
Assembly small but full of joy

With its national motto of “unity in diversity,” Indonesia proved a fitting host for the 17th Assembly of Mennonite World Conference – downsized by COVID-19 restrictions but full of joy, beauty and fellowship. In an outdoor venue at a Mennonite... อ่านต่อ

Shortened meetings study unity, affirm new members

General Council meeting As the Muslim call to prayer wafted on the air through open doors, the General Council worshipped, prayed, and considered the global fellowship of churches in Mennonite World Conference. The in-person triennial meetings of... อ่านต่อ

Ministry partner update: ICOMB – July 2022

An unforgettable gathering of the nations After two years of virtual meetings, ICOMB hosted a face-to-face summit in May 2022, inviting close to 100 global Mennonite Brethren delegates from more than 20 countries – leaders of both established... อ่านต่อ

Carried by the love of God

“When Jesus came to the world he loved everyone. We are all created in one image, so we need to treat everyone as children of God,” says Pastor Yeanny. “When people take their MWC bags with them, they will be able to remember who the people were... อ่านต่อ

Follow the way that Jesus teaches

In recent times, churches have faced persecution from the Hindu extremists. But persecution is not only in the form of physical harassment or damage to the property. Christians as a minority are mentally persecuted: our voices are not heard…. Even... อ่านต่อ

Learning as a global church

Children's program As a church, it’s important to take in mind that a sense of belonging should be there for everyone regardless of the differences, especially in age. Mennonite World Conference is well-aware of this matter, hence Assembly 17 in... อ่านต่อ

Following Jesus together across barriers

Barriers of internet access and recording quality, of jetlag and illness, of language and culture stand in the way of MWC Assemblies but in Indonesia 5 July 2022, they did not prevent God’s people from worshipping together. “This marks a new way of... อ่านต่อ

Masks on; Assembly begins!

Assembly in Indonesia 2022 is about to begin on 5 July 2022 with strict health protocols in place, as mandated by the local health authority. “As per government protocols, we mandate mask-wearing in all indoor spaces and crowded outdoor spaces... อ่านต่อ

How to make friends and pray for people – online

11 tips for using the Assembly Hub: You can meet brothers and sisters within the wide diversity of the Mennonite World Conference family in the Assembly Hub.อ่านต่อ

How the Assembly Hub crosses barriers of space

“It’s not the planned things that change us; it’s the encounters,” says Benjamin Isaak-Krauß, a two-time Assembly participant from Germany. Online participants find space for those barrier-crossing encounter at Mennonite World Conference’s event in... อ่านต่อ

Assembly strives to lower carbon footprint

“Gathering” has become a bigger idea. Two years of changing pandemic restrictions taught people to be together virtually. Mennonite World Conference’s global Assembly benefits from this Zoom savvy. MWC’s event is open for anyone around the world to... อ่านต่อ

GAPN Webinar: “Do I stay, or do I go?” June 27-29, 2022

Dear friends, We would like to invite you to be part of our upcoming Global Anabaptist Peace Network online gathering on June 27-29, 2022. We are looking forward to meeting all of you. On each of these days, we are planning to meet for 3 hours,... อ่านต่อ

Youth voices need to be heard

GYS: Life in the Spirit: Learn, Serve, Worship “What a unique opportunity to ask, observe and listen more than we speak,” says Christen Kong, Mennonite Church Canada delegate for the Global Youth Summit (GYS), 1-4 July 2022 in Salatiga, Indonesia. “... อ่านต่อ

MWC news: conference or communion

“Are you going to MWC?” It’s a trick question: Mennonite World Conference is not an event, but a family. Nevertheless, Indonesia 2022 – the well-known Assembly event that gathers Anabaptist-Mennonites from around the world – starts on 5 July 2022... อ่านต่อ

Attend all online workshops

Pray, learn and dialogue together at Assembly “What’s exciting and inspiring about the workshops and meetings at MWC’s Assembly are the learnings that one receives from hearing new experiences and different teachings for following Jesus Christ,”... อ่านต่อ

Read with us!

“What if we could develop a shelf of books on subjects key to Anabaptist-Mennonites around the world, written by authors from many different countries, translated into and published in as many as possible of the main languages used by our peoples... อ่านต่อ

A multisensory experience of other countries

“The entire assembly is an opportunity to meet people from other countries,” says Jessica Mondal, coordinator of the Global Church Village. “But at the Global Church Village, we can see, touch and taste things from other cultures.” Displays and... อ่านต่อ

Bring the world to your congregation this July

“Do I participate alone at my computer, or will groups emerge to share what is typically a communal event?” Ray Brubacher, former event planner for Mennonite World Conference, didn’t wait until July to decide. Unable to attend the event in person,... อ่านต่อ

Vaccines and care at MB hospitals

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, lack of vaccination is a problem. Even before COVID-19, a measles outbreak took more than 40 children in 2019 in Kikwit, a city of some 500,000 people, and host to a growing number of internally displaced persons... อ่านต่อ

What’s happening in Assembly worship services?

Everyone can travel to Indonesia for this year’s Mennonite World Conference hybrid Assembly . Around 1250 will do so in person, while thousands of others will visit Indonesia through screens. Through a daily “Panorama Indonesia” presentation,... อ่านต่อ