Bogota, Colombia – For the second time in four months Mennonite World Conference issued an urgent appeal for prayer, this time for the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria (Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria – EYN), who is experiencing horrendous violence and persecution of the Boko Haram organization.
In a letter shared with MWC member churches and networks, MWC calls for its churches to offer a shower of prayer, blessing, solidarity, and financial support for the suffering church in Nigeria.
In a recent news release, Samuel Dali, the President of the EYN, warns of the possibility of ‘genocide’ of Christians in northern Nigeria. He reports that 8 pastors and 3,038 EYN members have been killed, 80 kidnapped and 96,000 displaced. He also writes that, “EYN is severely damaged by the terrorists in many ways. The whole Lardin Gabas, the historical center of EYN, has been almost destroyed. So, continue to pray so that the Lord can increase our faith and give the strength to bear the suffering… The people they have killed are still uncounted and not buried.”
MWC encourages its members to become informed about what our brothers and sisters in Nigeria are experiencing, by using resources and links included in the letter. Member churches are also encouraged to send MWC a cc copy of correspondence and connections made with EYN, so that MWC is aware of all possible initiatives.
In regards to the September urgent appeal for the Middle East, MWC has heard from Middle East church leaders how critically important our solidarity is for them. MWC wants to urge those who have not yet done so, to continue the “shower” with the Middle East churches. The details of how to do so can be seen here. Please do consider giving these, our brothers and sisters, a message of peace, hope, and goodwill during this time of advent and Christmas.
Often in situations such as these, it is the sense of loneliness and lack of evident support from others that is most discouraging. Let us bear these burdens together. Let us assure these brothers and sisters of prayers and actions on their behalf.
MWC Release