As Young Anabaptists (YABs), we want to use the third week in June on an annual basis to celebrate our common faith and roots in our different cultural contexts by studying and discussing a passage from Scripture, sharing songs and prayer requests, hearing each other’s stories and praying for each other.
We’ve compiled some materials to incorporate into your own local context, no matter what time you meet during the week. Our prayer is that they help draw you into greater community (koinonia), not only in your local communities, but in your international Anabaptist community.
We also encourage you to take the time during that week to reach out to other Anabaptists & Mennonite youth or young adult groups in your area. Reconnect with friends you met during GYS to spend time in fellowship together or serve in your community together. Maybe you even want to discuss the questions together and spend time praying for each other.
We’d love to see how you celebrate YABs Fellowship Week in your community so please be sure to share pictures and videos with us if you can, or even a recap of your discussion.
How can you participate?
Here are some suggestions!
Use and adapt the materials …
(Scripture, songs, discussion questions, prayer requests, testimonies, media, etc.) for use in your youth/young adult group that week. Watch for these materials on Facebook and our website.
Organize a YABs Fellowship Week event…
with other youth/young adult groups! Use the opportunity to enjoy fellowship with other Anabaptist communities. It doesn‚Äôt have to be complicated; just get together to worship, play, discuss, and pray – in person or online.
Join the discussion…
in a private Facebook group or on Discord and meet other YABs from around the world. Share conversations on your different perspectives.
Share your story globally!
We want to share your testimony on the impact of participating in the Global Youth Summit, a story of how God is working in your local context, a meaningful worship song or a prayer or prayer request. Please send your song, prayer or story via social media messenger, Discord or email no later than end of July.
Send us feedback…
on YABs Fellowship Week after the event and submit input on future YABs projects.
Follow us…
on Facebook and Instagram to stay engaged via social media! #YABs #mwcmm #yabsprayer