Prayers of gratitude and intercession

  • Finding Healing and Hope in Crisis

    Jesus walks on water (Matthew 14:22-33) and Jesus calms the storm (Matthew 8:23-27; Mark 4:35-41).

    You can imagine Jesus walking on top of the turbulent water thrashing against the boat, or the storm-high waves covering the boat, and understand the fear the disciples must have felt – to the degree that they thought they were seeing a ghost, or were sure they would be drowned in a shipwreck. We too can go through circumstances that flood us with fear, in which we feel nauseous without being ill, or where we are sure we will fail and don’t even try.

    The storms in our lives can be varied: our health is in peril; our finances or marriage on the brink of despair; our child’s life in danger. I don’t know which one you are going through, but at these tumultuous times we experience true anxiety; we feel alone, depressed, undeserving of God’s grace; without hope, as if we are trapped in a deep, dark hole that we cannot escape from. On a personal level, these daily occurrences seem increasingly more difficult. It also happens on a global level with conflict and disagreements that turn into violent clashes that can even lead to the loss of life for some people. So, some people ask, “Where is the world headed?” We cannot deny the truth of these circumstances.

    We are not exempt from these experiences as children of God because “In the world you face persecution.…” John 16:33 (NRSV). Our Christian duty is to reflect the victorious character of Jesus.

    I invite you to imagine Jesus walking over the turbulent water as related in Matthew 14:27 when he said to the disciples: “Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.”

    After a time of much anguish, like when you are about to lose your life, or you think you are going to fail, hear the calming voice of Jesus in Matthew 8:26 saying “Why are you afraid, you of little faith?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a dead calm. Oh, what a glorious experience!

    This wonderful sensation of being protected by the love of God through the manifold expressions of God’s power is available to you for your life. Jesus is extending his hand to assist you and will not let you perish in the turbulent water of this life. He is here to heal you of all your infirmities and all the pain it is possible to experience. There is no one who better understands these difficult situations that we must live through. When the night is at its darkest and most threatening; when you have lost all hope; Jesus walks toward you with every intention of rescuing you, sustaining you and consoling you.

    It is possible that you can hear his voice saying: “Why are you afraid, you of little faith?” (Matthew 8:26). Often, we need to pause and turn our face to Jesus so that we may live out our peace; that peace that allows us to overcome the situation; that peace that fills us with strength to carry on, that enables us to do that which our anguish gets in the way of.

    Take the time that you need to today to repeat the words of the disciples: “What sort of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him?” (Matthew 8:27) We put our trust in God. He will not put us to shame.

    Adriana Belinda Rodriguez Velasquez is a member of the Peace commission. She is a member of Caminando con Dios, part of the Iglesia Evangélica Menonita Hondureña.

  • Do not be afraid

    Assembly17-Agus Setianto-w-family-1

    The 17th of August 2011 is an unforgettable date for me. It is Indonesia’s independence day, one day after my 49th birthday Ð and the day the Chinese government tightened the regulation of bird’s nest imports from Indonesia.


    Many entrepreneurs collapsed due to Chinese government’s decision. We were one of the entrepreneurs who were affected by the decision.

    Our business stopped. Almost every day the price depreciated to the point that exporters refrained from buying raw materials. Unexpectedly, loss after loss must be experienced by me.

    I hoped that the working conditions would recover soon so I could pay my obligations on time. However, for almost eight months the conditions did not recover, instead it worsened! Our business had to be auctioned.

    During the hard times, my wife gathered our children and conveyed the impact of the condition to them. We were preparing them mentally if we had to move to our shop because the house had to be handed over to the bank. My wife asked the children to pray for the peace and gratitude to keep our family close.

    We imagined they would be terrified, crying and asking questions. However, our children were calm. ÒIt’s okay, Mum; living in the shop is the same as living in an apartment,Ó said our youngest daughter.

    ÒI’m sure this house will still be our home, I’m not afraid. God will surely help,Ó said our eldest daughter.

    ÒBut mum, dad is still able to work with the drinking water business, isn’t he?Ó said our son. My wife said yes.

