Pray for the plan to plant a Mennonite church in Bounouma in N’zérèkoré forest region of Guinea and other locations (Yalenzou, Demou, Bossou, Laapah et Nzoo) in 2023. Pray that God would open doors for evangelizatistic materials and smooth out the great mountains that stand in front of the vision for church growth.
—submitted by Timothy Koiba, Mennonite Church West Africa
Photo: Rhoda Shirk
Prayers of Gratitude and Intercession
Pray for Christians in the Manipur region of India who have suffered from religiously motivated violence.
Pray for firmness of faith and oneness of hearts amongst the churches in India.
—submitted by Vipin Bansiar
Photo: Henk Stenvers
Praise God that CAMCA (Mennonite Anabaptist Consultation of Mexico and Central America) is planned for 21-6 November 2023 in Guatemala, the first such gathering since the pandemic started. Pray that the gathering would strengthen the bonds of relationship, unity and communion between conventions and churches of diverse origin. May the theme from Isaiah 43:16-19 encourage the church to live out its calling as a sign and agent of light, life and hope amid adversity, uncertainties and social challenges.
—submitted by Willi Hugo Perez, MWC regional representative, Latin America − Central America
Photo: Ebenezer Mondez
Pray for pastor Estevan Gonzalez Villarroel, president of MWC associate member church Iglesia Misionera Anabaptista in Bolivia. He, his wife, and child are recovering at home after a car accident.
—submitted by Freddy Barron, MWC regional representative for South America – Argentina, Bolivia, Chile
Pray for leadership challenges in some of the Indian member churches.
—submitted by Cynthia Peacock, MWC regional representative for Southern Asia
Pray for Mennonite young people in Colombia who are working for reconciliation, peacebuilding, nonviolence, conscientious objection, truth and justice.
Read more about the ceasefire agreement
Read more about young people and Conscientious Objection
Read the Peace Commission’s Declaration on Conscientious Objection
Photo: Iglesia Pan de Vida Comunidad Menonita Soledad Atlantico, Colombia
The Triennial All India Mennonite Women’s Conference to be held in October 2023 in Jagdeeshpur, CG in the BGCMC region where there will be around 300 plus women from all 8 conferences. Pray that Tigist Tesfaye, speaker for the conference from Ethiopia will receive her visa without any problem and be present. Also that all needs will be met for the Conference and all will be blessed. Soon after,the All India Mennonite Youth Conference too will take place at the same place. Pray for a blessed gathering there too.
—submitted by Cynthia Peacock, MWC regional representative, South Asia
Photo: Cynthia Peacock
For individuals in our congregations in the USA that we will let go of our busyness and the noise of our lives and learn to come before the Lord in silence, so we can grow in God’s love and ways for ourselves, one another and our neighbours, who desperately need this love.
—submitted by Sharon Charles Reimer
Photo: Angelika Regier
Pray for infrastructure development of the Mennonite Church Uganda; for a bible school to enhance capacity building of the leaders for a sustainable Church, Pray for new Church Plants as the demand rises every single day, pray that God may bring a volunteer team or individual to reinforce child evangelism.
—submitted by Simon Okoth, Uganda
Photo: Henk Stenvers
We pray for the complex and difficult life circumstances that many women face in Latin America, and also for the children. Some of the problems that assail them include abuse and violence aimed at them, insufficient food, few educational possibilities, and few opportunities. May the Spirit of God inspire us to be light and act on behalf of the children and women. Amen.
—submitted by Adaía Bernal, Colombia
Photo: Karla Braun
Pray for Lewin Mennonite Bible Church who had to stop conducting their worship services at a member’s home because the rent was raised to a very high price that the congregation cannot afford to pay.
—submitted by Eladio Mondez, Philippines
Photo: Canva
We pray for the Mennonite church in Janga, Pernambuco, Brazil. An apartment building collapsed 7 July 2023 close to the church. Several adults and children who frequented the church’s services and outreach programs died. Pastor Valdemir Bento welcomes all prayers.
Praise God that we can meet together as national churches to worship, fellowship and discern. We pray for the following national churches who are holding their annual general conference:
- BIC Zimbabwe: 28-30 August 2023 at Mtshabezi Mission
- BIC Mozambique: 27-30 July 2023 in Beira.
- BIC Malawi: 10-13 August 2023
- Communauté Mennonite de Kinshasa, DRC: 16-19 August 2023 (including new pastor dedication)
It has been a few weeks since the government declared a water emergency due to the lack of water, and the available water has a high salt content. Pray that sufficient rainfall will come soon to alleviate the water shortage. Pray for the well-being and health of the people in Uruguay as they have to rely on buying water from the supermarket. May God provide a solution to this situation and ensure that everyone has access to clean and safe water.
—ICOMB Update July 2023
MWC member congregations in Uruguay
Consejo de las Congregaciones de los Hermanos Menonitas del Uruguay*
Convención de Iglesias Evangélicas Menonitas en Uruguay*
Konferenz der Mennonitengemeinden in Uruguay*
Read more about Uruguay:
Uruguay: A mission challenge
Church attendance has reduced as much as 50% since the pandemic in some places. Pray for spiritual revival. Pray for peace to prevail in the political area so that there will be meaningful development in all sectors of the economy.
—submitted by Sindah Ngulube, bishop, BIC, Zimbabwe
Photo: Monica Figueroa
We pray against the violence and the disappearance of primarily women. We pray that the political parties in Mexico act truthfully.
—submitted by Ofelia García Hernández
Photo: Kus Darianto
Pray for the ministry through gospel magazines in India in many languages: Telugu, Hindi, Bengali, Oriya and Nepali.
—submitted by Raja Rao SomayaJula
Photo: MCI Singpur
Pray for the expansion of the Mennonite Church in West Africa – Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Guinea (Conakry) – and for new workers on mission.
—submitted by Timothy Koiba
Photo: Tiz Brotosudarmo
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