Prayers of Gratitude and Intercession

MWC Prayer Network: Click here for more information about what the Prayer Network is and how to sign up. If you would like to share a prayer with us, please write to

We pray that God will protect our lives and give wisdom to the authorities. May they respond appropriately and show mercy toward people so that the possible consequences of the virus can be prevented and mitigated.

Some days we feel so impotent, frustrated and afraid. We pray that God will help us manage our emotions in a healthy way and also that we may find joy in the midst of the uncertainty.

We pray that God will help us to continue building deep relationships in spite of social distancing.

We pray that you may sense the constant love of the Lord in all aspects of your lives.

Diana Cruz and Felipe Preciado, La Casa Grande FIFATA, Benin (Iglesia Cristiana Menonita de Colombia [IMCOL])

17 Agustus 2020

Pertemuan global Anabaptis lewat Temu Raya MWC ada di dalam tangan Tuhan. Kita percaya akan mukjizat yang Tuhan kerjakan saat ini lewat persekutuan saudara dan saudari kita dari seluruh dunia. Persiapan yang dilakukan saat ini penuh dengan tantangan : pencarian dana, logistik transportasi, akomodasi, lokasi, acara, konsumsi, pengurusan visa-semuanya penuh dengan kerumitan karena ketidakpastian aturan saat ini dan hal ini setidaknya akan terjadi sampai setahun ke depan. Berdoalah untuk para pengambil keputusan untuk diberi hikmat dan kearifan berkenaan dengan acara ini.

07 Agustus 2020

Have mercy on me, my God, have mercy on me, for in you I take refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed.” (Psalm 57:1)

Seventeen people are confirmed dead with more than 75 feared trapped as rows of houses sank into the ground as a result of heavy rains on the Pettimudi tea estate in Munnar,Kerala, India. Gilgal Mission Trust, a Mennonite World Conference member church, has a small congregation in this village. News reports indicate that a church is buried under the mud. Ten church members are among the missing.

MWC calls for the global community of believers to stand in solidarity by praying for missing people to be rescued and for rains to stop so further damage can be avoided.

07 Agustus 2020

“All my bones shall say, ‘O Lord, who is like you? You deliver the weak from those too strong for them, the weak and needy from those who despoil them.’” (Psalm 35:10)

Lord, we take hope in your strength and salvation.

04 Agustus 2020



Praise God for the evangelistic fervour and faithfulness of our brothers and sisters in Africa. With economic challenges, severe climate events and diseases like malaria compounding the threat of COVID-19, they continue to worship God and serve their neighbours with what means they have, sharing the gospel in word and deed.


13 Juli 2020

We pray for everyone who has been affected by Covid-19. For those who have died; for those who have been ill; for the family members that this has affected; for those whose jobs and livelihoods have been affected by the economic downturn that this pandemic has caused; for all of us as our lives and our “normals” have changed.

07 Juli 2020



Ukraine (Association of Mennonite Brethren Churches in Ukraine – AMBCU): Pray for this emerging Mennonite Brethren conference. Pray for the churches meeting in groups of 10 due to quarantine restrictions, and for the small groups doing Bible studies and worship. The churches are also meeting on Zoom. Pray for those that are suffering from the virus. Though there are few cases in that area of Ukraine, people suffer economically and the churches are distributing food.


23 Juni 2020

prayer candlesAt the burning bush, Moses learned that God is attentive to circumstances of the oppressed: “I have observed the misery of my people.... I have heard their cry on account of their taskmasters…. I know their sufferings, and I have come down to deliver them.” (Exodus 3:7-8a, NRSV)

God of the Exodus is paying attention to world events today. In response to yet another police killing of an unarmed black man in the USA, protests have broken out in North American cities and elsewhere in the world. Looting and vandalism have occurred. Police in the USA have fired rubber bullets and tear gas even upon journalists reporting about the protests.

We lament systemic racism that leads to killings and daily indignities for people of colour. We grieve the violent actions by both protesters and law enforcement. We confess the lack of equity and justice that at times from characterizes our own responses. We acknowledge the long, intercontinental roots of racism that include complicity in the slave trade.

We reaffirm the following Mennonite World Conference Shared Convictions: “As a world-wide community of faith and life we transcend boundaries of nationality, race, class, gender and language... The Spirit of Jesus empowers us to trust God in all areas of life so we become peacemakers who renounce violence, love our enemies [and] seek justice...”

Creator God, reach into our hearts and our troubled world to bring repentance and right relationships!

02 Juni 2020

Doakan para pendeta yang tetap setia melayani Tuhan walaupun banyak dari jemaatnya yang kehilangan pekerjaan dan tidak mampu lagi mendukung secara finansial. Bersyukur atas segala berkat yang tidak terduga yang mereka terima walaupun dalam masa kesukaran.

