A pastoral letter for Anabaptists in DR Congo

a group of mostly women sit under a tree on wooden and plastic chairs

Beloved sisters and brothers

**Jump to 22 February update **

“Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.”
—Romans 12:15

We received a request for prayer from our leaders in DR Congo.

Pastor Jean-Pierre Muya, president of MWC member church Communauté Mennonite de Congo (CMCo), writes: “This is a difficult time in our country. Please continue to pray for the restoration of peace and for the injured.”

We recognize how the resource-rich eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo has experienced ongoing violence and conflict for years, exacerbated by natural disasters.

And we hear how, in late January, the M23 army escalated fighting and seized Congolese territory in the Great Lakes region, including the city of Goma, and are threatening to march on the capital Kinshasa in the west. More than 700 people have been killed and 3 000 wounded.

We are concerned for the hundreds of thousands of people who have been internally displaced. Food and water, medicines and electricity are in short supply and prices are high.

Pastor Kimbila Antoine, president of MWC member church Conférence des Églises des Fréres Mennonites au Congo (CEFMC) writes that the church has six congregations in Goma out of its 34 congregations in the East region, with a membership of more than 4 000. “The Mennonite brothers and sisters in our churches have been crying out every day since the hostilities began,” he writes.

We pray for wisdom, resources and clear pathways as the church devises strategies to assist.

“God remains our only hope, for he is able to give us peace through Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace,” writes Jean Felix Cimbalanga, president of MWC member church Communauté Evangélique Mennonite (CEM).

“Thank you very much for your prayers on our behalf,” writes pastor Kimbila Antoine.

We cry out with our brothers and sisters for God’s mercy on DR Congo.

  • We pray for peace: for not only a stop to violence for also for the conditions of shalom where neighbours are reconciled to neighbours and all can flourish.
  • We call on our communities to seek justice for DR Congo and to engage our political systems in so doing.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
In the name of Jesus, Prince of Peace, amen.

Henk Stenvers

Henk Stenvers,
Mennonite World Conference

headshot of Siaka Traoré

Siaka Traoré
regional representative
Mennonite World Conference

Update: 22 February 2025

Please continue to pray for DR Congo and send words of solidarity to the Anabaptist brothers and sisters there.

The situation in DRC continues to worsen. The Rwanda-based M23 army has taken more territory in the East, raising concerns of escalation into a regional war. The UN estimates more than 50 000 refugees have crossed into neighbouring countries fleeing the humanitarian crisis. There are reports of grave human rights violations including sexual violence and civilian massacre.

We received a report from a Mennonite Brethren (CEFMC) pastor who fled for his safety. His church building was appropriated by DRC government troops, then taken by the M23 forces with accusations of partisanship. His family has been separated; communication is difficult.

Mennonites are providing support in his new location.

Leaders of MWC member church Kanisa la Menonite Tanzania write this encouragement (read full letter in the comments box in English only):

“As members of Christ’s body, we reaffirm our commitment to stand with you in prayer, solidarity and action. The church is called to be a refuge for the weary, a shelter for the displaced and a voice for the voiceless.

“We urge leaders, nations, and all people of goodwill to pursue peace, reconciliation and justice…

“We call upon the global community to provide humanitarian aid, protection and pathways for peace.

“… Comfort the grieving, protect the vulnerable, and uphold the dignity of every human being. Your faith, courage, and resilience testify to the power of God’s love, which no war can destroy.”

Leaders of MWC member church Meserete Kristos Church write (more in comments box):

“The love of Christ compels us to be peacemakers, to extend grace, and to work for justice with humility and faith. In the midst of trials, may you find strength in his promises (Isaiah 40:31).

“Know that you are not alone. We are lifting you up in prayer, asking the Lord to strengthen and sustain you.”

Pray for good working relations and clear pathways as global Mennonites plan inter-agency responses.

We invite you – as individuals, congregations or national churches – to respond to the cries of our brothers and sisters with prayers, messages of solidarity that will be conveyed to church leaders. We call for the courage to love through actions that advocate for an end to violence.

Donations can be made to the Global Church Sharing Fund with a designation for the church in Congo.

8 responses to “A pastoral letter for Anabaptists in DR Congo”

  1. Earl and Pat Hostetter Martin Avatar
    Earl and Pat Hostetter Martin

    Our hearts go out to you in this difficult time. May God’s shalom, God’s abundance and God’s love surround you. May we find ways to support you.

