The International Community of Mennonite Brethren (ICOMB) is made up of 21 national churches in 19 countries with approximately 450,000 members. ICOMB exists to facilitate relationships and ministries to enhance the witness and discipleship of its member national churches – connecting, strengthening and expanding.
Jesus said, “In the world you will have trouble.” The news reports: hurricane, typhoon and El Niño flooding; earthquakes; political leaders creating trouble. Jesus said, “Do not worry. I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
Good news
In the city of Kikwit, at the headquarters of our MB church, over 5,000 displaced persons were welcomed. Many of them are staying with Mennonite Brethren families.
ICOMB has set up a 2-year plan to support renewal and cultivate a new pattern of local church giving to the conference (IEIMA). We are raising funds for meeting expenses and for churches taking in refugees from the Congo.
The Global Scholarship Fund received a gift last month. This enabled us to provide scholarships for all eligible applicants this year!
—David Wiebe, executive director