Prayers of gratitude and intercession

  • Liturgy Guide and Resources

    for the Weekend of Prayer and Action Against Hunger October 11-13, 2024

    For this Weekend of Prayer and Action Against Hunger, Christians from all around the world will gather for prayer and worship around the theme of global hunger and food justice.

    We offer this guide to support worship planners to develop a service of prayer or worship that fits your local context. You will find selections of prayers to choose from, which are offered to be used or adapted for your own community’s context.

    “Enough to Share”

    There are shared meals one will never forget. Years ago, I visited churches in Zimbabwe. It was a difficult time with incredibly high inflation and political turmoil with violence. We passed by a church building under construction in the suburbs of Harare. It was a working day. Spontaneously people came when they saw our cars. We sang and prayed together.

    We were about to leave, but someone asked us to stay. Women went to their homes and came back soon with chicken, rice, and salad. We sat down and shared a meal together. What a sign of love and welcome. I was blessed by the gracious gift of food, hospitality, and care. It was like light rising in the darkness. I was reminded that God’s kingdom is not a future dream. It becomes real in the middle of the injustices and hardships we are facing, such as increase of hunger, wars, armed conflicts, climate change, most affecting those who only cause few carbon emissions, etc. God’s kin-dom is real, today, when we share food with one another, explore new ways to grow wheat and vegetables, see Christ in the stranger and become God’s beloved community.

    Follow up questions:

    • Do you remember meals that touched and even changed your life?
    • With whom could you share food? Perhaps you wish to reach out to people with whom you never met for a meal?
    • Look at your life and at your community in the light of God’s promises in Isaiah 58,6-12.

    Any thoughts on how these promises transform yourself, your community and the world?

    —Bishop Rosemarie Wenner

  • Photo: Willow Avenue Mennonite Church, USA

    Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday 2025

    On a table at the front, place five candles of different colours for each continent on top of a map of the world (or beside a globe) along with a white candle as the Christ candle in the middle.

    At the start of the worship service, name each continent as its candle is lit, acknowledging brothers and sisters in each continent.

    Light the Christ candle last (or first) as the source of light for the church everywhere.

    Call to worship

    Use this call to worship based on Psalm 133 near the start of the service.

    Though we may be inclined to brag,
    let us come together with humility.
    How good a thing it is when all of God’s people live together in unity.

    Though we may be tempted to use harsh words,
    let us come together with gentleness.
    How good a thing it is when all of God’s people live together in unity.

    Though we may want everything to happen quickly,
    let us come together with patience.
    How good a thing it is when all of God’s people live together in unity.

    Though the world around often encourages hate,
    let us come together in love.
    How good a thing it is when all of God’s people live together in unity.

    In humility, gentleness, patience, love, and unity,
    Let us worship the God who has called us together.

    —written by Reverend Joanna Harader, a Mennonite pastor in Kansas, USA


    Use this commission & benediction based on 1 John 4:7-21 at the end of the service.

    Go now, to love the world and all who inhabit it, because love is from God.

    Proclaim God’s salvation to every people.

    Remain in Jesus Christ, and like plants in a garden, draw your life from God.

    And may God, the Creator, tend you and make you flourish;

    May Christ Jesus abide in you and give you life;

    And may the Holy Spirit cast out all fear and fill you with God’s love.

    We go in peace to love and serve the Lord,

    …In the name of Christ. Amen.

    —written by Reverend Gerald Hildebrand, a Mennonite pastor in Manitoba, Canada


    Use this call and response from Africa as a benediction at the end of the service.

    Leader: God is good

    People: All the time.

    Leader: All the time

    People: God is good.

    Leader: All the time

    People: God is good.

    Leader: God is good

    People: All the time.

  • Prepared by the YABs Committee for 16-23 June 2024


    YABs Fellowship Week 2023 at Mennonite Church Rajnandgaon, India/Preshit Rao

    Mosaic: We are God’s handiwork 

    Why this theme was chosen: 

    This theme highlights our part in God’s greater purpose. Like pieces of tile, alone, we cannot see our value. Sometimes, we may think we are insignificant, but when God puts us together with the right people and places, we fit: we find our purpose and realize our value. 

    Biblical text: 

    Ephesians 2:8-10 
    For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith Ð and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God Ð not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (NIV) 

    Genesis 1:27 
    So God created humans in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. (NRSV) 

    Additional resources in this package


    Take pictures and share on Facebook and Instagram! #YABs #mwcmm 
    Send pictures or testimonies through Messenger or email to
    Help us prepare for future fellowship weeks and YABs projects by sending your suggestions to or commenting on our Discord server ( 

  • September 2023 

    To: All Mennonite, Brethren in Christ and Anabaptist-related churches in the world 

    Dear brothers and sisters,  

    It is with great joy that we share the materials for Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday (AWFS) with all of you. MWC creates worship resource materials three times a year for member churches: Peace Sunday (17 September 2023), YABs (Young AnaBaptists) Fellowship Week (3rd week of June) and for Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday (21 January 2024). 

