Indonesia Assembly surmounts barriers

Will there be Assembly this summer? Absolutely! Who will attend in Indonesia? Watch for upcoming news.  

In their February online meeting, the Executive Committee are deciding on the attendance model for Assembly, based on the most current public health information, travel advisories and future projections.  

“We depend on government decisions regarding visa or quarantine and are committed to creating a safe environment for participants and local churches,” says Liesa Unger, MWC Chief International Events Officer. 

Mennonite World Conference staff are creating different modes to participate in the Indonesian Assembly. Options will include face-to-face meetings alongside online communion. The hybrid Assembly will bring together Indonesian churches with international participants in many ways.   

“We pray that a great number of our global family of Anabaptist-Mennonites will choose to participate in the hybrid Assembly this July, in person or online,” says Liesa Unger. “Our Indonesian churches are eager to meet the global Anabaptist-Mennonite family this July to explore what it means to follow Jesus together across barriers.”  

Watch your email and MWC social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) for this news. 

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