Meet Vikal Rao, Rajnandgaon, India. Member of the Deacons Commission.
How do you serve MWC?
I am serving officially as a member of the Deacons Commission (2018-2025).
My journey with MWC started in 1997: I was a youth steward in the Global Church Village (GCV) during the Assembly in India.
Then, I was the first GYS representative for Asia (then called Youth Summit Committee) in Zimbabwe in 2003.
From 2008 to 2012, I wasn’t much involved, but then in 2013, I was given this responsibility to be member of Programme Oversight Committee and to coordinate GCV for Assembly 2015.
I am also involved in other activities: travelling to conferences with regional representative Cynthia Peacock; sharing all the news from MWC with the churches; participating in online prayer hour (group leader and Hindi interpreter); translating worship materials (Peace Sunday and AWFS).
How do you serve your local church?
At present, I am serving my local church as pastor (Rajnandgaon Mennonite Church). Also, I am executive secretary of Mennonite Church in India. I live 115 km from my MCI office in Dhamtari, so 2-3 days a week I travel to the office; the rest of the time, I stay in Rajnandgoan to do visitation, take part in meetings, conduct Bible studies, prepare Sunday worship and preach, meet with young people and facilitate Friday evenings meetings.
What does it mean for the body of Christ to be unified?
We all have unique gifts, we have different cultures, different church practices, but when we are unified in body of Christ, we are interdependent. We need one another in spite of all our differences.
All the church members must connect with the global family, it’s not only for the leaders. As I learn that each one of us are part of MWC, I like to share that with people.
My father came to know Jesus through Mennonite missionaries who came to india. He was saved. When he shared his stories with me, I as well connected with Mennonites. People came from so far and helped people here; we can also do the same. This encourages me to connect with the global church and their needs.
What book or podcast have been reading/listening to lately whose insights you would recommend?
I listen to Turning Point by David Jeremiah and Daily Hope by Rick Warren for my personal growth. I like to watch videos about Anabaptism/History of Anabaptist/ Anabaptist Faith on YouTube to learn and to share with the young generation. I am still learning.
What MWC resource do you recommend and why?
I read From Anabaptist Seed and I am studying the Sermon on the Mount.
Whenever we receive news from MWC (Prayer Network, Pastoral Letters), we pray. It helps us to pray for each other. We don’t know those people, but we feel that we are one body and that they are our brothers and sisters. It’s all because of Christ and his love.
I love it to be part of Online Prayer Hour. It helps me to grow in my faith. People all around the world are praying to the same God. It gives me the idea of the greatness of our God.