MWC financial update

Bogotá, Colombia – We are grateful for the steady flow of contributions in support of Mennonite World Conference, whether from our national member churches, local congregations, or individuals. We are somewhat surprised that giving is slower this year than average, resulting in being behind budget at the end of August. Contributions from individuals and from congregations are lagging the most compared to normal trends. It is a challenge for us to anticipate how much we will receive when so many of the contributions are received in December.

Please consider how you might continue to support MWC’s ministry and presence now, especially in these years between global Assemblies.


—Len Rempel, chief operating officer

Contributions received as percent of budget as of 31 August 2016

Total 2016 budget


Contributions received


Average donations by month

January–August 52%
September–November 22%
December 26%