Prayers of Gratitude and Intercession

MWC Prayer Network: Click here for more information about what the Prayer Network is and how to sign up. If you would like to share a prayer with us, please write to

Pray for the ministry through gospel magazines in India in many languages: Telugu, Hindi, Bengali, Oriya and Nepali.
—submitted by Raja Rao SomayaJula
Photo: MCI Singpur

22 जून 2023

Pray for the expansion of the Mennonite Church in West Africa – Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Guinea (Conakry) – and for new workers on mission.
—submitted by Timothy Koiba
Photo: Tiz Brotosudarmo

19 जून 2023

Mexico and Central America face serious political and socioeconomic conflicts. These pose serious challenges to the mission of the church. Pray for the wisdom of the Spirit as churches use Anabaptist-Mennonite lenses to rethink how to live out their presence, mission and pastoral tasks.
submitted by Willi Hugo Perez, MWC regional representative, Central America
Photo: Juan Francisco Novoa

12 जून 2023

Ongoing rainfall irregularities in Northern Kenya and Southern Ethiopia have led to severe food insecurity. Pray for humanitarian assistance.
—submitted by Jumanne Magiri Mafwiri, MWC regional representative, East Africa
Photo: Eduard Klassen

05 जून 2023

With the ongoing war in Ukraine, Anabaptist-Mennonite churches are discerning in practical ways what it means to be a peace church. Pray for creativity and inspiration to live out the gospel of peace with wise words and effective actions.
Photo: Preshit Rao

29 मई 2023

Pray for Mennonite young people in Myanmar. The stresses of living under a violent military dictatorship cause despair and some wish to join armed resistance. Praise God for a recent youth conference where they could be encouraged and learn about peace. Pray for the church members who continue to suffer violence in the ongoing civil war. Some experience shortages of daily food and displacement from their homes.
—submitted by Amos Chin, Myanmar
Photo: Sam Abhinav

23 मई 2023

In Burkina Faso, the security situation continues to deteriorate and the number of people killed and displaced is increasing. In this context, the government is asking the entire nation to contribute to the war effort through individual, collective, civil and religious mobilization. The Federation of Evangelical Churches and Missions (FEME) has asked its members (including the Evangelical Mennonite Church of Burkina Faso, EEMBF) to contribute to the war effort by setting an amount for each church. 

EEMBF president Calixte Bananzaro and Pastor Siaka Traoré (also of the EEMBF, and at the same time MWC's representative for Central/West Africa) are planning a meeting with the president of the FEME to explain the non-violent position of Mennonites which conflicts with this request. They ask for the prayerful support of the global church in these steps. May God prepare this meeting, and give wisdom and discernment to all in the discussion. 
— submitted by Anicka Fast, Secretary of MWC Faith and Life Commission, in consultation with Calixte Bananzaro and Siaka Traoré
Photo: Siaka Traoré and Calixte Bananzaro will represent the peace stance of Burkina Faso’s Mennonites in response to new military taxation. Photos provided.

22 मई 2023

Pray for our broken world, especially regarding deaths happening at gunpoint in the USA without justice.
—submitted by Ruth Anne Friesen
Photo: Kristina Toews

16 मई 2023

God of mercy, Jesus our brother, Spirit our comforter, 

Grant to these brothers and sisters faith through daily hardships,  
hope amid challenges and dangers, peace despite violence,  
and encouragement to persist in faithfulness from the solidarity of the global family. 

We pray for all people of faith in this region who are persecuted for their beliefs. 
We thank you, God, for the servants you have and are equipping as ministers of the gospel.  
May you multiply the seeds for sowing and increase the harvest (2 Corinthians 9:10). 

Kyrie eleison, Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer!
In the name of Jesus, our peace, 

Pastoral letter regarding persecuted Anabaptist-Mennonites
05 मई 2023

Praise God for health care workers who walk alongside people in our moments of life and death, and of struggles and joys. Let us give thanks for the inquisitive minds, skills hands and healing hearts of health care workers. Pray for the upcoming meetings of the Global Anabaptist Health Network in June 2023. May the time together be restorative for these servants whose vocation carried an especially heavy load during the pandemic. 