Bersyukur kepada Tuhan karena beberapa perusahaan mampu mengubah lini produksinya sehingga mampu membuat alat perlindungan diri dan cairan sanitasi tangan. Bersyukur juga untuk tenaga sukarela yang membantu menjahit masker dan menyiapkan bingkisan makanan bagi orang-orang yang tak mampu.

Doakan para keluarga yang kehilangan anggota keluarga yang mereka kasihi. Doakan juga untuk para pemimpin gereja yang membutuhkan suatu kemampuan khusus untuk tetap dapat menyelenggarakan ibadah penghiburan dan penguburan di masa jaga jarak ini.

25 Mei 2020

Kita berdoa untuk mereka yang sedang menghadapi ancaman bahaya kelaparan karena kurangnya pasokan makanan, karena gagal panen dan akibat lain dari perubahan iklim yang membuat kurangya produksi bahan makanan yang dialami oleh banyak komunitas lokal. Semoga Tuhan terus menyediakan yang apa yang mereka butuhkan dan mereka yang berkelimpahan kiranya digerakan untuk berbagi bagi mereka yang berkekurangan, baik pada tingkat lokal, maupun internasional.

25 Mei 2020
2020-04-22-Rina Ristanami-Mardi-Rahayu-3
Medical personnel in Kudus hospital, Indonesia

Kita teringat akan banyak orang, yaitu dokter, perawat, anggota keluarga dan sahabat yang saat ini  merawat orang-orang yang terkena COVID-19. Kita bersyukur akan pengorbanan mereka dan berdoa agar mereka tetap diberikan keamanan dan energi yang datang terus menerus. Semoga Tuhan Yang Bangkit, akan terus bersama-sama mereka saat mereka berada di samping ranjang pasien, di rumah sakit.


25 Mei 2020
Photo courtesy of ICOMB

Doakan Communauté des Églises des Frères Mennonites au Congo (CEFMC) untuk harus bertahan karena kehilangan para pemimpin dari generasi yang lebih senior. Sejak bulan Januari, sinode ini terus berduka karena berpulangnya 5 pendeta mereka. Doakan  keluarga dan jemaat yang ditinggalkan oleh Pendeta Muyombo dari Kikwit, Pendeta Mavungu dari Kinshasa, Pendeta Ndala dari Kinshasa, Pendeta Mukidi dari Panzi dan Pendeta Kasombo dari Kajiji. Kiranya Tuhan menghibur mereka yang sedang berduka.


22 Mei 2020

20171210HenkStenversIMG_3059Planting and harvesting is disrupted by the global pandemic, and some farmers are eating their seed stock out of necessity. Pray for an equitable distribution of food in the months to come, and that wealthy countries would not look only to their own interests.

21 April 2020

20180603Brayan Javier MarquezDSC_0189Social isolation increases the vulnerability of many people. Pray for those who do not have safe homes to shelter in.

21 April 2020


“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ” (1 Corinthians 12:12). May the Spirit show us how to continue to be one body despite our physical separation at this time. May we continue top put our trust in Jesus Christ our hope.

21 April 2020


Loving God, who walks alongside the neediest and the little ones of this world, we give many thanks for helping us to accompany our refugee and migrant brothers and sisters. We wish to assist them with bread, with comfort, with a willing and attentive ear and heart. We also desire a more just and humane world where we all have a place to be with dignity and joy. Thank you for your faithfulness; at no point has the oil run dry. Just as you did for the widow and the prophet, you have generously provided. We also thank you because we have felt your presence more closely, and we have become more aware of your being God with us.

—Refugee and Migrant Peoples Project, Iglesia Menonita de Quito, Ecuador

Click here to read more


26 Maret 2020

Starting 23 February 2020, India has gone through reprehensible violence that has resulted in 45 deaths. Vested political interests and forces of hate have driven rioting on the streets, homes and mosques of the national capital.

We urge the global church to uphold the people of Delhi in prayer for peace and harmony to prevail and for violence to cease. Pray for families who have lost loved ones. Pray for congregations in the Delhi national capital region to open their hearts and facilities for the afflicted and to come to the aid of the helpless and distraught.

Pray for the authorities to ensure the rule of law and the security of vulnerable people of Delhi also for political parties to discipline members who make inflammatory remarks.

—Vikal Rao, Mennonite Church India leader and MWC Deacons commission member

26 Maret 2020

We are so thankful for the good rains that are covering the whole country of South Africa. They have come late for good crops in areas, but we are glad to get water. The countryside is good and green. We are very thankful. We do need our dams to fill up though.

—submitted by MWC regional representative for Southern Africa Barbara Nkala

26 Februari 2020

Pray that MWC member churches would be open to the moving of the Holy Spirit. May our churches experience individual and corporate renewal. May our hearts turn away from the allure of individualism, toward the call of God to act interdependently as God’s shalom builders in our communities.

20 Februari 2020

Malawi’s constitutional court overturned the 2019 presidential election result citing poll irregularities. Our brothers and sisters in Malawi call us to pray that all parties will accept the news peacefully.

15 Februari 2020
