Plenary sermons
- Puppies and goats are welcome at the table
- Learning together to handle diversity
- Learning together to discern the will of God
- Practice before the storm
- We are the hands of God in times of crisis
- Living the good life is good and even necessary
- We do not lose heart
- United in the defence of life: water more precious than gold
- Interethnic and ecumenical work in violent contexts
- Let us mutually care for one another
- Intergenerational solidarity relationships
- How can I celebrate?
- “Very good” in troubled times
- God’s love, forgiveness and reconciliation
- Returning home
Assembly overview
Assembly activities
- We speak the same language
- A good kind of infidel
- Assembly tours and service projects
- Assembly satellite locations
- Creative approaches Children’s program
- Youth program
- Global Youth Summit (GYS)
- Global Church Village