Prayers of gratitude and intercession

  • Invite the global church into your congregation!

    MWC member congregations are welcome to invite one MWC speaker per year to bring a message from the global Anabaptist-Mennonite family. This may be for Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday, Peace Sunday or any day you wish to give special attention to the global family.

    Please consider giving an honorarium appropriate for your region. Contact for assistance with money transfer if needed.

    Any MWC speaker may be asked to present via live video link (subject to internet connectivity) or a pre-recorded video. If travel is required from outside the region, the host congregation should cover travel costs.

    NameTopics, specific expertiseLocationLanguages


    César García
    Unity in the church, restorative justice, church and state, Anabaptism; biblical textsCanada (Eastern Time UTC -4)English, Spanish
    Henk Stenvers
    Global faith community, Body of Christ, Sermon on the MountNetherlands (Central European Time UTC +2)English, (Spanish or French if pre-recorded)
    Lisa Carr-Pries
    Global faith communityCanada (Eastern Time UTC -4)English
    Sunoko Lin
    7 churches in Revelation; biblical textsCalifornia (Pacific Time UTC -7)English, Indonesian

    Regional representatives

    Agus Mayanto
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsIndonesia (Western Indonesian Time UTC +7)English, Indonesian
    Janet Plenert
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsCanada (Eastern Time UTC -5)English

    Cynthia DüŸck

    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical texts, Integration of faith and healthcare through education, advocacy, and service, Aging in the community of faith.Paraguay (Paraguay Time UTC/GMT -4)English, Spanish, German
    Cynthia Peacock
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories) Preaching on biblical textsIndia (Indian Standard Time UTC +5:30)English, Bengali
    Danisa Ndlovu
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsZimbabwe (Central Africa Time UTC +2)English, Ndebele

    Freddy Barró—n

    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsBolivia (Bolivia Time UTC -4)Spanish
    Gerald Hildebrand
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsCanada (Central Time UTC -6)English
    Jeremiah Choi
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsHong Kong (Hong Kong Time UTC +8)English, Cantonese
    JosŽ Arrais
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsPortugal (Western Europe Time UTC +1)English, Portuguese, can deliver greetings in Spanish and French
    Jumanne Magiri Mafwiri
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsTanzania (East Africa Time UTC +3)English, Swahili
    Paul Stucky
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsColombia (Colombia Standard Time UTC -5)English, Spanish

    Siaka TraorŽ

    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsBurkina Faso (Burkina Faso Time UTC)French
    Willi Hugo Perez
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsGuatemala (Central Standard Time UTC -6)English, Spanish


    Andi Santoso
    discipleship, family, the Gospel of Peace, Holistic Mission, LeadershipUSA (Eastern Time UTC -4)English, Indonesian
    Vikal Rao
    Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsIndia (Indian Standard Time UTC +5:30)English, Hindi
    Neal Blough
    Anabaptist history and theology, church unity and ecumenical dialogue, the Francophone network, and multicultural congregations.France (Central European Summer Time UTC +2)English, French

    *pre-recorded; please give one-two months for preparation

    Consult the staff page to book a speaker directly or contact MWC.

    Learn more

    speaker list

  • Mennonite World Conference Assembly 17.
    A compilation of speeches and greetings from Indonesia 2022.

    Erratum: The statistics on page 105 contain an mistake. Onsite participants (full-time) from Africa at Assembly 17 – Indonesia 2022 should read 49.

    We apologize for the error.


  • We worship together while apart

    In Christ, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, the cultural adn national boundaries that separate us have been overcome by the cross.

    We celebrate

    • our Anabaptist identity around the world
    • our peace convictions lived out daily, and
    • young people’s contribution to shaping the church of today and the future.

    Each year, MWC publishes worship resources with Scripture focus, sermon notes, testimonies, prayers and liturgies and activities that can be used in your congregation.

  • What was happening in Mennonite World Conference in 2015? Assembly PA 2015 in July and much more.

    MWC Year in Review 2015
    Recuento del año 2015 del CMM
    CMM : Revue de l’année 2015
  • What was happening in Mennonite World Conference in 2016? The celebration of community in its many forms. Share this video with your congregation as part of your World Fellowship Sunday celebrations.

    MWC Year in Review 2016
    Recuento del año 2016 del CMM
    CMM : Revue de l’année 2016
  • How do we live out our Anabaptist identity? On World Fellowship Sunday, share this video about how MWC helped our churches around the world in 2017.

    MWC Year in Review 2017
    Recuento del año 2017 del CMM
    CMM : Revue de l’année 2017
  • Transformed by the Holy Spirit. On World Fellowship Sunday, share this video about how we worked together for peace and justice in the power of the Holy Spirit in 2018.

    MWC Year in Review 2018
    MWC Year in Review 2018 Afrikaans

  • Video de recuento del año 2019
    MWC Year in Review 2019
    CMM Revue de l’annee 2019
  • This year, the global pandemic forced us to rethink how we do our jobs, how we meet as congregations to worship and even how we connect in relationships. Yet, as we adjusted to new realities, we found news ways of following Jesus Christ, our hope.


    Click here to download video to show to your congregation

    See also abridged video below (3:13)

    Year in Review abridged
  • Our relationships with you — our sisters and brothers in Christ — were a source of strength as the pandemic continued in 2021.   

    Online experiences during the pandemic have given you new virtual opportunities to connect online.  

    You learned from and supported the global Anabaptist-Mennonite family as we follow Christ together while we are apart.  

    Click here to download video to show to your congregation


  • Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday worship resources available here

    In 2022, we found new ways to follow Jesus together across barriers. 

    • We crossed barriers of travel restrictions and distance to come together for our Assembly in 2022.  
    • We crossed national church barriers to meet together, encounter new partners and make decisions by consensus in 2022.  
    • We crossed barriers of time and space to love our neighbours in the name of Christ.  
    • We crossed barriers of inequality by providing teaching resources.  

    We find strength to follow Jesus best when we follow Jesus together. 

    Click here to download video to show to your congregation