
Congolese counter violence with prayer and workshops

Kinshasha, DR Congo – “Our God has contradicted mankind’s maneuvering. Praise our God,” says Pascal Kulungu, instructor at the Center for Peacebuilding, Leadership and Good Governance (CPLB), and member of Communauté des Églises de Frères Mennonites... आगे पढ़ें

Songs, sermons and saucers

Bogotá Colombia – Music from other cultures, Scripture readings on a common theme, shared food and special offerings characterize World Fellowship Sunday, a celebration of Anabaptist family in Mennonite and Brethren in Christ churches around the... आगे पढ़ें

MWC financial update

We are grateful for the steady flow of contributions in support of Mennonite World Conference, whether from our national member churches, local congregations, or individuals. During the first part of the year, we received strong support for our core... आगे पढ़ें

Centring Jesus amid changing times

How do our member churches express the MWC Shared Convictions in beautiful, local variety throughout our global body? The October 2016 issue of Courier/Correo/Courrier seeks to discern the variety of reasons why Anabaptist communities from around... आगे पढ़ें

Online theological education opens doors

Elkhart, Indiana, USA – Nora Marleni Martínez of Metapan, El Salvador, is in the first group of students in a regional Peace and Justice Institute program of the Seminario Anabautista Latinoamericano (SEMILLA). Now, some SEMILLA courses are online,... आगे पढ़ें

YABs Fellowship Week in Bogotá and around the world

Bogotá, Colombia – In June 2016, the dream of worshipping together as the global family became a reality, when local young people from three denominations celebrated the inaugural YABs Fellowship Week with a joint worship service in Bogotá. “It was... आगे पढ़ें

Learning with Iraqi refugees in the Department of Ain – France

Moved by the situation caused by the advance of Daesh at the end of 2014, 20 members of three Christian communities in the small town of Bellegarde decided to accommodate a family of refugees from Iraq. After nine months of waiting, the Mikho family... आगे पढ़ें

Canadian renovation builds church in Latin America

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada – When Toronto United Mennonite Church (TUMC) decided it was time to renovate and expand their building, the congregation wanted the project to reach beyond their usual sphere of influence. Located in Canada’s largest,... आगे पढ़ें

YAMEN service builds faith

Bogotá, Colombia – Taking a risk and trusting in God are sure ways to grow in faith. For Marisela Dyck and Xavier Chen, serving with the Young Anabaptist Mennonite Exchange Network (YAMEN) program in 2015-2016 was a year of lessons in relying on God... आगे पढ़ें

We cry – together – for God’s mercy

World Fellowship Sunday celebrates koinonia amid suffering Bogotá, Colombia – “We celebrate World Fellowship Sunday because it is a way to remember the origin of our church: clearly, first comes the teachings of Jesus, but we also remember that 500... आगे पढ़ें

A joyful noise: international music glorifies God

2nd annual Lancaster international hymn sing Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada – Anabaptist Christians in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USA, had a taste of Revelation 7:9 worship when they hosted Mennonite World Conference’s Assembly 16 in July 2015. A... आगे पढ़ें

The next 500 years of Anabaptism

Bogotá, Colombia – Tremendous change rocked the Western church 500 years ago as successive groups discovered new things about God through Scripture and separated from the Roman Catholic church. Renewal 2027 is a framework for a 10-year series of... आगे पढ़ें

The gift of communication

Bogotá, Colombia - Where can you find testimonies from church leaders in the Global South, perspectives on current events from global Anabaptist church leaders, and keep up with the latest resources and events in the Mennonite World Conference... आगे पढ़ें

Bihar Mennonite Mandli hosts all-India Mennonite women's conference

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada – A downpour of rain preceded a shower of flowers as women paraded dancing and drumming to the shamiana (tent) that would shelter the All India Mennonite Women Conference (AIMWC) 6–9 October 2016. Bihar Mennonite Mandli (... आगे पढ़ें

MDS Indonesia: Practical work for spiritual transformation

Indonesia is located on fault lines – geographic and sociological. The island chain at the convergence of 3 tectonic plates is prone to earthquake, tsunamis and volcanoes; its people scattered over thousands of islands speak some 700 languages, and... आगे पढ़ें

Celebration and welcome: World Fellowship Sunday and MWC team changes

Bogotá, Colombia – “How will the church respond to the different needs we hear and see around us?” The European Mennonite churches asked this question, especially relating to the refugee crisis, as they prepared the worship materials for Mennonite... आगे पढ़ें

First woman to direct Congo Bible school

Elkhart, Indiana, USA – Holy Spirit fire dances in Bercy Mundedi’s eyes. It sets aflame the ministries to which she has been called – the most recent being to lead the Kalonda Bible Institute in Democratic Republic of Congo. She was named director... आगे पढ़ें

Global Mennonite Peacebuilding Conference considers Peace Network

Bogotá, Colombia – Conrad Grebel University College hosted academics, practitioners, artists and church workers at the inaugural Global Mennonite Peacebuilding Conference and Festival, 9–12 June 2016. In Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 203 people from 20... आगे पढ़ें

Regional Representatives connect with churches

Bogotá, Colombia – Smiles and a warm reception greeted Mennonite World Conference (MWC) Executive Committee member Steven Mang’ana and Regional Representative (Central/West Africa) Francisca Ibanda as they visited Église Mennonite du Burundi (EMB)... आगे पढ़ें

Reconciling the radical reformation

Report on Bearing Fruit , the Lutheran World Federation Task Force to follow up the “Mennonite Action” at the LWF Eleventh Assembly in 2010. Bogotá, Colombia – The reconciliation process between the Lutheran World Federation and Mennonite World... आगे पढ़ें