04 मई 2023

Pray for the newly formed coalition government and for political stability in Nepal. Pray for the protection of children, old and weak people from climatic.
—submitted by Ganesh Kumar Shah, Nepal
Photo: Wilhelm Unger

01 मई 2023

Anabaptist Mennonite churches around the world live out their faith by serving. Praise God for those who are the hands and feet of Christ, announcing good news, bringing aid and carrying comfort in difficult times. Pray for the June 2023 meetings of GASN* and GMF*. May those who travel have smooth journeys. May those who attend find encouragement and resources for their work. May the network be strengthened in order to serve together and to give support to each other. 

*Global Anabaptist Service Network

*Global Mission Fellowship

25 अप्रैल 2023

Let pray for the peace and unity in our nation, also let's pray for the older people and orphans, that God would provide their basic needs at this moment of economic hardship. We pray that God can provide with our finances for church projects. We pray for the faith development of children and young adults.
—submitted by Meshack Mutua, Kenya
Photo: Kristina Toews

24 अप्रैल 2023

The Global Anabaptist Peace Network is preparing for face-to-face meetings in conjunction with the Global Mennonite Peacebuilding Festival (GMP III) in Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA, in June. Praise God for this opportunity to learn from peacebuilders from around the world. Pray for encouragement and renewed energy for the work. Pray for a fast and generous visa process and for safe travels.

20 अप्रैल 2023

We ask for prayers for our nation, Cuba. The people are suffering due to extreme scarcity of food, medicines, medical supplies, hygiene items, etc. Prices have soared as much as 150 percent. Many people are trying to emigrate. Only God can perform a miracle.
—submitted by Beatriz Mendez, Cuba
Photo: Alexandro Marthin

17 अप्रैल 2023

Let pray for peace and unity. Let us open our eyes to the needy people around them, and listen for God’s call to us to help provide for their needs. Let us pray for healing for those who are sick and in hospital, and listen to God’s call to visit them with love and encouragement. Let us pray for economies of our countries: may our leaders make wise decisions for the common good.
Photo: Rhoda Shirk

10 अप्रैल 2023

Churches in the Vancouver/Abbotsford region of British Columbia, Canada will be hosting the MWC Renewal event (25 March), and many local congregations will be welcoming international MWC guests to their worship services (26 March). MWC Executive Committee (27-29 March), Commission leaders, Regional Representatives and staff will be gathering the following week for their annual meetings.

Please pray:

  • that international visas will be processed and arrive in a timely fashion, and for safe travel;
  • for the Renewal event that will bring together people from various churches;
  • for the hosting churches and their leaders;

for the Executive Committee, Commission leaders, regional representatives and staff as they meet together.

20 मार्च 2023

We pray about the political and economic changes in the Southern Cone of the Americas and the resulting social instability (especially in Bolivia and Peru). May the Anabaptist communities, churches and institutions be a light; may they promote dialogue, denounce injustice and respond to so much need.

—submitted by Adaía Bernal Collazo, Iglesia Menonita de Teusaquillo, Bogotá, Colombia

20 मार्च 2023

Let pray for peace and unity. Let us open our eyes to the needy people around them, and listen for God’s call to us to help provide for their needs. Let us pray for healing for those who are sick and in hospital, and listen to God’s call to visit them with love and encouragement. Let us pray for economies of our countries: may our leaders make wise decisions for the common good.

20 मार्च 2023

Praise God for the persistent efforts of Mennonite pastors in Ukraine. They bring hope to people in hopeless situation, showing the love of Christ. Recently, church buildings in occupied areas have been taken over by Russian forces. Church activities, including outreach to children and senior citizens, have lost their home. Pray that the Spirit of God would continue to strengthen Ukrainian brothers and sisters with hope in this time of suffering.
Photo: Charitable Foundation Uman Help Center, a Mennonite Central Committee partner, provides food and basic supplies for people fleeing the war in Ukraine. — UMAN/MCC

20 फरवरी 2023
