Call to Worship: Turning a cheek
Strength is commanding the wind and sea to obey,
Strength is wielding a slingshot in the face of a raging giant.
Strength is accepting vulnerability from inside the boat,
Strength is standing in solidarity with the powerless.
Strength is turning a cheek,
Strength is loving an enemy.
We come to worship
a God who redefines our vision of strength.
—Katherine HawkerSelf, 1997, “Liturgy Outside: reflections to foster faithful resistance” (
Send us into the world’s turbulence as instruments of Your peace,
and send us as agents of Your justice,
that all might know the truth of Your ways.
Send us as artists
who bear the joyful burden of Your creativity,
that we might bring light into the darkness,
and hope among the despairing.
And grant us the joy of fellowship,
with Your Spirit and with one another,
this day and forever. Amen!
—Rev. Mark S. Burrows. Included in the Spring, 1998 issue of Connections magazine.