Inspiration and reflection
- Following Jesus in a very big house
- Following Jesus from Bengal to Bhutan and beyond
- Living out unity in Spain
- Building peace with holistic services
- Living out unity with boots and shovels
General Secretary

A foretaste of the kingdom
“Let’s think as citizens of a new nation in which there is not a gap between rich and poor, but where economic equality exists between all people.
“Let’s think as citizens of a new nation in which there is not racial discrimination, but where cultural diversity is affirmed and celebrated.
“Let’s continue experiencing the reality of this new kingdom among us today.
“Let’s continue sending micro-communities that live out this kind of mission. Our church is called to be a foretaste of the kingdom! That is our mission!”
César García, Mennonite World Conference’s general secretary, lays out this vision and calling in God’s People in Mission: An Anabaptist Perspective.
This issue of Courier shares stories of how MWC’s Network members equip the church to live out this foretaste of the kingdom:
In Benin, the doors of Casa Grande are open wide to welcome orphans into a home of love, offer an education and equip with vocational skills for both economic and environmental sustainability.
In India, graduates from Little Flock Discipleship School are transforming remote village with education and a message of hope from Jesus.
In Spain, a diverse collection of Anabaptist-related churches minister to the needs in their local contexts, and come together for fellowship and inspiration despite their different origins.
In Paraguay, ASCIM is reaching into Indigenous communities with trained care workers who show the love of Jesus through medical treatment and vocational training.
In North America, Mennonite Disaster Service crosses international boundaries and draws together volunteers from every Anabaptist stripe as they rebuild homes after disasters.
These testimonies provide a taste of how Anabaptist churches around the world are living out mission. Members of the Mission Commission and the steering committees of the Global Anabaptist Service Network and Global Mission Fellowship also reflect on the purpose of their Networks. They not only encourage each other and learn together, they also attempt to live out this new nation under Christ where diversity is celebrated and equality is practiced.
— Karla Braun is editor of Courier and editor, writer and website coordinator for Mennonite World Conference. She lives in Winnipeg, Canada.