Anabaptism and mission: an online bibliography 1859-2011

Introduction to the Updated, Online Edition (2011)

The following online electronic resource represents my efforts over the last few years, as a student at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary (AMBS), with the sponsorship and partnership of the AMBS Mission Studies Center, directed by Walter W. Sawatsky, to update the first print edition of this work: Anabaptism and Mission: A Bibliography, 1859-2000 (Elkhart, IN: Mennonite Mission Network, 2002), compiled and edited through the tremendous and tireless efforts of Chad M. Bauman and James R. Krabill.

Throughout the ongoing project thus far, the researching and compiling of sources was a humbling task, as the body of bibliographic materials on this subject never remains static. Not only has the project entailed updating entries of authors and sources listed in the first edition, as well new authors and scholars that have come on the scene in the first decade of the 21st century, but several more sources even from the 20th century were found and added, as the development of electronic communication and information technology has made a great deal more information and data available, even since the time of the first publication. Furthermore, the author has continued the trend of conceiving of Anabaptist as inherently broader than the mainline Mennonite denominations.