Prayers of gratitude and intercession

  • Upcoming Webinars

    History of Conscientious objection in Colombia 

    Global Anabaptist Peace Network webinar

    Speaker: Andrés Aponte López, Justapaz 

    30 January 2025

    14:00-15:30 UTC

    Languages: English, Español 

    Serving with the love of Christ 

    Global Anabaptist Service Network webinar

    Featured presenter: AMAS (Associaçãno Menonita de Assisténcia Social) 

    21 February 2025 

    13:00-15:00 UTC

    Languages: English, Español, Français 

    Global Anabaptist Primary and Secondary Education Network member meeting 

    Meeting chair: Elaine Moyer 

    28 February 2025 

    Languages: English, Español, Français 

    Previous Webinars

    2024 Webinars

    Towards an Asian Decolonization of the Biblical Hermeneutics on Peace

    Global Anabaptist Peace Network webinar

    Speaker: Daniel K. Listijabudi, PhD

    24 October 2024

    Languages: English, Español 

    Succession in Service: Preparing the Next Wave of Mission Leaders

    Global Mission Fellowship webinar

    Speaker: Ebenezer M, Tigist G, C. Daniel S, Galen B.

    23 October 2024

    Languages: English, Español, Français 

    The Hope of Christian Witness/Mission in a Polarized World

    Global Mission Fellowship webinar

    Speaker: Nelson Kraybill, Sibonokuhle Ncube, Eladio Mondez

    27 June 2024

    Languages: English, Español, Français 

    Decolonizing Peacebuilding in Palestine and Israel: A Palestinian Christian Perspective

    Global Anabaptist Peace Network webinar

    Speaker: Anthony Khair

    13 March 2024

    Languages: English, Español

    The values of God’s Kingdom are communicated and applied to the socio-political and cultural realities of the Palestinian people

    Global Anabaptist Educators Network webinar

    Speaker: Rev Dr Jack Sara

    11 March 2024

    Languages: English, Español

    Sharing best practices of self-help groups in the Child and Youth Development Project

    Global Anabaptist Service Network webinar

    Speakers: Mr Abdi Dubale, Mr Dejene Gurmessa

    27 February 2024

    Languages: English, Español, Français 

    Climate Pollinators webinar series – North America focus

    Creation Care Task Force webinar

    Moderator: Anna Vogt, Jennifer Halteman Schrock

    13 February 2024

    Languages: English, Español

    Climate Pollinators webinar series – Latin America focus

    Creation Care Task Force webinar

    Moderator: Juliana Morillo

    16 January 2024

    Languages: English, Español

    Overcoming Racism in the Church: Reflections on Theology and Practice in Europe

    Global Anabaptist Peace Network webinar

    Speaker: Lydia Funck

    11 January 2024

    Languages: English, Español, Français 

  • Inspiration and reflection



    General Secretary

    A foretaste of the kingdom 

    “Let’s think as citizens of a new nation in which there is not a gap between rich and poor, but where economic equality exists between all people.  

    “Let’s think as citizens of a new nation in which there is not racial discrimination, but where cultural diversity is affirmed and celebrated.  

    “Let’s continue experiencing the reality of this new kingdom among us today. 

    “Let’s continue sending micro-communities that live out this kind of mission. Our church is called to be a foretaste of the kingdom! That is our mission!” 

    César García, Mennonite World Conference’s general secretary, lays out this vision and calling in God’s People in Mission: An Anabaptist Perspective.  

    This issue of Courier shares stories of how MWC’s Network members equip the church to live out this foretaste of the kingdom: 

    In Benin, the doors of Casa Grande are open wide to welcome orphans into a home of love, offer an education and equip with vocational skills for both economic and environmental sustainability.  

    In India, graduates from Little Flock Discipleship School are transforming remote village with education and a message of hope from Jesus.  

    In Spain, a diverse collection of Anabaptist-related churches minister to the needs in their local contexts, and come together for fellowship and inspiration despite their different origins.  

    In Paraguay, ASCIM is reaching into Indigenous communities with trained care workers who show the love of Jesus through medical treatment and vocational training.  

    In North America, Mennonite Disaster Service crosses international boundaries and draws together volunteers from every Anabaptist stripe as they rebuild homes after disasters.  

    These testimonies provide a taste of how Anabaptist churches around the world are living out mission. Members of the Mission Commission and the steering committees of the Global Anabaptist Service Network and Global Mission Fellowship also reflect on the purpose of their Networks. They not only encourage each other and learn together, they also attempt to live out this new nation under Christ where diversity is celebrated and equality is practiced.  

    — Karla Braun is editor of Courier and editor, writer and website coordinator for Mennonite World Conference. She lives in Winnipeg, Canada. 

  • Global Anabaptist Service Network Terms of Reference in response to network meetings at St. Chrishona in Basel Switzerland

  • A teaching resource from the Faith & Life commission

    What does it mean for member churches of Mennonite World Conference to share an Anabaptist identity? What is the value of Anabaptist “tradition” – and what does that word mean in a global context? What are our Anabaptist understandings of mission and fellowship?

    In 2009, the newly appointed Faith and Life Commission was asked to produce three papers that could be used in helping MWC communities reflect on such questions:

    • “A Holistic Understanding of Fellowship, Worship, Service, and Witness from an Anabaptist Perspective” by Alfred Neufeld Friesen of Paraguay;
    • “The ‘Anabaptist Tradition’ – Reclaiming its Gifts, Heeding its Weaknesses” by Hanspeter Jecker of Switzerland; and
    • “Koinonia – The Gift We Hold Together” by Tom Yoder Neufeld of Canada.

    All three papers were approved as a teaching resource by the MWC General Council in May 2012.

    Some weeks ago, I received a request from Bert Lobe to consider describing and reflecting on how the sixteenth century Anabaptists understood diaconal service, and how that understanding and practice developed historically. The idea was that this kind of study might provide a basis for discussion and discernment for the MWC Deacons Commission…

  • A teaching resource from the Faith and Life Commission

    What does it mean for member churches of Mennonite World Conference to share an Anabaptist identity? What is the value of Anabaptist “tradition” – and what does that word mean in a global context? What are our Anabaptist understandings of mission and fellowship?

    In 2009, the newly appointed Faith and Life Commission was asked to produce three papers that could be used in helping MWC communities reflect on such questions:

    • “A Holistic Understanding of Fellowship, Worship, Service, and Witness from an Anabaptist Perspective” by Alfred Neufeld Friesen of Paraguay;
    • “The ‘Anabaptist Tradition’ – Reclaiming its Gifts, Heeding its Weaknesses” by Hanspeter Jecker of Switzerland; and
    • “Koinonia – The Gift We Hold Together” by Tom Yoder Neufeld of Canada.

    All three papers were approved as a teaching resource by the MWC General Council in May 2012.

    The “Anabaptist tradition” is a historical movement, rooted in the sixteenth century Radical Reformation, of contextualizing the Bible’s apostolic and prophetic legacy as lived out by the early church. Tradition is a historic witness of moments of renewal and contextualization, a dynamic in need of permanent perpetuation…