Prayers of gratitude and intercession

  • Theme

    The Courage to Love

    Why this theme was chosen

    The first baptisms in the Anabaptist tradition took place in secret in Zurich, Switzerland, on 21 January 1525. A small group of Jesus-followers acted together with courage on their shared understanding of Scripture and the church, different from their political and religious context. Today there are churches all over the world in the Anabaptist tradition, acting together with courage to love each other, different from our political and religious contexts that too often pull us apart.

    Biblical text

    • Old Testament: Genesis 50:15-21
    • Psalm: Psalm 133
    • Gospel: Luke 7:36-50
    • New Testament: 1 John 4:7-21

    In this package

    Additional resources

    • Invitation Letter

    Multimedia resources online

  • Invite the global church into your congregation!

    MWC member congregations are welcome to invite one MWC speaker per year to bring a message from the global Anabaptist-Mennonite family. This may be for Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday, Peace Sunday or any day you wish to give special attention to the global family.

    Please consider giving an honorarium appropriate for your region. Contact for assistance with money transfer if needed.

    Any MWC speaker may be asked to present via live video link (subject to internet connectivity) or a pre-recorded video. If travel is required from outside the region, the host congregation should cover travel costs.

    Name Topics, specific expertise Location Languages


    César García
    Unity in the church, restorative justice, church and state, Anabaptism; biblical texts Canada (Eastern Time UTC -4) English, Spanish
    Henk Stenvers
    Global faith community, Body of Christ, Sermon on the Mount Netherlands (Central European Time UTC +2) English, (Spanish or French if pre-recorded)
    Lisa Carr-Pries
    Global faith community Canada (Eastern Time UTC -4) English
    Sunoko Lin
    7 churches in Revelation; biblical texts California (Pacific Time UTC -7) English, Indonesian

    Regional representatives

    Agus Mayanto
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical texts Indonesia (Western Indonesian Time UTC +7) English, Indonesian
    Janet Plenert
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical texts Canada (Eastern Time UTC -5) English
    Cynthia DŸck
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical texts, Integration of faith and healthcare through education, advocacy, and service, Aging in the community of faith. Paraguay (Paraguay Time UTC/GMT -4) English, Spanish, German
    Cynthia Peacock
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories) Preaching on biblical texts India (Indian Standard Time UTC +5:30) English, Bengali
    Danisa Ndlovu
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical texts Zimbabwe (Central Africa Time UTC +2) English, Ndebele
    Freddy Barr—n
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical texts Bolivia (Bolivia Time UTC -4) Spanish
    Gerald Hildebrand
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical texts Canada (Central Time UTC -6) English
    Jeremiah Choi
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical texts Hong Kong (Hong Kong Time UTC +8) English, Cantonese
    JosŽ Arrais
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical texts Portugal (Western Europe Time UTC +1) English, Portuguese, can deliver greetings in Spanish and French
    Jumanne Magiri Mafwiri
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical texts Tanzania (East Africa Time UTC +3) English, Swahili
    Paul Stucky
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical texts Colombia (Colombia Standard Time UTC -5) English, Spanish
    Siaka TraorŽ
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical texts Burkina Faso (Burkina Faso Time UTC) French
    Willi Hugo Perez
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical texts Guatemala (Central Standard Time UTC -6) English, Spanish


    Andi Santoso
    discipleship, family, the Gospel of Peace, Holistic Mission, Leadership USA (Eastern Time UTC -4) English, Indonesian
    Vikal Rao
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical texts India (Indian Standard Time UTC +5:30) English, Hindi
    Neal Blough
    Anabaptist history and theology, church unity and ecumenical dialogue, the Francophone network, and multicultural congregations. France (Central European Summer Time UTC +2) English, French

    *pre-recorded; please give one-two months for preparation

    Consult the staff page to book a speaker directly or contact MWC.

    Learn more

    Invite an MWC speaker

    speaker list

  • Member churches in Asia do not use any of the three official languages in MWC. Their worship music includes many songs that are not translated into any of MWC’s three languages. These are videos of songs frequently used in local congregations which MWC congregations are encouraged to use during their own worship, as prelude or postlude or during the service.

    • “May the Spirit’s fire revive me again” – Chinese song from Hong Kong
    • “God how good you are” – Hindi song from India
    • “All glory to our heavenly father” – Tamil song from India
  • This Peace Sunday worship material is provided by the Peace Commission of Mennonite World Conference. We encourage its use by all MWC-related congregations on the Sunday closest to the International Day of Peace, September 21, 2013.


    Psalm 23 is a strong image of peace. There we celebrate sitting at the table in the presence of our enemies, and the cup is filled to overflowing. Using this image we respond to God’s call to peace with a ritual of anointing. These peace-worship resources use movement, image, art, and ritual to explore the theme of peace. They begin with the idea that art (construction) is the opposite of war (destruction).

    While it is difficult to do art together in a time of worship, there are ways of making art to interact together.

    Please use these ideas as guidelines to adapt to your congregation’s context. The children’s worship connects with the prayers of the people through a prayer movement. Please feel free to change, adapt, or print material as needed.


