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Meet your Executive Committee

An Executive Committee is elected from the General Council and meets annually. Two members from each continental region are elected from the General Council; a president and vice-president are also elected by the General Council. A president-elect begins a term three years before the handover of responsibilities. The treasurer and general secretary are also members of the Executive Committee.

See the October 2021 issue of Courier to meet the officers.

Africa representatives

Samson Omondi
Congregation: Majiwa Mennonite Church, Kisumu, Kenya
“It is an honour to serve the global Church through MWC because it provides an excellent opportunity to share experiences and ideas from varied cultures all over the world.”

Asia/Pacific representatives

Paul Phinehas
Congregation: Gilgal Mission Trust Pollachi, Tamil Nadu, India
“I am grateful to be part of MWC because we can do more together than we can as individual flock, and we gather together to worship God in the ways he has exposed in the Bible.”

MZ Ichsanudin
Congregation: GITJ Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia|
“It is an honour to be involved in the ministry of the church globally through Mennonite World Conference (MWC) because organizationally, MWC is the only forum for churches that specifically promote peace, not only on a small scale, but on a world level; between faiths, between tribes and nations. How to achieve peace without going to war using weapons and politics is a big challenge for MWC. We do not only think for ourselves but for all human beings on this earth.”

Europe representatives

Alexander Neufeld
Congregation: Evangelischmennonitische Freikirche Dresden, Germany
“I am grateful to be part of MWC because it boosts my sense of belonging to a wonderful family of faith and provides me with an opportunity to meet and to interact with so many loving and interesting people. My prayer for the global AnabaptistMennonite church is that we may glorify Christ and make known the Gospel of Jesus and his way of relating and living.”

Wieteke van der Molen
Congregation: Doopsgezind Gemeente Schoorl, Netherlands
“The most beautiful thing in MWC is that we try: try to reach out, to truly listen (to each other, ourselves, God), to see Christ looking at us through the eyes of a brother or sister. We fail utterly and completely and constantly. In understanding, in communicating, in truly helping each other, in creating a safe space for all of our brothers and sisters to join in that one story about God and humankind. And still we try. It is this trying and failing and trying again, that builds the kingdom of God.”

North America representatives

Lisa Carr Pries
Congregation: Nith Valley Mennonite Church, New Hamburg, Canada
“As a volunteer, I desire to engage people in the vision of Mennonite World Conference by holding out Jesus’ hope and Christ’s light so that they are transformed, known deeply as God’s beloved children and can notice God’s activity.”

Caribbean, Central and South America representatives

Carlos Martínez García
Congregation: Fraternidad Cristiana/Vida Nueva (CIEAMM), Mexico
“It is a great privilege and blessing to get to know the challenges and opportunities that our global family faces. It is enriching to share our experiences and projects related to being Christ followers in an increasingly diverse world.”

Juan Silverio Verón Aquino
Congregation: Iglesia Maranata de los Hermanos Menonitas (Mennonite Brethren), Asunción, Paraguay
“My prayer for the global Anabaptist church is that it continues to carry Christ’s peace to every corner of the Earth.”

Vacant **

*Steven Mang’ana Watson died 4 March 2021

North America
*Bill Braun’s term came to an end in December 2021 when his local congregation Willow Avenue Mennonite was suspended from membership in the US Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches.

This article first appeared in Courier / Correo / Courrier, April 2022