  2. Pastoral Letter to Our Beloved Brothers and Sisters in the Democratic Republic of Congo
    Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
    We greet you with deep love and solidarity in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As your brothers and sisters in the faith, we write to you with hearts full of prayer, encouragement, and hope, knowing that our Lord is present with you in all circumstances.
    We recognize the many challenges you face-economic hardships, political uncertainties, conflicts, and trials that test your faith. Yet, we take comfort in the words of Jesus:
    “In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
    Your perseverance in faith, your commitment to Christ’s mission, and your unwavering trust in the Lord inspire us all. As members of the body of Christ, we are called to stand together, bear one another’s burdens, and be agents of peace and reconciliation in a broken world.
    We encourage you to remain steadfast in prayer, to seek unity in the Spirit, and to continue being a light in your communities. The love of Christ compels us to be peacemakers, to extend grace, and to work for justice with humility and faith. In the midst of trials, may you find strength in His promises:
    “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)
    Know that you are not alone. We are lifting you up in prayer, asking the Lord to strengthen and sustain you. May His presence bring you comfort, His Word give you wisdom, and His Spirit empower you to be His witnesses in every aspect of your lives.
    May the Lord bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you and give you peace. May His kingdom come and His will be done in your land as it is in heaven.
    With love and prayers,
    Desalegn Abebe
    President, Meserete Kristos Church
    February 20, 2025

    En français (traduit par Dr Josué Selemani):
    Grâce et Paix de Dieu notre Père et du Seigneur Jésus Christ.
    Chers Frères et Sœurs en Christ,
    Nous vous saluons dans le profond amour et la solidarité de notre Seigneur et Sauveur Jésus Christ. Comme vos frères et sœurs dans la foi, nous vous écrivons avec des cœurs pleins de prière, encouragement et espérance, sachant que notre Seigneur est avec vous dans toutes les circonstances.
    Nous reconnaissons les différents défis auxquels vous faites face, des difficultés économiques, la politique incertaine, des conflits et des épreuves qui testent (éprouvent) votre foi.
    Pourtant, nous sommes réconfortés par la parole de Jésus: “…Vous aurez des tribulations dans le monde; mais prenez courage, j’ai vaincu le monde.” (Jean 16:33)
    Votre persévérance dans la foi, votre engagement dans la mission de Christ, votre confiance inébranlable dans le Seigneur nous inspirent tous.
    Comme membres du Corps de Christ, nous sommes appelés à nous serrer les coudes, portant les fardeaux des uns des autres, soyez des agents de paix et de réconciliation dans un monde déchiré. Nous vous encourageons à rester fermes dans la prière, à rechercher l’unité dans l’Esprit et à continuer à être la lumière dans vos communautés.
    L’amour du Christ nous oblige à être des artisans de paix, à étendre la grâce et à œuvrer pour la justice avec humilité et foi.
    Au milieu des épreuves, soyez fortifiés dans Ses promesses: ” Mais ceux qui se confient en l’Éternel renouvellent leur force. Ils prennent le vol comme les aigles; Ils courent, et ne se lassent point, Ils marchent, et ne se fatiguent point.” (Ésaïe 40:31)
    Sachez que vous n’êtes pas seuls. Nous vous portons dans la prière, demandant au Seigneur de vous fortifier et de vous soutenir. Que sa présence vous apporte du réconfort, que sa parole vous donne la sagesse et que son Esprit vous donne le pouvoir d’être ses témoins dans tous les aspects de votre vie.
    Que le Seigneur vous bénisse et vous garde. Que sa face brille sur vous et vous apporte la paix. Que son royaume vienne et que sa volonté soit faite dans votre pays comme au ciel. Avec amour et prières. Desalegn Abebe
    Président, Église Meserete Kristos 20 février 2025