    God fills our cup to overflowing with what is needed to work for peace.


    Psalm 23

    Supporting Scriptures: Genesis 1; Matthew 6:9-13; 2 Corinthians 5:18

  • Theme 

    Kintsukuroi: The broken vessel is often more beautiful than the original

    Why this theme was chosen

    2 Corinthians 4:7 describes the gospel as a “treasure” in “clay jars.” These humble vessels bring to mind the Japanese tradition of kintsukuroi that creates (or recreates) pottery from broken pieces. Damaged vessels are put back together, often with gold binding, to create a useful object once again. The new piece tells a story about the past and is infused with glory that is greater than the former, as in Haggai 2:9.

    Biblical texts

    • 2 Corinthians 4:7
    • Haggai 2:9

    Additional resources in this package

    Additional resources available online

    • Pictures (including all used in this package)

  • Being a family: redrawing the images and borders  

    While he was still speaking to the crowds, his mother and his brothers were standing outside,  wanting to speak to him.  Someone told him, ÒLook, your mother and your brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you.Ó  But to the one who had told him this, Jesus replied, ÒWho is my mother, and who are my brothers?Ó  And pointing to his disciples, he said, ÒHere are my mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother. (Matthew 12:46-50, NRSVU).

    Amos Ganjboir, Rajendra Masih and Hoshanna made the background for the Peace Sunday activity at Bethel Mennonite Church, Balodgahan, India. Photo: Ashish Kumar Milap

    Many years ago, I sat in a family psychology class at a university in Colombia. One of the tools we were learning involved drawing our Òsocial network.Ó 

    The exercise was to imagine yourself going through a rough time in life, and then draw Ð using different symbols Ð the people that you would identify as part of your network of support. You would include both people that you recognized as very close to you and people who were perceived to be a bit more distant yet somehow present in times of unrest. This sense of proximity/distance was then reflected in the drawing. The closest people were depicted near to the centre of the paper, while people that were perceived as more distant were depicted farther away from the centre.  

    One of the areas of attention of this exercise was family Ð and the function that family members play as network of support. As we completed the exercise, it was fascinating to see the different family compositions and shapes among us. Some would draw friends as family: my classmates felt as though these friends were so close that they could be perceived as family. Others would not include one of their parents or relatives at all since they were not perceived as supportive or perhaps because the relation was damaged or broken.  

    The result was that all families were unique! None of the drawings were equal to the others. 

    If we were to do this exercise in our congregations, the likely outcome would also be different family drawings and images: they would be diverse and they are all part of us! 

    Seeing this, the professor asked: what is family and who gets to be part of it?  

    After some student responses were discussed, the professor concluded: family is not so much about sharing DNA as it is about perception, about the quality of the bonds with people. 

    In other words, it was more important to identify what people perceived to be their ÒfamilyÓ in moments of distress than knowing with whom they were biologically or legally related. 

    This response draws me back to Matthew 12 and how Jesus challenges and re-draws some of the images of family that we have.  

    First, as we can see from Jesus’ own question and response regarding who his mother and siblings are, family is not prescribed by a given biological or legal structure but shaped by the quality of relationships.

    Instead of using the common images about parenthood or siblinghood of his time, Jesus focuses the attention more on relationships with his disciples and followers. Jesus emphasizes how those relationships are so significant that they can be described as family bonds. Seeking to witness to God’s will seems to be an important factor for people to join in the ÒfamilyÓ that Jesus refers to.  

    As we live in a world that gives so much attention to certain images of family (forgetting how social construction has shaped our ideas of who is included and what a family is supposed to be) we tend to lose sight of what lies at the centre: relationships. The quality of the relationships Ð not a given structure or composition Ð is what makes a ÒfamilyÓ a space in which people can embody just and peaceful relationships with one another, witnessing to God’s shalom

    To emphasize justice and peace as God’s will is something we have learned from many AnabaptistMennonite siblings of faith in different times and contexts. In this regard, it is not surprising that we can refer to our communities and congregations as ÒchosenÓ families, as parents and siblings with whom we have committed to walk and who have committed to walk with usÑas we seek to witness to God’s will together. 

    At Hastings Chapel, Kolkata, India (a Bharatiya Jukta Christo Prachar Mandli congregation), members share ÒfruitsÓ on which they have written how the church is an expression of hope in the midst of external turmoil. Photo: Madhur Lakra

    Secondly, family is not characterized by the absence of conflict or tension, but more about how these are addressed.  

    Just like the exercise in the psychology class, the key question was not about whether the family relations were conflict-free but rather about how close we perceive other family members to be Ð especially when we look for support. This means that the bonds of family are truly tested amid rough times and experiences, and how those are handled. 

    Disagreements and tensions existed among the disciples and between the disciples and Jesus. Some of those are reported in the biblical stories. The existence of these differences did not compromise Jesus’ perception of parenthood and siblinghood with his disciples and followers. According to Jesus’ words, what enabled this sense of familiarity beyond conflicts and tensions is the honesty and depth of our attempts to discern God’s will in the midst of conflict. 