    We were very blessed with their answers and it gave us the strength to remain enthusiastic to fulfill our responsibilities toward them. I could feel that in the condition we were in, the experience of faith with God was increasingly evident in our lives.

    We held hands together and prayed, asking God to give us strength and comfort.

    We prayed to be spared unnecessary costs. We prayed for our health, for our daily needs, school fees; to avoid breakdown to the vehicles, electronic devices, household appliances; even for the lightbulbs in our house to last.

    We prayed for God to watch the words that came out of our lips and keep us away from quarrels and conflicts, so that we would always be together in the face of struggles.

    In my morning prayer on 12, 14 and 16 January 2012, I recorded in my journal that I read about God’s fire, purifying gold, and not relying on your own strength.

    It really gave me the confidence. We were sure that we were not alone. God would hold our hands and lead to victory after victory.

    ÑAgus Setianto is national co-coordinator of Assembly. He is a member of GKMI (Gereja Kristen Muria Indonesia) Gloria Patri, Semarang, Indonesia.

  • Opening Prayer

    Invitation to Trust

    When dangers invade our sense of safety and we wonder if our Redeemer cares, we hear the invitation:
    Be at peace. Be calm.

    When we face job loss and financial downturns, and our sense of security is shaky, we hear the invitation:
    Be at peace. Be calm.

    When our congregations experience distress, conflict, and loss of significant leadership, we hear the invitation:
    Be at peace. Be calm.

    When controversial issues and rigidity of spirit threaten to tear at the very fabric of the faith community, we hear the invitation:
    Be at peace. Be calm.

    When our lives feel chaotic and desolate because of illness or sorrow, we hear the invitation:
    Be at peace. Be calm

    Help us to know, O God, that the one who calmed the dangerous sea is present with us, cares for us, and can calm the stormy waters of our lives.
    Help us to trust more fully and more deeply in you.
    We pray in the name of Jesus, who invites us to be at peace.
    —Connie R. Burkholder, Monitor Church of the Brethren, McPherson, Kansas, USA. Used by permission.


    You who are weary

    Do not be afraid!

    You who are fed up

    Do not be afraid!

    God is present in your suffering.
    God will calm the winds and waves of your soul!
    —“Prayer” by Junius Dotson reprinted from The Africana Worship Book Year B, eds. Valerie Bridgeman Davis and Safiyah Fosua. Copyright © 2007 by Discipleship Resources. Used by permission.

    Worship service at La Voie du Salut in Guinea. Photo: Guilvogui


    Intercessions in time of crisis

    God of mercy, God of comfort, we come before you in this time of difficulty, mindful of human frailty and need, confused and struggling to find meaning in the face of suffering.

    We are grateful that even as we share in the joy of Christ Jesus, we can also share abundantly in comfort in the midst of suffering.

    For victims of fire or flood, storm or earthquake, famine or disease, For those whom disaster has left homeless, injured, or bereaved, For refugees and those separated from loved ones, (The liturgist may add specific petitions relating to the immediate crisis.) For all who are in danger, trouble, or anguish,

    We ask the presence and strength of your Spirit.

    Give all who suffer the love that bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

    We know that suffering produces endurance, endurance produces character, character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because your love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit.

    Be the support of all who give their strength, their skill, and their stamina in a ministry of mercy.

    Open our hearts in generosity that we may be partners in their commitment to bring relief.

    Where tempers flare and a partisan spirit provokes new hostility, raise up people who have patience and restraint.

    Where indifference allows crisis to deepen and suffering to go without relief, awaken deliverers who have zeal and strength.

    We pray for those who are engaged in making important decisions in this time, for those who report on these events, and for those who shape public opinion.

    Give them the courage to speak out and the restraint to listen, that together we may discern the truth and hold aloft its light.

    Take away the temptation to trust in human power and military solutions, and give us the courage to be your servants to the community of nations.

    Direct all governments in the way of peace and justice, that your will may be known and done among the nations. Deliver us from the sins which lead to war and conict, and strengthen within us the will to establish righteousness and justice on the earth.

