
Indonesia 2022: less on-site, more creative options

How will we gather for Assembly 17? The Executive Committee has opted for limited on-site attendees and many options for online attendees at the hybrid Assembly 17. MWC Assembly is hosted by the three Indonesian Anabaptist-Mennonite synods in... Selengkapnya

Temu Raya Indonesia mengatasi rintangan

Apakah Temu Raya tetap diselenggarakan pada musim panas tahun ini? Pasti tetap diselenggarakan! Siapa yang akan dan boleh hadir di Indonesia? Silakan simak beritanya yang akan disampaikan secepatnya. Dalam pertemuan online Komite Eksekutif di bulan... Selengkapnya

For all people to live with enough

“Dad, as an extrovert, was also gentle and compassionate, and took on the role of caregiver to many people throughout his life… He gave generously and regularly with his finances, and had an interest in and desire for all people to live with enough... Selengkapnya

Bersama-sama melintasi samudera

“Terkadang komunitas iman kita yang tampak kecil dan terbatas; [Merayakan Minggu Persekutuan Anabaptis Sedunia- Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday] membantu membuka mata akan keberadaan keluarga global kita,” kata Chani Wiens. Guru matematika dan... Selengkapnya

MWC update – February 2022

“MWC brings the global church together as a sign of God’s desire for the world and that’s a vision I want to be a part of,” says J Ron Byler. The roster of servants who foster relationships in the global church expands with new faces in these months... Selengkapnya

Ministry partner update: ICOMB – February 2022

The Mexican conference has nine congregations and 479 baptized members, led by pastor Carlos Ortega. Two churches are from the city of Tijuana, one from the State of Mexico, one from Colima, and five from the metropolitan area of Guadalajara in the... Selengkapnya

What would help churches engage more with creation care?

Last month we looked at what activities churches actually do with creation care. This week we look at what they would like to learn more about. In other words, what do churches wish they could do more? 1. Respondents are interested in learning about... Selengkapnya

Scholars connect and grow

“If there’s something scholarly happening, we want to know about it!” says Kyle Gingrich Hiebert, co-coordinator of the Anabaptist Mennonite Scholars Network (AMSN). The Anabaptist Mennonite Scholars Network connects students and professors within a... Selengkapnya

Strengthening the arms of response

“In the midst of the pandemic, the sense of sharing and communion between faith communities, churches and Anabaptist institutions has grown,” says Willi Hugo Perez, Mennonite World Conference regional representative for Latin America – Central. At... Selengkapnya

In memoriam: Joren Basumata (1948–2021)

Join us in prayer and gratitude for a national church leader who has also served the global family through MWC. Joren Basumata of BJCPM India died 15 October 2021 at 73. He served the local church as pastor of Emmanuel Chapel Bengali and Tollygunge... Selengkapnya

MWC update – December 2021

The relationships in Mennonite World Conference are always growing. From the member churches that make up MWC to the emerging networks linking church-supported agencies, MWC facilitates connections between Anabaptist organizations. Stephanie... Selengkapnya

Assembly tours in Indonesia 2022

How lifelong relationships become real Assembly tours have something for everyone! an adventurous bicycle ride across a rural rice field a deep dive into Indonesia's Mennonite church history as told in John D. Roth’s new book A Cloud of Witnesses... Selengkapnya

Registration for MWC Assembly opens for online participation

Starting 24 December 2021, Mennonite World Conference (MWC) is accepting registration for online participants for Indonesia 2022 through its registration site: “Assembly will focus on accepting online registration first,... Selengkapnya

“We don’t live by fear”

Mennonites stand in the breach through prayer “And I sought for anyone among them who would repair the wall and stand in the breach before me on behalf of the land,” writes the prophet Ezekiel (22:30). On 19 November 2021, more than 110 members of... Selengkapnya

Life-changing indeed!

Assembly team reflects on why they keep coming back for more Many people serving the Mennonite World Conference today started as participants or delegates to its six-yearly Assembly. Here, Assembly staff members share how Assembly transformed their... Selengkapnya

Mustard-seed faith that moves mountains

“For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20) In July 2009, leaders from the three Indonesian... Selengkapnya

Many languages, but one in Christ

“The [MWC] logo always reminds me that the whole world is one in Christ despite the many languages,” says Donna Ndlovu. She hosted a couple from India in her home during the 2003 Assembly in Zimbabwe. The simple Mennonite World Conference logo wraps... Selengkapnya

6 reasons to attend the MWC Global Assembly in Semarang, Indonesia

Before visiting Indonesia to meet the Anabaptist-Mennonite family in person, meet them through history. A Cloud of Witnesses by historian and MWC leader John D. Roth offers a brief, readable account of the three Anabaptist-Mennonite synods in... Selengkapnya

Ongoing conflict cuts off congregations

“MKC has been trying to help MKC members who were seriously affected in parts of Ethiopia that are not currently under the Tigray People’s Liberation Front,” says Desalegn Abebe, president of the Mennonite church in Ethiopia, Meserete Kristos Church... Selengkapnya

More than greeters

Training begins for Indonesia 2022 volunteers With only ten more months to prepare and gathering limitations still in place, Assembly’s national planning committee presses on training volunteers virtually. In May 2021, the committee coached 60... Selengkapnya