Prayers of gratitude and intercession

  • MWC selects books that help member churches nurture a common Christian faith. See French or Spanish version of this page for books in those languages.


    God’s People in Mission: An Anabaptist Perspective, edited by Stanley W. Green & Rafael Zaracho, MWC Mission Commission.

    PDF here. Also available on Amazon/Kindle.


    Life Together in the Spirit: A Radical Spirituality for the Twenty-First Century, by John Driver; Plough Publishing House, Walden, NY, USA, Available for download or online reading:

    Indonesian: Hidup Bersama dalam Roh: Spiritualitas Radikal untuk Abad Kedua Puluh Satu; by John Driver;

    Institute for the Study of Global Anabaptism/MWC, Goshen, Indiana, USA,

    Portuguese: Vida No Espírito Em Comunidade: Uma Espiritualidade Radical para o Século XXI; by John Driver;

    Institute for the Study of Global Anabaptism/MWC, Goshen, Indiana, USA,

    Korean: 성령과 함께 하는 삶: 21세기의 급진적 영성


    What We Believe Together, by Alfred Neufeld Friesen,

    Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society, Lancaster, PA, USA,
    PDF here

    Now available in 7 languages:  English, Spanish, German, Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese and Indonesian. 

    German: Was wir gemeinsam glauben 

    Neufeld Verlag:

    Korean: 우리가 함께 믿는 것

    Korea Anabaptist Press:



    Indonesian: Keyakinan kita bersama : mengungkap butir-butir keyakinan bersama gereja-gereja Anabaptis

    Semarang: Penerbit Pustaka Muria


    Stewardship for All?,  by Bedru Hussein and Lynn Miller;

    Good Books, Intercourse, and Pandora Press, Kitchener, ON,

    PDF here


    A Culture of Peace, by Alan Krieder, Eleanor Krieder, Paulus Widjaja; Good Books, Intercourse, and Pandora Press, Kitchener, ON,

    PDF here

    Now available in 2 languages:  English and German.

    German: Ein Kultur des Friedens Neufeld Verlag :


    God’s Shalom Project, by Bernhard Ott;

    Good Books, Intercourse, and Pandora Press, Kitchener, ON,

    PDF here

    Now available in 5 languages:  English, French, German, Japanese and Spanish.

    German: Schalom – das Projekt Gottes

    Neufeld Verlag : and Agape Verlag Auslieferung, c/o Atempause, Borken, Germany E-mail:

    Japanese: シャーローム 神のプロジェクト ; Word of Life Press Ministries, Japan. The Japanese book can be purchased on Word of Life’s website and through Amazon.


    Sharing Gifts in the Global Family of Faith, by Pakisa Tshimika and Tim Lind;

    Good Books, Intercourse, and Pandora Press, Kitchener, ON,

    PDF here

    Now available in 4 languages:  English, French, Spanish and German.

    German : Teilen, was wir sind und haben; Neufeld Verlag/, VdK-Str. 21, D-92521 Schwarzenfeld, phone ++49/94 35/50 24 49, E-Mail


    Anabaptist Seed, by C. Arnold Snyder,

    Good Books, Intercourse, and Pandora Press, Kitchener, ON,
    PDF here

    Now available in 16 languages:  English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, German, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Indonesian, Hindi, Italian, Telugu, Amharic, Vietnamese and Swedish.

    German: Täuferische Saat – Weltweites Wachstum,

    Neufeld Verlag : and Agape Verlag Auslieferung, c/o Atempause, Borken, Germany E-mail:

    Korean: 재세례신앙의 씨앗으로 부터

    Korea Anabaptist Press:

    Vietnamese: Từ hạt giống Anabaptist

    Mennonite Church Canada:

    Simplified Chinese: 重洗派的根源

    Conference of Mennonite Churches in Taiwan:

    Traditional Chinese

    Conference of Mennonite Churches in Taiwan:

  • The Global Mennonite History Series consists of five volumes of history, one from each continental region. Writers from each region trace the origins, development and mission of the Anabaptist-related churches there, reflecting the experiences, understandings and perspectives of these churches.

    This fresh offering of history is the first time some of these churches have cooperated in telling their story in their own voice. Themes in one book differ from those in another. This telling of the story of Mennonite and Brethren in Christ churches is intended “to stimulate the renewal and extension of Anabaptist Christianity worldwide.” This series helps readers to understand what the North American religious magazine Christian Century calls “the shift in church energy, leadership and numbers from North to South, from developed to developing nations.”

    The Global Mennonite History Series was initiated by Mennonite World Conference at its thirteenth global assembly in Calcutta, India in January 1997. The series was guided by an international organizing committee whose members represent all five continental regions. General editors are John A. Lapp and C. Arnold Snyder.

    The series includes the following five volumes:

    (All volumes in English, with translations of some into selected languages)

    Anabaptist Songs in African Hearts

    1. Anabaptist Songs in African Hearts, 
    released in 2003 at the 14th global assembly in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe (also available in Spanish and French).