    Each year for AWFS, we encourage Anabaptist-related churches across the globe to use a common theme in a worship service to connect with our global Anabaptist family. Many churches choose to celebrate on the Sunday closest to 21 January, although some choose Pentecost Sunday or other alternate dates. On 21 January 1525, the first Anabaptist baptism took place in Zurich, Switzerland. 

    AWFS is an opportunity to remind our communities of faith that we are all part of one body made up of many tribes, languages and nations (Revelation 7:9). 

    • It is proclamation that there is no discrimination among us on any basis (Galatians 3:28). 
    • It is a demonstration that we are following Jesus as new creatures (2 Corinthians 5:17) who mutually support one another, walk with those who suffer, serve the world and interdependently learn together. 

    On this day, we celebrate that by the power of the Holy Spirit, Christ has overcome the cultural and national boundaries that separate us. 

    AWFS makes it possible for every local congregation to join in shared worship, in spirit, in their own time, own place and in their own way.  

    Each year, a different part of our global communion assembles worship resources for AWFS. The theme for AWFS 2024 is ÒMosaic: becoming a part of God’s bigger pictureÓ, with the worship resources coming from our Latin American sisters and brothers. 

    The materials contain biblical texts, prayers, song suggestions, sermon ideas, stories and videos and a special poster. 

    Worship leaders and pastors can select a little or a lot to celebrate AWFS in whatever way they desire. We hope all local congregations will acknowledge belonging to this global faith family in some form in January 2024. 

    Please note that MWC has a Speakers’ Bureau where you can invite MWC leaders to share virtually in local congregations. 

    See attached and online at

    At MWC, we welcome your comments, photos and reflections about AWFS to share with other members of our global faith family.  

    Send photos and stories via email to 

    Offerings received on this day and shared with MWC contribute toward each member church’s Fair Share contributions and help our global community to continue as a foreshadowing of the kingdom of God in the midst of our society. 

    Grace and peace,

    César García, General Secretary
    Arli Klassen, Regional Representatives Coordinator

  • AWFS 2024

    Job 42:1-6 in Spanish
    John 10:14-16 in Portuguese
    John 10:14-16 in German
    Ephesians 4:1-6 in Spanish
  • Theme 

    MOSAIC: Becoming a part of God’s bigger picture 

    Why this theme was chosen 

    Mennonite World Conference has many members, each one different from the others, and yet together the members create a beautiful picture of the body of Christ.  

    Biblical texts 

    • Old Testament: Job 42:1-6 
    • Psalm: Psalm 8 
    • Gospel: John 10:14-16 
    • New Testament: Ephesians 4:1-16 

    In this package

    Additional resources

    Multimedia resources online

    Poster AWFS 2024 English_Tabloid size_Horizontal
    Poster AWFS 2024 English_Tabloid size_Vertical

  • Prepared by the YABs Committee for 18-25 June 2023

    *updated* Full resource now available.


    The family I found in my salvation

    Why this theme was chosen

    This year we want to look back in the story of how we came to know Christ. Every individual has different salvation story. Some came from a different religious tradition and experience a complete transformation after they meet Christ. Some came from a Christian family which means it’s hard to pinpoint a specific turning point in life.Our salvation comes with a community that shapes us, encourages us and makes us who we are. Let’s talk about the family we built from our newfound faith.

    Biblical text: Luke 15:4–7

    “Which one of you, having a hundred sheep and losing one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the one that is lost until he finds it? And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders and rejoices. And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and neighbours, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my lost sheep.’ Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.”

    Additional resources in this package

    Sunday, 18 June 2023 at 10:00 UTC or 19:00 UTC: Meet the YABs

    Thursday, 22 June 2023 at 10:00 UTC or 19:00 UTC: story time and prayers

  • If you plan to participate in Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday (AWFS) in 2023, send us a message ( so we can put a locator pin for your congregation as we celebrate and pray along with you:



    Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday 2023
  • Theme

    Jesus Christ: Our Hope

    Why this theme was chosen

    Even in the midst of deep troubles, we come together from around the world to follow Jesus, who gives us hope. This is also the theme for Renewal 2023 in Mennonite World Conference.

    Biblical texts:

    • Old Testament: Isaiah 40: 28-31
    • Psalm: Psalm 62:1-6
    • Gospel: Luke 18:35-43
    • New Testament: 1 Peter 1:3-6

    In this package

    Additional resources

    Multimedia resources online

  • Download and print the page to cut out fruits and vegetables for the Peace Sunday activity.

  • Prepared by the YABs Committee for 1-4 July 2022

    *This year’s Fellowship Week activities will take place during the Global Youth Summit and Assembly 17 in Indonesia


    “Sealed in the Spirit”

    Why this theme was chosen

    This theme ties in with the 2022 Global Youth Summit (GYS) theme: “Life in the Spirit.” This topic represents a diversity of experiences within the global body. It gives us the opportunity to learn from each other and to seek the unity of the Spirit together through the bond of peace.

    Biblical text

    Ephesians 1:13-14

    And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession – to the praise of his glory. (NRSV)