    Discerning God’s will and how to witness to it is not always easy within our global Anabaptist-Mennonite family.  

    On many occasions, there are different perceptions as to how that witness should be embodied and what it implies in different contexts. And yet, in deciding to walk together as followers of Jesus, there is a commitment and willingness to deal with tensions and conflicts in ways that are consistent with God’s shalom

    To emphasize the quality of the relationships as a key dimension to understand what it means to be a family implies to be conscious about the constant need to nurture and care for our relationships. While at times we could be more distant Ð or perceive the other as distant Ð there is always the possibility to come closer again, to change the dynamics.  

    Restoration, healing and reconciliation are signs of this. They are possible gifts to be experienced as we engage actively in recognizing the existence of wounds and seeking to heal them Ð being transformed in this process.  

    In Colombia, members of an Iglesias Hermanos Menonitas de Colombia (MB) congregation write down how the church is an expression of hope in the midst of external turmoil. Photo: Juan Francisco Novoa

    And third, being family is a dynamic process, not a static reality. 

    Another implication of seeing how Jesus emphasizes family as people who witness to God’s will is that the borders of family can be redrawn. We can relate with and find new relations in others who are also seeking to witness to God’s will. People with other backgrounds, from other contexts, congregations, churches may all be family as they witness to God’s purpose.  

    We can neither contain nor restrict God’s will. That means our family can always be bigger than we expect or imagine it to be.  

    When we think about witnessing to God’s shalom, we are reminded that ÒpeaceÓ is not merely an Anabaptist-Mennonite theme. It is rather God’s will, which means that it can be embodied and embraced among different people. In that sense, people from other denominations and faiths can also witness to God’s peace, and are, therefore, our potential relatives. They can be our Òaunts,Ó Òuncles,Ó Òcousins,Ó in an enlarged image of family. 

    May our God of peace guide and strengthen us as we nurture bonds with an ever-growing family of siblings and relatives who are discerning God’s will. 

    ÑAndrŽs Pacheco Lozano is research assistant to the Chair of Peace Theology and Ethics at the VU University Amsterdam and lecturer in the Doopsgezind Seminarium (Dutch Mennonite Seminary). Andrés Pacheco Lozano is co-director of the Amsterdam Center for Religion, Peace & Justice Studies and a post-doctoral researcher in the Center for Peace Church Theology at the University of Hamburg (Germany). A member of Iglesia Menonita de Colombia, he lives in the Netherlands.

  • Theme

    When one member suffers, all members suffer: Peace as accompaniment and solidarity

    If we are interested in embodying God’s peace and justice in this world, what happens to one affects and should also matter to others.

    Biblical text:

    1 Corinthians 12:12–27
    Ruth 1:1–17
    Ephesians 4:1–6
    Galatians 6:1–5


    Additional resources in this package

    Additional resources available online:

    Click here to download

  • Click below to download


    Finding hope and healing in crisis

    Why this theme was chosen:

    In these gospel passages, Jesus brings salvation in the midst of crisis. We desire and need this peace, especially after this year! And as followers of Jesus, we follow his example and work to bring peace in the midst of chaos.

    Biblical texts:

    • Matthew 14:22-33
    • Mark 4:35-41

    Additional resources

    Additional resources online

  • Theme and texts


    Being a new creation in the midst of external turmoil

    Why this theme was chosen

    How do we maintain resilience in hardship, turmoil and conflict? How do we maintain our hope for something better when times are tough?

    This year’s Peace Sunday resources will explore the ways in which people throughout our communion give expression to God’s new creation during difficult circumstances.

    Biblical texts

    • Matthew 5
    • Mark 7:24-30

    Additional resources in this package

    Additional resources available online

  • As presented to the Mennonite World Conference General Council, Limuru, Kenya, 24 April 2018

    Click below to download full presentation text

    Part I “All things gathered in Christ”

    • God is a gatherer
    • The Old Testament
    • The New Testament
    • Ephesians 1:10 – The Secret is Out! God is gathering all things in Christ!
    • Ephesians 2:11-22 – For He is “our” Peace
    • The near and the far
    • Conclusion – Anabaptists and the “gathering of all things”

    Part II “Unity of the Spirit – the creation of body and temple”

    • Spirit (ruach/pneuma) – energy, breath, wind
    • The unity of the Spirit
      • 1. Spirit as energy or power
      • 2. Spirit as breath
      • 3. Spirit as wind
    • The body of Christ, the womb in which the new human is being formed
    • The temple of God – a home from recycled material
    • Unity and diversity
    • Anabaptists and Spirit

    Part III “Maintaining the Unity of the Spirit – when walking together is hard”

    • We do not walk alone
    • How do we walk together?
    • Humility, patience, suffering each other
    • Forgiveness
    • Speaking truth WITH the neighbour
    • Seeing the face of God in each other
    • Does the bond ever tear? Does the chain break?

    At time of writing, Thomas R Yoder Neufeld is chair of the Faith and Life Commission. He is retired as professor of religious studies (New Testament) and peace and conflict studies at Conrad Grebel University College in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

  • AWFS 2024