Fostering relationships

“We want our regional representatives to develop deep relationships with each member church in their region,” says Arli Klassen, regional representatives coordinator. 

MWC’s regional representatives are part-time volunteers who develop and support relationships with MWC member, associate-member and potential-member churches; local congregations; and MWC-related agencies and partners.  

A new region was created in 2022 by splitting the Southern Cone into two: “ABCU” is Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay and Chile. “BP” is Brazil and Paraguay.  

“There are many members churches in this region,” says Arli Klassen. “We are grateful to bring on another regional representative to help foster these relationships” 

Freddy Barron, pastor and national church leader in Bolivia, represents Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Uruguay.  

Cynthia Dück from Paraguay represents the new region consisting of Brazil and Paraguay (Latin America – Cono Sur-BP). She previously worked for the MWC from 2007-2009 organizing local lodging for Assembly 15 in Paraguay. Cynthia Dück is a member of the Concordia Mennonite Brethren Church. She serves on the church council, is a deacon to members over age 65 and helps administrate the Mennonite retirement home in Asunción.  

Siaka Traoré represents Central West Africa. He served MWC as chair of the Deacons Commission (2015-2022). Siaka Traoré also mentors and nurtures leaders in Eglise Evangelique Mennonite de Burkina Faso, supporting both theological development and social entrepreneurship.  

Danisa Ndlovu represents Southern Africa. He served MWC as president (2009–2015). Danisa Ndlovu is a bishop in the Brethren in Christ Church of Zimbabwe and serves as executive director of FaithWalk Ministries International.  

After a long service to MWC including serving on the Executive Committee, Francisca Ibanda (known as “Maman Cisca”) and Barbara Nkala have completed their terms as regional representatives in West and Central Africa and Southern Africa, respectively.  

“We are so grateful for the work of Cisca and Barbara. Both women brought such depth of leadership: they are well known and respected in their regions and have many relationships around the world,” says Arli Klassen.