YABs find purpose in God

“The Gospel of John says that our purpose is to know God and experience eternal life with God,” says young Anabaptist Lilia Aranguren from Bogota, Colombia. “As we walk with Jesus in relationship, his peace flows out of us into our relationships with others. It must be based in love.”

Young people are trying to discern “God’s purpose and ours” as they set upon career paths. The Young AnaBaptists (YABs) Committee choose this theme to explore in their fifth annual fellowship week (14-21 June 2020).

This year, the event included an online gathering attended by more than a dozen young adults from North America, Latin America and Asia.

Participants introduced each other, sang along (muted) in their homes as a musician played on screen, then shared reflections on the fellowship week passage (2 Timothy 1:6-14) and theme.

“God’s purpose is to share the good news of his love to everyone as we are gifted with a spirit of power and love,” says Akansha Milap from Chattisgarh, India. “We can preach the gospel anywhere…. Ministry is not bounded within the church, but everywhere we go and work.”

Donadim Vasquez from Guatemala overcame obstacles of poverty to become a doctor. “Now I am in a position to serve in difficult times. Sometimes, I feel like Timothy – I don’t have enough wisdom or equipment. But from this verse, I take confidence in Christ: I serve without fear.”

Each year, YABs produce a worship package of songs, prayers, testimonies and discussion questions for young adult groups to use individually or together during YABs Fellowship Week (3rd week in June) or at any time that is convenient.

Click here to read and use the YABs Fellowship Week materials.

If you participated in YABs Fellowship Week with your church, please send us pictures, testimonies, videos or artwork describing or inspired by your celebration.

Click here to email your story.

2020 YABs Fellowship Week resource