
World Fellowship Sunday: a communion of 500 years

Every year on the Sunday closest to 21 January, Mennonite World Conference invites its 107 member churches to join in a celebration of World Fellowship Sunday. The worship themes vary from year to year, but the rationale for the timing of the event... 閱讀全文


哥倫比亞 波哥大 -- 綜觀教會歷史,我們不難發現人們在追隨耶穌的同時,不斷被聖靈更新以及轉化,我們也堅持心中的盼望來面對挑戰。 今日,南半球的教會都注目著聖靈的同在與權能,世界大會的非洲地區代表也著手準備著2018世界團契主日的相關材料與資源。 世界大會「全球團契主日」是一個幫助兄姊省思重洗派信仰意義的機會,也是我們與全球重洗派基督徒在聖靈裡敬拜的年度歡慶盛事。 世界大會總幹事César García說:「這一天,我們是在在基督裡慶祝那些文化、國界等等使我們隔絕的藩籬,... 閱讀全文

Healing by the Spirit

There are many in Africa who experience physical healing by the power of the Holy Spirit. This is a story of two different types of physical healing, at the Meserete Kristos Church in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, by Tesfatsion Dalellew. Some years ago,... 閱讀全文

見證 在法國Ain區與伊拉克難民一同學習

因為2014年底伊斯蘭國節節進逼的情勢所迫,伊拉克貝爾卡德(Bellegarde)鎮三個教會共20成員決心與一群難民一同逃離該地,歷經九個月的等待之後,Mikho一家,包括二位祖母、父母與三個小孩於某星期六傍晚在火車站獲准入境。 由於媒體想報導一個正面積極的故事,而非恐懼衰退中的歐洲,因此,有攝影師與記者在他們抵達時前來採訪,往後數星期媒體仍在報導,以至於大眾的反應與我們很有限的收留人數不成比例。 這個家庭在一個月之內獲得最低工資與住房津貼,九個月後非常融入本地生活,以至於不再需要阿拉伯語-... 閱讀全文

We cry – together – for God’s mercy

World Fellowship Sunday celebrates koinonia amid suffering Bogotá, Colombia – “We celebrate World Fellowship Sunday because it is a way to remember the origin of our church: clearly, first comes the teachings of Jesus, but we also remember that 500... 閱讀全文

Community draws together in Enkenbach-Alsenborn – Germany

Robert Beutler knows all too well what it means to be persistent. After hearing of a Syrian refugee family’s arrival in his hometown of Enkenbach-Alsenborn, he made a point of contacting the family to welcome them. It was only after the third... 閱讀全文

Celebration and welcome: World Fellowship Sunday and MWC team changes

Bogotá, Colombia – “How will the church respond to the different needs we hear and see around us?” The European Mennonite churches asked this question, especially relating to the refugee crisis, as they prepared the worship materials for Mennonite... 閱讀全文

World Fellowship Sunday 2015: A testimony of our global family

World Fellowship Sunday is a celebration that brings us close to our roots and allows us to get together with our family of faith to give thanks to God and to worship. This is a date when we encourage Anabaptist related churches around the world to... 閱讀全文

World Fellowship Sunday materials available

Bogotá, Colombia - “Walking with God finds its total meaning in fellowship – in the breaking of bread, serving, and meeting the needs of others,” says César García, general secretary of Mennonite World Conference. “It does not mean the absence of... 閱讀全文

Sharing the MWC Shared Convictions in Canada

Our brothers and sisters of Valleyview Mennonite Church in London, Ontario, Canada, created a PowerPoint presentation of the MWC Shared Convictions for an observance of World Fellowship Sunday in January 2014. See a PDF of the Shared Convictions... 閱讀全文