“We trust it is a joy to serve the global Anabaptist family, but recognize it takes effort. We are grateful for the officers, Executive Committee and Commission members who dedicate volunteer time and care to this work,” says César García, MWC general secretary.
“Thank you to J. Nelson Kraybill and Rebecca Osiro who have finished their terms as president and vice president. Thank you to departing Executive Committee members (Alexander Neufeld, Juan Veron Aquino, Paul Phinehas) and to Commission chairs Joji Pantoja (Peace), Siaka Traoré (Deacons) and Stanley Green (Mission) who have completed their service.”
After several years of meeting on Zoom, the Executive Committee (EC) gathered in person 12-14 December 2022 in Schoorl, the Netherlands, enabling new and existing members to meet face to face.
Due to truncated meetings in Indonesia (see “General Council learns about unity”), the Executive Committee made decisions on outstanding items from the General Council agenda.
The Executive Committee approved financial projections and Fair Share proposals for 2022-2025.
They approved the Peace Commission’s statement “Declaration on Conscientious Objection”.
Emerging networks have been operating for several years, however, the EC now approved their placement within MWC’s structure:
- Global Anabaptist Education Network (GAEN) under the Faith and Life Commission
- Global Anabaptist Health Network (GAHN) under the Mission Commission
- Global Anabaptist Peace Network (GAPN) under the Peace Commission.
The EC confirmed new General Council representatives on Commissions and Andrés Pacheco Lozano as Peace Commission chair. Formerly GAPN coordinator, Andrés Pacheco Lozano is research assistant to the Chair of Peace Theology and Ethics at the VU University Amsterdam and lecturer in the Doopsgezind Seminarium (Dutch Mennonite Seminary). Andrés Pacheco Lozano is co-director of the Amsterdam Center for Religion, Peace & Justice Studies and a post-doctoral researcher in the Center for Peace Church Theology at the University of Hamburg (Germany). A member of Iglesia Menonita de Colombia, he lives in the Netherlands.
New Commission members:
- Clemens Rahn (Asociación Hermanos Menonitas, Paraguay)
- Sue Park-Hur (Mennonite Church USA)

Faith and Life
- Atsuhiro Katano (Nihon Menonaito Kirisuto Kyokai Kyogikai, Japan)
- Desalegn Abebe (Meserete Kristos Church, Ethiopia)
- Francis Kamoto (Brethren In Christ, Malawi)
- Felo Gracia (Communauté Evangélique de Frères Mennonites en Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo)
- Hyacinth Stevens (LMC, USA)
- Simon Okoth (Mennonite Church, Uganda)

- Jorge Morales (Iglesias Hermanos Menonitas de Colombia)
MWC staff continue to approach candidates to complete the Deacons and Peace Commissions. The Executive Committee will decide by email on the final candidates.
The following members were affirmed to terms on the YABs Committee:
- Asia: Kkot-Ip Bae (Mennonite Church South Korea)
- Africa: Isaac Nii Torgbor Gborbitey (Ghana Mennonite Church)
- Europe: Gaëlle Oesch (Association des Églises Évangéliques Mennonites de France)
- Latin America: Valentina Kunze (Konferenz der Mennonitengemeinden in Uruguay)
- North America: Felix Diener Perez (MC USA)
Ebenezer Mondez is the staff mentor (2022-2028).