Assembly financial update

As the year draws to a close, MWC is finalizing the numbers on the Assembly in Indonesia.  

“We are very pleased to report that, as of publication time, we met the financial goal of breaking even,” says Chief Operating Officer Jeanette Bissoon. 

This was MWC’s first time hosting a hybrid event with in-person and online attendees. “There were many unknowns that made it challenging to budget for registration fees,” says Jeanette Bissoon.  

“Thanks to the careful planning and spending by Assembly staff, we were able to contain expenses, despite an additional year of commitments due to the postponement. Total expenses came in $285 000 less than budget. These savings made up for the shortfall in revenues,” says Jeanette Bissoon. 

The net impact of the variances in revenues and expenses, along with a transfer of $100 000 from general revenues that had been budgeted, resulted in a break-even position. 

“We are thankful to each person and organization that gave to make this result possible,” says Jeanette Bissoon. 

“We are also thankful for each person who attended Assembly,” says Chief International Events Officer Liesa Unger. “We thank those who joined online – at home on their computers or together with others at a local church – for joining us as we learned to run a hybrid event. We thank our Indonesian brothers and sisters who attended portions of the event in Salatiga, Semarang or at one of the satellite locations. We are confident that God’s Spirit moved among us and it is our prayer that the blessing we received in gathering will carry us forward.” 

See chart below for revenues and expenses. 


Contributions $1 034 334 
Registration fees $138 007 
Other $9 107 
Transfer from unrestricted funds $100 000 
Total Assembly revenues $1 287 918 


Facility and program $252 331
Staff, travel, administratio $672 583
Management fees $375 602 
Total Expenses $1 300 515
Net ($12 597) 
Opening Balance $15 112 
Ending Balance* $2 515 

*(A positive Assembly 17 balance will be credited toward Assembly 18.)