Liturgies and symbols for gathering and benediction

Photo: Willow Avenue Mennonite Church, USA

Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday 2025

On a table at the front, place five candles of different colours for each continent on top of a map of the world (or beside a globe) along with a white candle as the Christ candle in the middle.

At the start of the worship service, name each continent as its candle is lit, acknowledging brothers and sisters in each continent.

Light the Christ candle last (or first) as the source of light for the church everywhere.

Call to worship

Use this call to worship based on Psalm 133 near the start of the service.

Though we may be inclined to brag,
let us come together with humility.
How good a thing it is when all of God’s people live together in unity.

Though we may be tempted to use harsh words,
let us come together with gentleness.
How good a thing it is when all of God’s people live together in unity.

Though we may want everything to happen quickly,
let us come together with patience.
How good a thing it is when all of God’s people live together in unity.

Though the world around often encourages hate,
let us come together in love.
How good a thing it is when all of God’s people live together in unity.

In humility, gentleness, patience, love, and unity,
Let us worship the God who has called us together.

—written by Reverend Joanna Harader, a Mennonite pastor in Kansas, USA


Use this commission & benediction based on 1 John 4:7-21 at the end of the service.

Go now, to love the world and all who inhabit it, because love is from God.

Proclaim God’s salvation to every people.

Remain in Jesus Christ, and like plants in a garden, draw your life from God.

And may God, the Creator, tend you and make you flourish;

May Christ Jesus abide in you and give you life;

And may the Holy Spirit cast out all fear and fill you with God’s love.

We go in peace to love and serve the Lord,

…In the name of Christ. Amen.

—written by Reverend Gerald Hildebrand, a Mennonite pastor in Manitoba, Canada


Use this call and response from Africa as a benediction at the end of the service.

Leader: God is good

People: All the time.

Leader: All the time

People: God is good.

Leader: All the time

People: God is good.

Leader: God is good

People: All the time.