Introducing the Global Family:
Conferencia Peruana Hermanos Menonitas – Peru
ICOMB Member Conference
The Peruvian Mennonite Brethren Conference has approximately 457 members and 631 attendees; it is made up of 9 established churches and a number of these have annexes. In line with the work plan of the Conference, this year visits were made to the churches; through these visits, the leaders were able to see the needs of the churches and help them, some churches needed financial support, others needed training for their leaders, also some churches required repairs due to the recent earthquake that took place in the country of Peru.
Thanks to God, the conference has the help of missionaries, such as Stacy Kuhns, who resides in the country and supports the conference. In the following months, they will receive the visit of the Chavez family, missionaries who will also contribute to the conference. Let us pray for the conference, that God will continue to send people who want to serve God in Peru.

Conference training courses
During the last few months, courses have been held for pastors and leaders in homiletics and hermeneutics. This training is held in the Piura and Sullana areas, because of the distance between them, so that more people can have access to the courses. Likewise, Sunday school teachers are participating in courses. These will be extended until November.
On July 21 and 22, the church is expecting a visit from Emerson Cardoso, who will conduct mission training in Piura and Sullana.
Pastors and leaders are currently studying online, thanks to the certificate courses offered by the Instituto Biblico Asuncion in Paraguay. The conference hopes to provide more pastors and leaders with laptops so that they can continue learning through virtual classes.

Prayer Requests
- The farthest area is Trujillo, as the distance between the conference and the churches in this area is quite large, communication and visits to the church are very difficult. Pray for the churches in this area, that they may find more ways to work together and have a closer relationship.
- We thank the missionaries that support and serve in this conference, and ask God to continue to raise people that want to serve in Peru.
Thank God for the training opportunities in the church, may God continue to provide the means to keep training the leaders.