    We pray for those who are suffering and can make no sense of tragedy.

    Help them to turn to the One who embraces us in our lives – even Jesus Christ, who lived and suffered among us.

    There is no one who is righteous, not even one, for we have all turned away from you. Make us aware of our common need of a Savior, and remove from our hearts the pride, ambition, and greed that would lead us to enslave and demean other people.

    Have mercy on your whole creation. Hasten the day when the kingdom of the world shall become your Kingdom, and by grace make us worthy to stand before you. Amen.
    —Reprinted from 1995 Moravian Book of Worship with the permission of the Interprovincial Board of Communication, Moravian Church in America. © 1995 IBOC.

    Member churches around the world celebrated Peace Sunday 2021 using Mennonite World Conference’s Peace Sunday worship resource: “Finding hope and healing in crisis.” Photo: Ashish Kumar Milap

    A prayer for storm survivors. 

    The words in regular print are spoken by one voice. The words in bold print are spoken by all.

    Jesus, we see you calming stormsstorm tossed seas and stormy lives.
    Extend your power and grace again, especially upon these most recent storm victims.
    Speak peace and healing over bodies and spirits broken by the chaos.
    Jesus, speak peace.

    Speak peace and hope over families and communities devastated by sudden loss.
    Jesus, speak peace.

    Speak peace and unity over diverse groups of people so they would come together
    for greater provision, just distribution, and effective rebuilding.
    Jesus, speak peace.

    Speak peace and protection over rescue workers as they reach out to those who are suffering.
    Jesus, speak peace.

    You are the Prince of Peace. You are the Resurrection and the Life.
    You are strong to save. Our hope and trust are in you. Amen.

    —Rev Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia is a United Methodist minister in the United States. This prayer was posted to her blog on Christian practices,

  • What was happening in Mennonite World Conference in 2015? Assembly PA 2015 in July and much more.

    MWC Year in Review 2015
    Recuento del año 2015 del CMM
    CMM : Revue de l’année 2015
  • What was happening in Mennonite World Conference in 2016? The celebration of community in its many forms. Share this video with your congregation as part of your World Fellowship Sunday celebrations.

    MWC Year in Review 2016
    Recuento del año 2016 del CMM
    CMM : Revue de l’année 2016
  • How do we live out our Anabaptist identity? On World Fellowship Sunday, share this video about how MWC helped our churches around the world in 2017.

    MWC Year in Review 2017
    Recuento del año 2017 del CMM
    CMM : Revue de l’année 2017
  • Transformed by the Holy Spirit. On World Fellowship Sunday, share this video about how we worked together for peace and justice in the power of the Holy Spirit in 2018.

    MWC Year in Review 2018
    MWC Year in Review 2018 Afrikaans

  • Video de recuento del año 2019
    MWC Year in Review 2019
    CMM Revue de l’annee 2019
  • This year, the global pandemic forced us to rethink how we do our jobs, how we meet as congregations to worship and even how we connect in relationships. Yet, as we adjusted to new realities, we found news ways of following Jesus Christ, our hope.


    Click here to download video to show to your congregation

    See also abridged video below (3:13)

    Year in Review abridged
  • Our relationships with you — our sisters and brothers in Christ — were a source of strength as the pandemic continued in 2021.   

    Online experiences during the pandemic have given you new virtual opportunities to connect online.  

    You learned from and supported the global Anabaptist-Mennonite family as we follow Christ together while we are apart.  

    Click here to download video to show to your congregation


  • Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday worship resources available here

    In 2022, we found new ways to follow Jesus together across barriers. 

    • We crossed barriers of travel restrictions and distance to come together for our Assembly in 2022.  
    • We crossed national church barriers to meet together, encounter new partners and make decisions by consensus in 2022.  
    • We crossed barriers of time and space to love our neighbours in the name of Christ.  
    • We crossed barriers of inequality by providing teaching resources.  

    We find strength to follow Jesus best when we follow Jesus together. 

    Click here to download video to show to your congregation 

  • Kita Sami Tinimbalan / All of us are called

    by Saptojoadi