

16世紀、当時もっとも優れた神学者たちの中に、新しい仕方で聖書を読みだした人たちがいました。テキストそのものは変わりませんでしたが、ローマカトリック教会での経験、自らによる聖書研究、そして聖霊の働きにより、彼らは神の恵みや無償で与えられる救いについて、新しい理解を発展させていったのです。 熱意をもって教会を改革しようとした人たちの中に、神学と実践をより徹底的に改革し、新約聖書に描かれるような共同体を取り戻したいと願う人たちがいました。再洗礼派として知られる人たちです。その人たちの多くが、... 続きを読む


ヨーロッパでは、「未来」について語るのはあまり愉快なことではありません。経済は危機的で、政治には展望がなく、宗教にも希望をもてる余地があまりありません。世俗化の波が教会を覆いつくし、代わってイスラム教がヨーロッパ大陸の多数派宗教になるという人もいます。ましてや「聖書解釈の」未来を語ろうなど、ほとんど無意味に思われるかもしれません。 聖書を解釈する方法など、もうすでに言いつくされたことだと思う人もいるでしょう。さらには、世俗化のおかげで聖書はすっかり脇へ追いやられてしまい、... 続きを読む


「だから、あなたがたは行って、すべての民をわたしの弟子にしなさい。彼らに父と子と聖霊の名によって洗礼(バプテスマ)を授け、あなたがたに命じておいたことをすべて守るように教えなさい。わたしは世の終わりまで、いつもあなたがたと共にいる。」 今年のリニューアル2027(「み言葉により変えられる:アナバプテストの視点で聖書を読む」2017年2月12日ドイツ、アウグスブルクにて開催)では、YAB(ヤング・アナバプテスト)の委員がそれぞれの視点からマタイ28:19-20の聖句を読み解きました。今号の「視点... 続きを読む

Taking action for your neighbourhood

There is a saying that you don’t know what you have until you lose it. I would add “or until you see the real and present danger that you could lose it.” Something similar happened to our natural resources. For a long time, we had accessible clean... 続きを読む

Called to be free... faith across boundaries

My name is Eileen. I am 22 years-old and live in Switzerland. When I was asked if I could share a short testimony on the theme “Called to be free…faith across boundaries,” I immediately remembered this experience. A little more than two years ago, I... 続きを読む

Sitshokuphi Sibanda: a pioneering church planter

One of the earliest Brethren in Christ (BIC) women in Zimbabwe who was involved in church planting work and in preaching the gospel in the early years was Sitshokuphi Sibanda.続きを読む

Churches together for climate justice

“Climate Justice Now!” “People Power!” “Keep it in the ground!” echoed through the corridors as I walked through the Blue Zone – the place where 197 member-states of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) gathered in... 続きを読む

Creation care: a biblical mandate

At the beginning of this third millennium, humanity confronts serious ecological problems that threaten human life and all of creation. The consequences of global warming are perceptible in every country of the world: polluted air and water, serious... 続きを読む

Comfort food across the world

Recipe : Ugali “Ugali is a maize-meal bread-like food mostly eaten alongside chicken or beef stew, Kenyan kale and cabbage or sometimes eggs fried with onions and tomatoes. All you need to make it is water and flour, though some people use salt to... 続きを読む

Retired pastor still learning about Jesus and his people

“We have to go to school [with] Jesus,” says Erwin Cornelsen. The nearly 100-year-old retired pastor reads the Bible every day: “I’m still learning what Jesus has to teach me.” Mennonite World Conference (MWC) has always offered Cornelsen a view on... 続きを読む

A Kenyan's journey into leadership

When I was 12 years old, I was charged with the duty of secretary to our parish youths office. From that time on, I served the church, locally, nationally and internationally. My engagement with Mennonite World Conference (MWC) has shaped who I have... 続きを読む

Breakfast made with love

Recipe: Huevos pericos (Colombian scrambled eggs) Although I’m not good at cooking, I organized a typical Colombian breakfast to share with my host family. Guided by recipes my parents sent from Colombia, I discovered that things made with love are... 続きを読む

Christmas around the world

Christian communities around the world celebrate Christmas together yet each culture has their own traditions. Here, Anabaptist brothers and sisters from different regions share how they celebrate. Light The Netherlands Christmas is my favourite... 続きを読む

Stop and listen

Nellie is a woman who has achieved many firsts against many odds in the Brethren In Christ Church (BICC) in Zimbabwe. She has been a valued lay preacher right through life, particularly in large gatherings such as conferences.続きを読む

Mennonites in Quito pray and work for peace

Ana (not her real name), came to Ecuador from Medellin, Colombia, in 2016 after escaping from paramilitaries who had taken and kept her hostage for two years. She was subjected to various kinds of abuse and violence, the result of which was... 続きを読む

Ministry partner update: ICOMB – December 2017

The International Community of Mennonite Brethren (ICOMB) is made up of 21 national churches in 19 countries with approximately 450,000 members. ICOMB exists to facilitate relationships and ministries to enhance the witness and discipleship of its... 続きを読む

Migrant Trail walkers imitate Jesus

“Our Anabaptist history is intrinsically tied to migration, and so is our Christian story,” says Saulo Padilla, immigration education coordinator for Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) U.S. “We must keep challenging the narratives that separate us,... 続きを読む

7 reasons MWC matters to your congregation

Mennonite World Conference (MWC) gathers and equips member churches and local congregations to be the body of Christ together. Here are some blessings leaders and congregations receive through MWC: 1. A mosaic of a growing church: As we meet... 続きを読む

Healing by the Spirit

There are many in Africa who experience physical healing by the power of the Holy Spirit. This is a story of two different types of physical healing, at the Meserete Kristos Church in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, by Tesfatsion Dalellew. Some years ago,... 続きを読む

Ministry partner update: IBICA – November 2017

The International Brethren in Christ Association (IBICA) is the common network for all national conferences of the Brethren in Christ church with the aim to facilitate communication, build trust and cooperation within our global community, and to... 続きを読む