
Walking in Receiving and Giving: Judit Menéndez

Economic hardship in Spain strengthens faith Judit Menéndez, MWC Global Youth Summit delegate from Spain, shared her church’s story of Walking in Receiving and Giving as her country experiences its worst economic crisis since the civil war in the... อ่านต่อ

PA 2015 goes on and on

Harrisburg, PA, USA - A dedicated team of staff and volunteers captured images , videos and stories during Mennonite World Conference’s 16th Assembly in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA, 21–25 July 2015. Visit to re-live your PA 2015... อ่านต่อ

Leadership changes announced for three MWC commissions

Bogotá, Colombia – In meetings prior to the 21-26 July Assembly, Mennonite World Conference announced changes in the leadership of three of its commissions. “Transitions are a very important part of living organisms,” commented MWC general secretary... อ่านต่อ

Doing something about faith

MDS house build at Mennonite World Conference Assembly erects homes in 5 days Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA – Pounding nails may be the last activity one might expect at an international church convention, but for many at the Mennonite World... อ่านต่อ

“It is like a village in Africa”

Global church village is a marketplace of stories and sharing Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA - “I don’t know of any other place where I have encountered so many parts of the world all in one place,” says Donella M. Clemens of Perkasie Mennonite... อ่านต่อ

General Council fosters interdependence in global communion

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA – In four days of meetings just prior to the July 21-26 Mennonite World Conference Assembly, the General Council took additional steps in the journey toward interdependence in the global communion. “During my ministry... อ่านต่อ

Changes in MWC communication team

Bogotá, Colombia – The Mennonite World Conference communication team is changing with new appointments and transitions in three staff positions. In mid-July 2015, Karla Braun of Canada began a half-time position as editor and writer. She serves as... อ่านต่อ

Assembly website to have latest Assembly Coverage

Harrisburg, PA, USA – Already hundreds of brothers and sisters from around the world are gathering in Harrisburg for the 16th Assembly of Mennonite World Conference. PA 2015 has already begun with the Global Youth Summit, which took place from 17-19... อ่านต่อ

Swiss Mennonites express solidarity with Church of the Brethren in Nigeria

Basel, Switzerland – In addition to supporting the appeal for prayer issued by Mennonite World Conference (MWC), the Konferenz der Mennoniten der Schweiz (KMS – Conference of Swiss Mennonites), has reached out in solidarity with the Church of the... อ่านต่อ

PA congregations to host final day of PA 2015; 26 July worship resources available to all

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA – Attendees of PA 2015, the Mennonite World Conference (MWC) Assembly, will spend 26 July, the final day of the event, with Mennonite and Brethren in Christ congregations within a two-hour radius of the Farm Show... อ่านต่อ

East African Churches strengthen leadership training for rural pastors

Mwanza, Tanzania – Bishops in the Kanisa la Mennonite Tanzania (Tanzanian Mennonite Church) and Kenya Mennonite Church are working to meet the need for local, affordable training for village pastors. To do so, they have partnered with Eastern... อ่านต่อ

Why do we need a global communion?

“Walking with God” is the theme of our next global Assembly, to be held 21-26 July 2015. But how can we walk together if we do not believe exactly the same? That was the question that a leader raised some months ago while I was visiting his... อ่านต่อ

Arli Klassen named MWC coordinator of regional representatives

Bogotá, Colombia – Arli Klassen has been named coordinator of regional representatives for Mennonite World Conference, effective 1 July 2015. In this new half-time role, Klassen will work closely with the MWC regional representatives in various... อ่านต่อ

Church participation enriches cross cultural experience

Winnipeg, Manitoba – Opportunities to fill leadership responsibilities in a local church enrich Yoweri Murungi’s one-year cross cultural service assignment in Lusaka, Zambia. His many new experiences include leading praise and worship services,... อ่านต่อ

A New Pattern of Leadership

“Colombian people do not fight for money. You fight for power.” These were the words of a North American missionary after several decades of ministry in Colombia. She was speaking about the ongoing reality of broken relationships among church... อ่านต่อ

It Takes a (Global) Village: Being the people God wants us to be

When someone asks you to use a few words to describe yourself, what words do you use? Would you change those words to describe yourself when you are with your family? At work? Travelling to some distant place? I discovered that the words I use to... อ่านต่อ

Evening speakers at PA 2015 to offer ‘global feast for the soul’

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania – “We’re offering a global feast for the soul,” says Don McNiven, a member of the Program Committee for Mennonite World Conference’s Assembly, as he announced evening speakers for PA 2015, to be held in Harrisburg,... อ่านต่อ

International Music Ensemble announced for PA 2015

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania – A 19-member international ensemble of singers and instrumentalists has just been selected to lead the morning and evening worship each day at PA 2015, the Mennonite World Conference Assembly to be held in Harrisburg at the... อ่านต่อ

Panama Mennonites request prayer for land struggle

Panama – A request for prayer for land struggle was the main request that a Mennonite World Conference delegation heard in a February 2015 visit with church and indigenous community leaders in Panama. Leaders of the MWC member church, Iglesia... อ่านต่อ

Nepal church requests prayer in aftermath of earthquake crisis

Bogotá, Colombia – Mennonite World Conference is calling for urgent prayer for the people of Nepal. On Saturday, 25 April 2015 they experienced an earthquake of 7.8 on the Richter scale followed by many powerful aftershocks. MWC has been in contact... อ่านต่อ