
Angolan Mennonites welcome refugees

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada – “The situation is very serious,” says Francisca Ibanda, Mennonite World Conference regional representative for Central/West Africa. The UN expects more than 50,000 people from DR Congo to become refugees in Angola in... Lees meer

MWC – new on the web: Building bridges with Peace Sunday

Mennonite World Conference weaves a web of connections within the Anabaptist Mennonite family around the world through website, emails, social media, publishing and relations with other organizations. Several new connecting points are emerging over... Lees meer

MWC has beauty to be shared

Bogota, Colombia – “MWC is a global family through which we experience our participation in the body of Christ,” says general secretary César García. Social media is one place we participate with each other across geographical boundaries. “We are a... Lees meer

New bishops in Tanzania plan for revival

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada – The church in Tanzania underwent revival in the 1940s–1980s and the leaders of Kanisa la Mennonite Tanzania (KMT) are ready to welcome it again. The newly elected bishops have cast a vision to expand the Mennonite church... Lees meer

“God is with us”: Peruvian MBs help neighbours amid loss

Bogotá, Colombia – It seems a providential convergence that Mennonite World Conference’s Andean regional representative Pablo Stucky had planned to visit Peru in early April. His previously scheduled meetings with church leaders came shortly after... Lees meer

Called to justice: Mennonite churches respond to migration crisis in Mexico

Bogota, Colombia – “The Bible invites us to remember that the people of Israel were also strangers; they were captives and were deported,” says Carlos Martínez, Conferencia de Iglesias Evangélicas Anabautistas Menonitas de México. “The [early]... Lees meer

MWC provides care after the storm

Bogotá, Colombia – A 15th birthday celebration at their church, Casa de Oración, drew Ignacio and Liliana’s family out of their house in Manta, Ecuador, earlier than usual on 16 April, 2016, just before an earthquake struck. The 7.8 Richter scale... Lees meer

New name? MWC considers identity and brand

Bogota, Colombia – When someone mispronounces or misspells your name, does it seem as though they aren’t quite addressing you? We choose names carefully – perhaps to honour someone or express a hoped-for characteristic; they form part of our sense... Lees meer

Health network issues global call

Bogotá, Colombia – Mennonite and Brethren health care leaders from around the world are developing a network to foster collaboration and support among related organizations. The leaders of the emerging Global Anabaptist Health Network (GAHN), a... Lees meer

The perfect placement: A Kenyan Mennonite in the MCC UN Office

New York, USA – Right outside the window from my desk at the MCC UN Office on the 10th floor of the Church Center for the United Nations, I can see the UN entrance and the Kenyan flag, which unexpectedly brews the feeling of patriotism; I am... Lees meer

The heart at work: Commissions meet

Bogotá, Colombia – MWC’s Renewal 2027 event in Augsburg, Germany, was bookended by meetings of its decision-making bodies and working groups, including a face-to-face gathering of the four Mennonite World Conference (MWC) Commissions: Deacons,... Lees meer

Joyous hope and faith

Mennonite Churches in Eastern Africa “In the traditional African religious experience, the expression of faith was never understood in universal terms,” writes Alemu Checole, assisted by Samuel Asefa, in Anabaptist Songs in African Hearts, in the... Lees meer

MWC Executive Committee deliberates, welcomes and celebrates

Bogotá Colombia – As Mennonite World Conference (MWC) kicked off Renewal 2027 (a 10-year event commemorating Anabaptism’s birth through the Reformation), the Executive Committee welcomed a record number of new members at their meeting in Germany... Lees meer

Solidarity with indigenous struggle

Bogotá, Colombia – From April 2016 to January 2017, indigenous people and allies gathered in the northern United States to protest a plan to build pipeline they believed would violate sacred burial grounds and threaten to contaminate drinking water... Lees meer

The Bible still speaks, say Renewal 2027 speakers

Augsburg, Germany – Regional Anabaptists and leaders from around the world gathered 12 February 2017 for “Transformed by the Word: Reading Scripture in Anabaptist Perspectives,” the first in a 10-year series of events called “ Renewal 2027 ”... Lees meer

Dialogues on baptism close with learning and prayer

The commission discussed and developed its final report, entitled “Baptism and Incorporation into the Body of Christ, the Church,” drafted by professors Theo Dieter (Lutheran, France), William Henn (Catholic, US/Vatican) and John Rempel (Mennonite,... Lees meer

Congolese counter violence with prayer and workshops

Kinshasha, DR Congo – “Our God has contradicted mankind’s maneuvering. Praise our God,” says Pascal Kulungu, instructor at the Center for Peacebuilding, Leadership and Good Governance (CPLB), and member of Communauté des Églises de Frères Mennonites... Lees meer

Songs, sermons and saucers

Bogotá Colombia – Music from other cultures, Scripture readings on a common theme, shared food and special offerings characterize World Fellowship Sunday, a celebration of Anabaptist family in Mennonite and Brethren in Christ churches around the... Lees meer

MWC financial update

We are grateful for the steady flow of contributions in support of Mennonite World Conference, whether from our national member churches, local congregations, or individuals. During the first part of the year, we received strong support for our core... Lees meer

Centring Jesus amid changing times

How do our member churches express the MWC Shared Convictions in beautiful, local variety throughout our global body? The October 2016 issue of Courier/Correo/Courrier seeks to discern the variety of reasons why Anabaptist communities from around... Lees meer