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Speaker’s bureau

Invite the global church into your congregation!

MWC member congregations are welcome to invite one MWC speaker per year to bring a message from the global Anabaptist-Mennonite family. This may be for Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday, Peace Sunday or any day you wish to give special attention to the global family.

Please consider giving an honorarium appropriate for your region. Contact contributions@mwc-cmm.org for assistance with money transfer if needed.

Any MWC speaker may be asked to present via live video link (subject to internet connectivity) or a pre-recorded video. If travel is required from outside the region, the host congregation should cover travel costs.

NameTopics, specific expertiseLocationLanguages


César García
Unity in the church, restorative justice, church and state, Anabaptism; biblical textsCanada (Eastern Time UTC -4)English, Spanish
Henk Stenvers
Global faith community, Body of Christ, Sermon on the MountNetherlands (Central European Time UTC +2)English, (Spanish or French if pre-recorded)
Lisa Carr-Pries
Global faith communityCanada (Eastern Time UTC -4)English
Sunoko Lin
7 churches in Revelation; biblical textsCalifornia (Pacific Time UTC -7)English, Indonesian

Regional representatives

Agus Mayanto
Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsIndonesia (Western Indonesian Time UTC +7)English, Indonesian
Janet Plenert
Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsCanada (Eastern Time UTC -5)English

Cynthia DüŸck

Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical texts, Integration of faith and healthcare through education, advocacy, and service, Aging in the community of faith.Paraguay (Paraguay Time UTC/GMT -4)English, Spanish, German
Cynthia Peacock
Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories) Preaching on biblical textsIndia (Indian Standard Time UTC +5:30)English, Bengali
Danisa Ndlovu
Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsZimbabwe (Central Africa Time UTC +2)English, Ndebele

Freddy Barró—n

Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsBolivia (Bolivia Time UTC -4)Spanish
Gerald Hildebrand
Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsCanada (Central Time UTC -6)English
Jeremiah Choi
Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsHong Kong (Hong Kong Time UTC +8)English, Cantonese
JosŽ Arrais
Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsPortugal (Western Europe Time UTC +1)English, Portuguese, can deliver greetings in Spanish and French
Jumanne Magiri Mafwiri
Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsTanzania (East Africa Time UTC +3)English, Swahili
Paul Stucky
Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsColombia (Colombia Standard Time UTC -5)English, Spanish

Siaka TraorŽ

Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsBurkina Faso (Burkina Faso Time UTC)French
Willi Hugo Perez
Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsGuatemala (Central Standard Time UTC -6)English, Spanish


Andi Santoso
discipleship, family, the Gospel of Peace, Holistic Mission, LeadershipUSA (Eastern Time UTC -4)English, Indonesian
Vikal Rao
Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical textsIndia (Indian Standard Time UTC +5:30)English, Hindi
Neal Blough
Anabaptist history and theology, church unity and ecumenical dialogue, the Francophone network, and multicultural congregations.France (Central European Summer Time UTC +2)English, French

*pre-recorded; please give one-two months for preparation

Consult the staff page to book a speaker directly or contact MWC.

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