Mary, the mother of Jesus is deeply honored by Christians and Muslims. This workshop explores the Qur’anic and Biblical narratives about Mary and her depiction in both traditions. The workshop also investigates what a focus on her prophethood can add to inter-religious dialogue between Muslims and Christians, especially for women.
Presenter: Jacqueline Hoover is a free-lance instructor is Islamic Studies and Muslim-Christian relations based in the UK. She is a member of the sessional faculty at AMBS and an ordained minister in the Mennonite Church USA. She has taught recently in Malaysia, Egypt, Kenya and the UK.
The interpretation does not constitute a definitive record of proceedings.
The simultaneous interpretation of Mennonite World Conference meetings and events facilitates communication among the participants in the meeting. It does not constitute an official record of proceedings. Where there is any difference between the simultaneous interpretation and the original speech (or the written translation of the speech), the original speech (or the written translation) takes precedence.