Publications & Resources

Called Together to be Peacemakers

Guidelines for Determining Possible Involvement in Internal Conflicts of Member Churches

Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday brochure

Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday 2020

Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday 2020 - letter

Consultation on Believers’ Baptism

A heart with four chambers: A theological foundation for the work of MWC’s four commissions

Living the Christian Life in Today’s World: Adventists and Mennonites in Conversation, 2011-2012

Assembly News #3

Peace Sunday resources 2019

Courier 2019 October

Assembly News #2

Courier 2019 April

YABs Fellowship Week 2019

Peace Sunday 2019

World Fellowship Sunday 2019

Assembly News #1

Courier 2018 October

Statement of solidarity with Indigenous Peoples

Courier 2018 April