    Testing Faith and Tradition

    2. Testing Faith and Tradition,
    the volume from Europe, released in 2006 (also available in Spanish, French, German and Dutch). 

    Mission and Migration

    3. Mission and Migration,
    the volume from Latin America, released in 2010 (also available in Spanish and French)

    Seeking Places of Peace

    4. Seeking Places of Peace,
    the volume from North America, released in 2012. 

    Churches Engage Asian Traditions

    5. Churches Engage Asian Traditions,
    the volume from Asia, released in 2011.

    English-language books are available at Mennonite Life (formerly Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society) (USA) and Pandora Press (Canada)
    Dutch translation of Volume II, Geloof en Traditie beproefd, available at
    German translation of Volume II, Glaube und Tradition in der Bewährungsprobe, available at

  • Report on Conversations between the Baptist World Alliance and the Mennonite World Conference


  • Global Mennonite History Series: Asia

    released in 2011


    I. P. Asheervadam, Adhi Dharma, Alle Hoekema, Kyong-Jung, Kim, Luke Martin, Regina Lyn Mondez, Chiou-Lang Pan, Nguyen Thanh Tam, Nguyen Thi Tam, Takanobu Tojo, Nguyen Quang Trung, Masakazu Yamade and Earl Zimmerman

    General Editors

    John A. Lapp, C. Arnold Snyder

    1. Asia: A Brief Introduction — Alle Hoekema
    2. Christianity in Asia — Alle Hoekema  
    3. The Mennonite Churches of Indonesia — Adhi Dharma
    4. The Mennonite and Brethren in Christ Churches of India — I. P. Asheervadam
    5. The Mennonite Churches in Chinese-speaking areas — Chiou-Lang (Paulus) Pan
    6. The Mennonite Church in the Philippines — Regina Lyn Mondez
    7. The Anabaptist Mennonite Churches in Japan — Masakazu Yamade
    8. Anabaptism in Korea — Kyong-Jung Kim
    9. The Mennonite Church in Vietnam — Luke Martin with Nguyen Quang Trung, Nguyen Thanh Tam and Nguyen Thi Tam
    10. Conclusion: Asian Missions as Missio Dei — Takanobu Tojo
  • Anabaptist Songs in African Hearts
    released in 2003 at the 14th global assembly in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe (also available in Spanish and French)

  • Introduction to the Updated, Online Edition (2011)

    The following online electronic resource represents my efforts over the last few years, as a student at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary (AMBS), with the sponsorship and partnership of the AMBS Mission Studies Center, directed by Walter W. Sawatsky, to update the first print edition of this work: Anabaptism and Mission: A Bibliography, 1859-2000 (Elkhart, IN: Mennonite Mission Network, 2002), compiled and edited through the tremendous and tireless efforts of Chad M. Bauman and James R. Krabill.

    Throughout the ongoing project thus far, the researching and compiling of sources was a humbling task, as the body of bibliographic materials on this subject never remains static. Not only has the project entailed updating entries of authors and sources listed in the first edition, as well new authors and scholars that have come on the scene in the first decade of the 21st century, but several more sources even from the 20th century were found and added, as the development of electronic communication and information technology has made a great deal more information and data available, even since the time of the first publication. Furthermore, the author has continued the trend of conceiving of Anabaptist as inherently broader than the mainline Mennonite denominations.


    An international dialogue between Catholics and Mennonites took place between 1998 and 2003, beginning with the theme “Toward a Healing of Memories”, and concluding with a report entitled Called Together to be Peacemakers (CTBP). In the hope that, on the basis of that dialogue, Catholics and Mennonites may together offer suggestions for the World Council of Churches’ Decade to Overcome Violence (DOV), and especially in reference to the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation (IEPC) in 2011 with which it culminates, the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and the Mennonite World Conference sponsored a brief conference 23–25 October 2007 in consultation with the DOV office. It took place at the Centro Pro Unione in Rome. As a result we now submit some theological reflections which Mennonites and Catholics, committed to overcoming violence, may affirm together as a witness to peace in the ecumenical context. We hope these reflections can be useful to others as preparation continues for the IEPC. We begin by identifying biblical and theological foundations of peace. These appear under the sub-headings of Creation, Christology, and Ecclesiology. Then follows a section on peace and discipleship. We conclude with some challenges and recommendations which might be considered as the focus of workshops at the IEPC.

  • A Culture of Peace, by Alan Krieder, Eleanor Krieder, Paulus Widjaja

  • Second Edition

    Exploring the “Shared Convictions” of Anabaptist-related churches

    by Alfred Neufeld

    Photography by Merle Good

    Introduction by César García

    Published in cooperation with Mennonite World Conference

  • This booklet contains detailed workshop descriptions. Early Afternoon Workshops run from 13:30 to 15:00 and Late Afternoon Workshops from 15:30 to 17:00. Some workshops are marked as continuing and run from 13:30 to 17:00 with a break in between.

  • A Conversation between Mennonite World Conference and the Seventh-day Adventist Church


  • Report of the International Dialogue between the Catholic Church and Mennonite World Conference 1998 – 2003