GAEN MOU, TOR, structure documents

  • Resource Document

Education Networks Memorandum of Clarity

Draft Date: May 12, 2020


  • This memo is written by the Education Networks leaders (Elaine Moyer and David Wiebe) in consultation with the MWC Faith and Life Commission (FLC) Chair (Tom Yoder Neufeld) and Secretary (John D. Roth)
  • Purpose: to clarify or comment on items in the Global Anabaptist Education Networks (GAHEN and GAPSEN) Terms of Reference (TOR)
  • This memo is designed to complement the TOR and answer questions that may arise within that

Structure of GAEN Education Network

Terms of Reference

In preparation for 2021 Meetings

December 2019

Hundreds of primary and secondary schools exist in our global Mennonite World Conference family, reaching students from early childhood to grade 12/13. In addition, MWC member churches operate dozens of higher educational institutions - Bible schools, seminaries, liberal arts colleges and universities - that prepare students for life in the church and the world, and equip church leaders.
