Season of Creation – 6

A prayer for frugal life

Holy One,
Our world is overtaken by our greed for more goods than we need.
We confess our rapacious consumption, obsession with winning,
and our undercutting and isolating of the most vulnerable among us.

Semangat pembaruan,

Bantu gereja Anda untuk terbuka, dalam kesetiaan kepada Injil Yesus,
untuk semua kemungkinan dalam kedatangan hubungan kekerabatan yang baru – kekerabatan Allah – di bumi.
Bantu kami untuk menyelaraskan cara kami berbagi, keterikatan sosial,
dan hidup bersimbiosis bersama  antara manusia dan ciptaan lainnya;
untuk melihat ciptaan sebagai jaringan kosmik makhluk hidup,
di mana semua makhluk hidup dalam saling ketergantungan.
Bantu gereja Anda untuk tetap tinggal dalam ikatan yang harmonis antara Sang Sumber Ada  dan segala yang ada.

Loving God,
Help us to see you as the God-in-relation.
Open our eyes to the ministry of Jesus, a ministry of care and compassion:
To grieve with the poor earth our greed has devoured,
To be still, not distracted by a thousand useless things,
To see that earth, sea, sky and every creature in it have a spiritual capacity to bring us back to you and the harmony of the cosmic dance.

Living God,
Help us to live in a dynamic becoming,
opening ourselves to this network of relationships and the future.
Help us to see that we cannot live without receiving the gifts of others,
and also sharing our gifts with them.
As the Thai Buddhist activist Sulak Sivaraksa taught:
“I am, therefore you are; you are, therefore I am: we inter-are.”
Help us to say “Yes” to your invitation,
to accept our “among-ness” with the uncoerced exuberance of overflowing friendship:
with you, with our own spirit, with our neighbours, and with the rest of creation.
May it be so.

—Nindyo Sasongko is a founder of “Theovlogy”. An ordained minister in the Gereja Kristen Muria Indonesia (GKMI) Conference in Indonesia, he is currently a PhD student in systematic theology and a teaching fellow at Fordham University, New York, USA. He is also theologian in residence at Manhattan Mennonite Fellowship, New York City, and a member of the MWC Satuan Tugas Peduli Ciptaan.


Christians across the world are walking in spirit toward care for creation. This #SeasonofCreation celebration takes place 1 September to 4 October 2020.



Season of Creation prayers