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Faithfulness in action
Posted: 九月 5, 2024 | 分類: Testimonies
The environmental crisis and our mandate to care for creation A word of encouragement from the MWC Faith & Life Commission and the Creation Care Task Force . Part 2 of 2 “Creation care” is taking on ever-increasing urgency. The news reminds us... 閱讀全文
God so loved the cosmos...
Posted: 八月 5, 2024 | 分類: From Our Leaders
The environmental crisis and our mandate to care for creation A word of encouragement from the MWC Faith & Life Commission and the Creation Care Task Force . Part 1 of 2 “Creation care” is taking on ever-increasing urgency. The news reminds us... 閱讀全文
Striving for integrity
Posted: 一月 24, 2024 | 分類: Testimonies
Andre Wiederkehr, of Ontario, Canada, doesn’t have a driver’s license. That’s because he chooses not to use fossil fuels to get around. Without using a car, attending Hanover Mennonite Church on Sundays means riding 21 kilometers by bike. “None of... 閱讀全文
Less rain, less shade, more people
Posted: 十二月 20, 2023 | 分類: Testimonies
January to April is the rainy season in Guayaquil, a port city on the coast of Ecuador. But this past year, says Sara Noemi Viteri Moreno, a member of Iglesia Jesus el Buen Pastor (Jesus the good shepherd, a Mennonite church) in Guayaquil, it hardly... 閱讀全文
MWC calls for global energy transition
Posted: 十二月 7, 2023 | 分類: News
Earth in all its diversity, vitality and abundance is a gift that has been overshadowed by neglect, exploitation and unsustainable consumption. Anabaptist values, by contrast, call for stewardship (thoughtful care-taking), simplicity and the dignity... 閱讀全文
COP 28 blogs by a Dutch Mennonite
Posted: 十二月 6, 2023 | 分類: Testimonies
Many citizens all over the world are concerned about climate change. That is very understandable, because far too few measures have been taken so far. Realistically it’s very difficult to reach good agreements with all those countries.閱讀全文
One new step each year
Posted: 十一月 27, 2023 | 分類: Testimonies
You are invited! Join us for Climate Pollinators, a webinar series on creation care. See below! On a map of Green Churches in the Netherlands, there is a green dot for the Mennonite congregation in Aalsmeer. Another dot represents Arboretumkerk (... 閱讀全文
Eco-theology reconciles the church with nature
Posted: 十月 30, 2023 | 分類: Testimonies
You are invited! Join us for Climate Pollinators, a webinar series on creation care. See below! When human beings were created in Genesis, “This was the first mission of the human… to both enjoy but also to protect and take care of creation,” says... 閱讀全文
Building resilience in church members
Posted: 九月 22, 2023 | 分類: News
Like many in Zimbabwe, Sukoluhle Ncube splits her time between the city where her family lives and works, and the rural community where they farm, 40 minutes away. “Most of the people have two homes,” Sukoluhle Ncube says. “In the town, you come and... 閱讀全文
The rule of ayni: reciprocal relationship
Posted: 八月 4, 2023 | 分類: Testimonies
In Kichwa, there is a word, ayni , that describes the rule and practice of interdependence. “One does not exist unless the community exists,” says Julian Guamán. In the Kichwa worldview, that community includes all of creation, not just humans. Ayni... 閱讀全文
Resources on creation care
Posted: 四月 12, 2023 | 分類: News
One encouraging piece of news about creation care is that there are an increasing number of good organizations and websites with excellent resources. The Creation Care Task Force of MWC recommends the following as particularly good sites to start... 閱讀全文
How should Mennonite World Conference engage the church with creation care?
Posted: 四月 4, 2022 | 分類: News
This series of stories on the creation care survey has illuminated the importance of issues like climate change in the lives of Anabaptists around the world. We now come to the last question: what should Mennonite World Conference do in response?... 閱讀全文
Anabaptists around the world care for creation
Posted: 三月 17, 2022 | 分類: News
Stories from around the world teach how we respond as faith communities to the challenges of climate change. The 353 responses to the Creation Care Task Force survey contained many stories of churches caring for creation. This month, we highlight... 閱讀全文
What would help churches engage more with creation care?
Posted: 二月 1, 2022 | 分類: News
Last month we looked at what activities churches actually do with creation care. This week we look at what they would like to learn more about. In other words, what do churches wish they could do more? 1. Respondents are interested in learning about... 閱讀全文
Created in the beauty of climate
Posted: 一月 20, 2022 | 分類: From Our Leaders
On 23 September 2021, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said that the Intergovernmental Panel report on climate change was “a code red for humanity.” And yet Guterres was hopeful, saying “it is not too late to act to ensure that climate action... 閱讀全文
How do churches practice creation care?
Posted: 一月 5, 2022 | 分類: Testimonies
Our previous stories from the global survey shows that 1) Mennonite-Anabaptist congregations around the world are being impacted by environmental issues such as climate change in diverse ways, 2) are feeling anxious and sad due to those impacts, and... 閱讀全文
Are our churches and leaders engaged with creation care?
Posted: 十二月 7, 2021 | 分類: Testimonies
“In Germany environmental care has been on the public agenda already for a very long time, making it a part of our church’s collective conscience for a while. We are trying different ways to make good on the belief that we are to be God’s stewards... 閱讀全文
How does climate change intersect with other community challenges?
Posted: 十一月 8, 2021 | 分類: Testimonies
“The majority of our members do not have jobs; survival is very difficult.” Leontina Mahamba, Paroisse Alegria de Malanje, igreja Comunidade Menonita em Angola “Mental illness is the major factor keeping the people we encounter homeless. Heat,... 閱讀全文
How do environmental problems make people feel?
Posted: 十月 5, 2021 | 分類: News
(...and why does that matter?) “It makes me so sad to see the consequences of environmental damage all across the globe. We have not been good stewards of God 's creation; we have destroyed it rather. It makes me feel guilty to be part of the... 閱讀全文
How environmental crises impact church communities
Posted: 九月 1, 2021 | 分類: News
“These repercussions had a negative impact in my personal life and that of other members of our congregation, because they accentuated the already existing level of poverty in the church. The explosion in the price of food products disrupted... 閱讀全文
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