Assembly 17 – Indonesia 2022 – workshops

Updated 3 January 2023

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Creation Care and MWC Responding as a Global Church (Creation Care Task Force)
Declaration of Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples – I (Peace)
Declaration of Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples – II (Peace)
Global Church Sharing Fund (Deacons)
Introduction to the Global Anabaptist Peace Network (Peace, GAPN)
MWC and Political Advocacy (Peace)
Responding to Climate Crisis as a Missional Responsibility (Peace)
The Coronavirus Task Force (Deacons)

English workshops

Alone with God – The challenge
Anabaptist Mennonite Scholars Network Scholarship across barriers
Breaking down barriers between Muslims and Christians
Bringing Voices Together: Songs from around the world
Called to be holy Integrating ministry into our daily lives
Christian Hospitality: The church and global migration
Collaboration Against All Odds
Creation care that makes a difference
Discipleship and Justice: What’s your context?
Dutch Colonialism, Multatuli, and Mennonite History A Drama Workshop
Ecumenical peace witness across Europe
Evangelical faith and the Land of Israel
Introducing biblical multifaith hermeneutics in Indonesia and Asia
Integration of Faith and Health from an Anabaptist perspective
Land and water protection peace work and the environment
Let’s make a difference with what we have!
Mary breaking down barriers between Muslims and Christians
MEDA panel business and faith in a post COVID world
Meeting Muslims as guests, hosts and mutual partners
Mennonites in Indonesia and Radical Muslims making Peace
Muslim nonviolence
Nothing Remains as It Was Renewal yesterday … and today
Overcoming the Dividing Wall between Christ followers and Muslims
Preventing child malnutrition in developing countries
Seeing power as God sees it Herod and the child
Sexual Misconduct by Pastors
The Bible the land and the Middle East conflict
The Lord calls devoted, transformational leaders
The Peace House encountering the stranger
The Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace of the World Council of Churches
The walled world breaking down the walls of hostility
When Strong Christian Leaders Collide

Spanish workshops

Aguas para la tierra
A solas con Dios
Buen manejo del poder y la sexualidad en iglesias
Colaboración contra todo pronóstico
Diálogos Anabautistas
Discipulado y justicia: ¿Cuál es su contexto
Evangélicosas y poder ¿qué dice el Anabautismo?
Justicia Restaurativa, delitos y adicciones
Merienda Menonita el arte de conversar y la práctica de escuchar
MTAL, servicio y salud integral ante la nueva normalidad
Pasos prácticos de la iglesia mundial para el cuidado de la creación

French workshops

Le “Pèlerinage de justice et de paix” du COE

German workshops

Maria zerbricht Barrieren zwischen Moslems und Christen

Indonesian workshops

Mennonite & Islam dari Pedesaan Lereng Muria