
Uniting people through technology

Witnessing in Hong Kong and beyond Church members gather in a school auditorium, singing worship songs in both Cantonese (the mother tongue for most people in Hong Kong) and Mandarin. The Chinese languages share a script that contains thousands of... Lees meer

We are peace-loving Mennonites

Dear MWC and Mennonite Church Canada, you are the angels sent by God to Myanmar. You fed us when we were hungry. When we are down, you comfort us. You help us when we are refugees. You bring us a ray of hope when we are hopeless.Lees meer

Each in their own accent

“I learned that each participant has their own accent; it comforted me to know that having an accent is normal,” says Hens Sita, a member of GITJ Kelet, Indonesia. In advance of the Mennonite World Conference Assembly in Indonesia, IndoMenno (a... Lees meer

It feels like yesterday

“There are so many memories and landmarks for the entire GYS/Assembly period that if I were to mention them all it will need another 11 more days to explain it!” says Peleka Jonathan Mpemba, a Global Youth Summit (GYS) delegate for Kanisa la... Lees meer

A declaration for peace

The walls were the trees of the forest, the lights and sound from solar-powered batteries and the waters for baptism were the river itself. The spirit of worship through singing, the fervent prayers and the calls to follow Jesus, our hope, in the... Lees meer

Peacebuilding after disaster

“Your textbook worked!” Darnell Barkman told his former professor Lisa Schirch after floodwaters overcame his region in November 2021. The pastor at Yarrow United Mennonite Church in B.C., Canada, implemented all his peacebuilding training to... Lees meer

New ways of being the church

“The pandemic has challenged churches to look for new ways of being the church – especially as we exist in a multi-religious society as a minority,” says Cynthia Peacock, regional representative for Southern Asia. As an MWC regional representative,... Lees meer

The taste of generosity

As frequently as once a week, a welcome visitor shows up at the Mennonite World Conference (MWC) office in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, bearing gifts. “Pie man” Tim Sauer’s gifts involve strawberries, grapes, rhubarb, apples, sour cherries – and... Lees meer

Pacifism and nonviolence should be a way of life

In daily life, too, we need the ability to deal with conflicts in a healthy and peaceful way. In my opinion, it is one of the tasks of the churches to practice this and thus train nonviolence as a lifestyle. If you succeed in this, you are more... Lees meer

Graphic design and cooking pave the way to emotional resiliency

What do cooking and graphic design have in common? For Adi Nugroho, it’s never been about mastering either of these skills. Technical skills are simply the backdrop for developing emotional tools and creating a space for connection, even across... Lees meer

A lunch break in the presence of God

The “pause for prayer” at the Mennonite church of ChâtenayMalabry (Paris, France) was created in March 2021as part of the journey towards Easter in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Initiated by our former pastor, Silvie Hege, it took the form of... Lees meer

Journeying into the unknown, tasting goodness now

South Korea was very successful in its response to the pandemic, especially during the early stages. The virus was contained and death rates were low although the government refrained from issuing drastic measures such as lockdowns or business... Lees meer

A treasure of unity in the pearl of Africa

“MWC brings people from different cultural backgrounds together into one basket,” says Bishop Simon Okoth of Mennonite Church Uganda. A chance airport encounter allowed Simon Okoth to bring that cultural mixing to Mennonite congregations in his... Lees meer

Life and faith within God’s community

We never imagined that the pandemic and its scars would affect our lives and the lives of our institutions to the extent it has. The church could not divorce itself from the difficult realities we lived through, and that still affects the “new... Lees meer

"Red ons uit de greep van het kwaad"

Gebed Naar aanleiding van 1 jaar oorlog door de Russische regering tegen het volk van Oekraïne 24 februari 2023 Oorlog veroorzaakt eindeloos lijden. Lokaal, waar mensen te maken krijgen met geweld van een wapen, verkrachting, dood en ontheemding;... Lees meer

It was as though they were celebrating with us

“We know that we are part of a larger community, but sharing this Sunday leads us to live it concretely,” says Sylvain Lavoué, church board vice president at Église Protestante Mennonite, Villeneuve le Comte, France. The church celebrated Anabaptist... Lees meer

Ministry partner update: ICOMB – January 2023

We ended the year with gratitude to God by preparing the children, youth, and ladies camp activities to be held in January-February 2023 in Villa Maranatha.Lees meer

How can I celebrate?

I am tired of war, conflict, hunger, poverty, division, hatred, gun violence, black and white class difference, the oppression of women, slaughter of children and women, fake news, liars and unjust authorities and leaders and so many, many issues... Lees meer

A gospel light in the USA

Christmas around the world Every year on 24 December, my family goes to the Christmas Eve service at Park View Mennonite Church (Harrisonburg, Virginia). It’s a traditional ‘lessons and carols’ service, where we read the Christmas Story from Luke... Lees meer

Jesus brings us together in our differences

How to represent Jesus in a live painting? White with a beard as he is often represented in churches? Not really! We had it in our hearts to paint a colorful Jesus, a Jesus in green, yellow, blue, white, red and orange. We are the camp “ Juntos in... Lees meer