Rethinking security, welcoming the marginalized, interfaith cooperation Ð peace church witness takes different forms. The ecumenical network Church and Peace brings together and encourages those working on peace and reconciliation in their contexts across Europe. Hear about current examples and themes and join the discussion on steps forward.
Presenters: Lydia Funck, Anthony Gwyther, Zaira Zafarana and Karina Knight-Spencer.
Lydia is a Mennonite from Germany and General Secretary of the European peace church network “Church and Peace” which brings together Christians from a wide range of church traditions from across Europe (www.church-and-peace.org). Anthony Gwyther lives in Germany is a member of the Base Community Wulfshagenerhtten (basisgemeinde.org/), Zaira Zafarana from Italy is working for the International Fellowship of Reconciliation in Geneva (www.ifor.org/) and Karina Knight-Spencer from France is coordinator of Stop Fuelling War (stopfuellingwar.org/en/).
Read also:
Verse 1: Esuno Kokoro uchini (The heart of Jesus is reflected in my heart)
Verse 2: Esuno Heiwa uchini (I have the peace of Jesus in my heart).
Composer and performer:
Mitsuru Ishido is a church leader with Tokyo Chiku Menonaito Kyokai Rengo, an MWC member church in Japan.
Be strong and courageous – Joshua 1:9
Regional representative Jeremiah Choi speaks with MWC general secretary César García
Executive Committee Europe representative Wieteke van der Molen shares an update from the Mennonite church in the Netherlands.
Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday Scripture passages read in English, Hindi, Javanese and Indonesian with subtitles in English, Spanish and French
- Old Testament: Isaiah 55:1-6 (click here to download)
- Psalm: 27
- Gospel: John 4:1-42 (click here to download)
- New Testament: Philippians 2:1-11
- Preshit Rao, India, registration assistant
- Lorenzo Fellycyano, Indonesia, registration assistant
- Lydia Suyanti, Indonesia, Assembly office assistant
- Sarah Yetty, national co-coordinator & logistics
- Simon Setiawan, Indonesia, national co-coordinators assistant
Assembly 17 – Indonesia 2022 – Songs
Be Thou my vision
Irish traditional, Irish traditional
© 1927 Oxford University Press © One License
Reprinted / Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-740570 -
This workshop compares the wearing of face masks in response to COVID-19 with the wearing of face veils worn by some Muslim women for religious reasons. Memes and cartoons are used to explore the breaking of barriers in a humerous way. The workshop also looks at the importance of bodily practices in Islam and Christianity.
Presenter: Jacqueline Hoover is a free-lance instructor is Islamic Studies and Muslim-Christian relations based in the UK. She is a member of the sessional faculty at AMBS and an ordained minister in the Mennonite Church USA. She has taught recently in Malaysia, Egypt, Kenya and
the UK. -
Songs and resources from around the world, written and translated in different languages, are prominently featured in Voices Together, the new hymnal from Mennonite Church Canada and Mennonite Church USA. What techniques can song leaders use to effectively lead songs from many places? How can resources from both Voices Together and the Mennonite World Conference song books facilitate intercultural relationships?
Benjamin Bergey, Anneli Loepp Thiessen, Anneli was a committee member for the Voices Together hymnal and is the co-director of Anabaptist Worship Network. She is a PhD student at the U of Ottawa, where she researches gender representation in the genre of contemporary worship music. She worships with Ottawa Mennonite Church. Benjamin is an active song leader and conductor. He is assistant professor of music at Eastern Mennonite University, where he conducts the choirs and orchestra and teaches music theory and conducting. In addition to serving as music editor for Voices Together, he is director of music at Harrisonburg Mennonite Church and conducts the Rapidan Orchestra.
Learn to equip members of the Church to minister in their daily lives. In this seminar you will learn how the pastor and church building no longer function as the center of ministry but the place where others are taught how to do ministry where they live, work and play.
Presenter: Jessica Schrock-Ringenberg, is former pastor in Mennonite Church USA, current business owner and Director of the Center for Anabaptist Leadership and Learning (CALL) at Hesston College (USA). She currently lives in Kansas City, Missouri area where she would like to plant a church.
Assembly 17 – Indonesia 2022 – Songs
Cantai ao Senhor / Oh Sing to the Lord / Cantad al Senor / Pujilah Tuhan
Brazilian traditional/Brazilian traditional
© PD
Reprinted / Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-740570 -
Migration and hospitality have been part of human history since biblical times. Today, responses to increasing global migration often promote the building of walls, countering the biblical call to hospitality. Join Mennonite Central Committee as we consider biblical hospitality to respond faithfully to God’s call to be a welcoming church.
Presenter: Saulo Padilla is the MCC U.S. national immigration education coordinator since 2008. His work is informed by biblical hospitality and his experience as the son of a refugee and an immigrant himself. A graduate of Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary and Goshen College, he attends College Mennonite Church, Goshen, Indiana, USA.