  3. Pastoral Letter of Compassion and Hope for Vulnerable People Affected by War in DRC – Congo
    “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” (Psalm 34:18)
    Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,
    With deep sorrow and unwavering love, we write to you as shepherds of Christ’s flock, acknowledging the immense suffering you endure in the midst of war. The world may seem engulfed in darkness, but we assure you that God’s light still shines, even in the most desperate of times.
    1. God Sees Your Pain
    We know that war brings destruction, loss, and unbearable pain. Families are separated, homes are abandoned, and fear grips the hearts of the innocent. Yet, our Lord is not blind to your suffering. Just as He heard the cries of the Israelites in Egypt (Exodus 3:7), He hears your cries today. He is a God of justice, and He walks with you through every trial.
    2. The Church Stands with You
    As members of Christ’s body, we reaffirm our commitment to stand with you in prayer, solidarity, and action. The Church is called to be a refuge for the weary, a shelter for the displaced, and a voice for the voiceless. Wherever you are, know that Christians around the world are lifting you in prayer and seeking ways to support you.
    3. Cling to Faith and Hope
    Though war shakes the foundations of life, our hope in Christ remains unshaken. Jesus Himself endured suffering, rejection, and violence, yet He overcame through love and resurrection. Hold fast to the promise of Romans 8:38-39—nothing can separate you from the love of God in Christ Jesus. Even in the darkest valley, He is your Shepherd (Psalm 23).
    4. A Call for Peace and Justice
    We urge leaders, nations, and all people of goodwill to pursue peace, reconciliation, and justice. Violence can never be the answer. As Christians, we must be peacemakers (Matthew 5:9) and advocates for the dignity of all people. We call upon the global community to provide humanitarian aid, protection, and pathways for peace.
    5. The Power of Love and Unity
    Even in war, acts of love and kindness shine brightly. Support one another. Share what little you have. Comfort the grieving, protect the vulnerable, and uphold the dignity of every human being. Your faith, courage, and resilience testify to the power of God’s love, which no war can destroy.
    Final Encouragement
    Beloved in Christ, do not lose heart. Jesus has overcome the world (John 16:33), and His peace is not of this world but of the eternal Kingdom. We pray for your protection, healing, and restoration. May the Lord strengthen you, and may His peace, which surpasses all understanding, guard your hearts and minds (Philippians 4:7).
    With pastoral love and blessings,
    Bishop Nelson M. Kisare
    Kanisa la Mennonite Tanzania- KMT
    21 February, 2025

  4. Chrispin Dieudonné Faraja Avatar
    Chrispin Dieudonné Faraja

    As one of leaders of the Church of the Brethren in DR Congo, I stand with everyone suffering here in Goma. Every day, we face gunfire, killings, and sexual violence. Thousands of our neighbors have lost their homes, are hungry, and are in pain.

    I share this suffering with you, and I ask the world to help us. Please pray for us and support actions that bring peace and aid to our community. Your voice and support can make a difference.

    Lord, in your mercy, hear our cry.

  5. As a Kenyan student with Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary and pastor, I stand in solidarity with my great and special brothers and sisters in Christ from Goma and Bukavu. This is tough, unbelievable but I feel with you, hurt with you in my heart, mourn with you and PRAY for you!! May the unbound grace of the Lord permeate your broken lives with His healing both in the body and soul. With tears, am on my knees pleading before our precious Father for mercies, provisions and the Shalom of God in the entire Democratic Republic of the Congo!!
    Pastor Gordon Ondiek Nyabade

    Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.Jh.14:27.
    Christ, the prince of peace, does not only speak about peace, but He also gives peace, that inner calmness and unruffledness, even in the midst of life’s fiercest storms. That’s why He admonished or be afraid because He has what it takes to swallow up whatever the troubles that trouble us. That’s why we must let our minds stay on him and not on the troubles and worries in life.

  7. Christopher Lane Avatar
    Christopher Lane

    We have been and will continue praying for our brothers and sisters in the DRC. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” – Romans 15:13

  8. Mennonite Church USA Avatar
    Mennonite Church USA

    “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
    – Galatians 6:2

    To our Brothers and Sisters in the Democratic Republic of Congo,

    On behalf of Mennonite Church USA, I would like to express our deepest support and offer solidarity during this time of unrest. We lift you up in prayer, trusting that God’s love and peace will endure above all else.

    We acknowledge the immense suffering of you and your neighbors as you face unimaginable circumstances. We are grieving with you, and offer prayers for your safety, healing, and peace in your community. Know that the members of our Church community stand with you as Church leaders are pursuing ways to support you and carry you through this time of conflict.

    May you feel the presence of God and find courage in the unity of your faith community, both near and far. We believe the Lord’s mercy and will for peace will prevail. We pray the Lord is your light in this time of darkness.

    In Christ’s Love,
    Glen A. Guyton
    Executive Director
    Mennonite Church USA

    March 17, 2025

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