and MWC administrators as health and... 閱讀全文
More curious, more daring
Posted: 九月 5, 2019 | 分類: News
“During this year I have learned to be more curious and adventurous. When I return to my country, I hope to be a better servant for Christ and in my church, and also to be more daring when assuming responsibilities,” says Gerhard Peters, a 2018–2019... 閱讀全文
“Every second, God is here, helping me”
Posted: 四月 23, 2019 | 分類: News
“A chapter of my story was written while with YAMEN,” says Diana Martínez. The young church leader from Colombia served as an educational assistant at Casa Hogar Belén, a children’s home in Managua, Nicaragua, 2017–2018 through YAMEN. YAMEN (Young... 閱讀全文
A recipe to cure homesickness
Posted: 四月 3, 2019 | 分類: Testimonies
Laos and Indonesia are both in South East Asia, so some kinds of food are similar. But sometimes, as Laotian teaching English on YAMEN in Indonesia, I miss Lao food. When I make food from home, it helps me to not feel as homesick. Cooking Lao food... 閱讀全文
YAMEN ambassador of peace amid violence
Posted: 十月 4, 2018 | 分類: News
Damaris Guaza Sandoval says her year of service in La Ceiba, Honduras, was about equipping young people to be God’s ambassadors of peace where violence is common. The 26-year-old from Cali, Colombia, worked as a social worker with Proyecto Paz y... 閱讀全文
如何運作: 緊急糧食配送
Posted: 九月 18, 2018 | 分類: News
在 Kibwezi, Kenya 附近我看到很多枯乾的玉米。開車兜一圈看農田,看不到能收成的玉米。 2018年 2月,MCC的夥伴 Utooni Development Organization (UDO),就是我當志工的組織,在Kibwezi附近受到乾旱影響的地方開始了一個糧食救濟計畫。他們的糧食配送是給附近的兩個村莊,Kathyaka 和 Ngulu。我們配送的糧食來自MCC在加拿大食物銀行的帳戶。 我在糧食配送過程擔任攝影師。我想到自來水在我南韓的家鄉是如此容易取得的,... 閱讀全文
Posted: 一月 10, 2018 | 分類: News
哥倫比亞波哥大 -- 「無論我們在哪裡,福音使我們連結在一起」,勞莉.賽古拉 (Laurey Segura)參與門諾會重洗青年文化交流網絡(Young Anabaptist Mennonite Exchange Network,簡稱YAMEN)擔任老師與青年工作者體現了這樣的精神。這是一個門諾會中央委員會與世界大會聯合舉辦的計畫,使得這位哥斯大黎加門諾會會友至哥倫比亞服事一年,2016~2017成為可能。 她說:「過去我總希望可以提供援助,到頭來卻發現自己受助更多。」... 閱讀全文
Posted: 九月 1, 2017 | 分類: News
加拿大曼尼托巴省溫尼佩市 – 在一個與自己國家鄰近、所使用語言又與自己母語相同的地方服務,似乎比較容易,然而從拉丁美洲來參與重洗派文化交流計畫(YAMEN)的學員們,分派到在同一地區另一國家,有第一手的不同經驗。 YEMAN是MCC與門諾會世界大會--全球重洗派傳統的信仰大家族--合作的計畫,目的是促進不同地區的重洗派教會間的聯繫與交流。 YEMAN的成員來自美國、加拿大以外的國家,又受派至這二國家以外的地區服務。以下是幾則從拉丁美洲來的學員的故事。 Juan Torrico Soliz –... 閱讀全文
YAMEN service builds faith
Posted: 一月 17, 2017 | 分類: News
Bogotá, Colombia – Taking a risk and trusting in God are sure ways to grow in faith. For Marisela Dyck and Xavier Chen, serving with the Young Anabaptist Mennonite Exchange Network (YAMEN) program in 2015-2016 was a year of lessons in relying on God... 閱讀全文
Offering our blessings to the world
Posted: 五月 19, 2016 | 分類: Testimonies
Sindy Novoa Caro lives in Bogotá, Colombia, where she belongs to the Casa de Oración church, a Mennonite Brethren congregation. In 2010–2011, Sindy served with YAMEN in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, as a teacher´s assistant in a school for children living... 閱讀全文
Healing wounds through art: A YAMEN experience
Posted: 一月 12, 2016 | 分類: News
Bogotá, Colombia – For Keila Viana, seeing how art can heal wounds deepened her understanding of God and his love during her international service in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. “I believe that during this time God worked a lot in my life,” says Viana, a... 閱讀全文
Church participation enriches cross cultural experience
Posted: 五月 29, 2015 | 分類: News
Winnipeg, Manitoba – Opportunities to fill leadership responsibilities in a local church enrich Yoweri Murungi’s one-year cross cultural service assignment in Lusaka, Zambia. His many new experiences include leading praise and worship services,... 閱讀全文
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